Trump Playlist
>Pres Trump remarks @ St Patricks Day 3/16/17
>Pres Trump remarks @ Friends of Ireland 3/16/17
>VP Pence swears in Dan Coats (DNI) 3/16/17
>Pres Trump on Tucker 3/15/17
>Pres Trump rally in Nashville TN 3/15/17 (RSBNiggers)
>Pres Trump remarks @ Jackson Hermitage 3/15/17
>VP Pence @ American Ireland Fund Gala 3/15/17
>Pres Trump leads roundtable with CEOs and unions 3/15/17
>The Story behind MAGA hats
>Female Trump vs Male shillary
>Tucker talks Trumpism
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story
OP pastebin:
Filter the Shills
My cat likes watching two things, bird videos and trump videos.
*strikes power chord*
*lets it hang in the air for 300 posts*
You better actually be saying "Awoo" when you awoo.
Is there a website where i could convert my good goy points? I don't quite like the rewards
From last thread, here is a nazi swastika:
>democrats want to blame and ban this
When's the next airstrikes?
Need more dead Muslims famalam
Animes not welcome
>when you call someone out on drawing something wrong and you're still wrong about it
Reminder to join your local (protestant) church. Change to the world emanates from change from within.
lmfao @ pic, good god could you imagine?
This is a buddhist swastika.
Fuck no
That looked like a woman bending over a table from the thumbnail.
Objective tv list for us early birds
Fox and Friends > Married with Children in TBS > local news > The Weather Channel > Food Network infomercials > Morning Joe
>tfw no real family or friends to lean on during hard times
All I have is you faggots...
This is a buddhist swastika
This: is a nazi swastika
This is a hindu swastika.
We are your family idiot and you're here forever
we're here for you fellow Sup Forumslack.
Anything to line their pockets, user.
I hate you, though
Thread theme: Swastika's
Post your favorite Swastika
If you draw one like
Internationally, which is more commonly known as nazi?
>constantly try to turn f&f into a meme
>simultaneously try to unmeme joe
>at the end of the day joe is still a staple of trumpgen and no one gives a shit about f&f
How must this feel?
We're all in this together
Except the CIA Niggers and Shills
Fuck them
Love you too, user.
>tfw all my life I was alone, parents at work, brother and sister off with their friends, friendless loner yourself
>if it weren't for this website, the rest of the internet would have surely corrupted you
>it's still detremental to your academic success
I wonder how it would have been if I never fixed my computer, would I have been a better person?
Not only Buddhist, also Hindu and Jainist.
So are we going to blow the fuck out of the norks?
Just drop a big fat fucking nuclear device on pyongyang already.
better is subjective.
Joe has been officially BTFO from /ptg/ forever.
>being this dumb and doubling down
You're not making any sense.
Yes, the hindu and jain one is more commonly in the reverse order of the buddhist one. They are all from the same tradition historically.
Even at evening shows like Hannity keeps shouting out to Liberal Joe.
Nobody really cares about f&f
Mulvaney is growing on me
C02 is life?
>14 YO cat passed away the first of this month
>had her since I was 5
>sometimes still think "I wonder what she up to."
>still look for her in her habitual spots out of habit
>won't ever be there
I miss her. And the house is so quiet without her.
I want to get a cat again, but I think getting one this early after wouldn't be right.
Had you not been here, Hillary would have been president. You helped save the world user. Walk with your head held high.
what did he mean by these
to plants
Forgot to post schedule:
SCHEDULE Friday March 16, 2017
9:30AM THE PRESIDENT meets with the Republican Study Committee
Oval Office
In-Town Travel Pool Spray (Final Gather 9:20AM Briefing Room Doors)"
10:00AM THE PRESIDENT leads a listening session on Veterans Affairs
Roosevelt Room
In-Town Travel Pool Spray (Final Gather 9:50AM Briefing Room Doors)"
11:20AM THE PRESIDENT welcomes Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany
West Wing Lobby
In-Town Travel Pool Spray (Final Gather 10:10AM Briefing Room Doors)"
11:30AM THE PRESIDENT meets with Chancellor Merkel
Oval Office
In-Town Travel Pool Spray (Final Gather 11:20AM Briefing Room Doors)"
11:45AM THE PRESIDENT leads a bilateral meeting with Chancellor Merkel
Oval Office
Closed Press
12:30PM THE PRESIDENT leads a roundtable discussion on vocational training with United States and German business leaders
Cabinet Room
In-Town Travel Pool Spray (Final Gather 12:20PM Briefing Room Doors)
1:20PM THE PRESIDENT and Chancellor Merkel hold a joint press conference
East Room
Pre-Credentialed Press
1:50PM THE PRESIDENT has a working luncheon with Chancellor Merkel
State Dining Room
Closed Press
4:00PM THE PRESIDENT departs the White House en route to Joint Base Andrews
South Lawn
Open Press
4:20PM THE PRESIDENT departs Joint Base Andrews en route to West Palm Beach, Florida
Joint Base Andrews
Out-of-Town Travel Pool
6:35PM THE PRESIDENT arrives in West Palm Beach, Florida
Palm Beach International Airport
Pre-Credentialed Press
Dude this is a Buddhist swastika, the one from the petersen tweet is not a Buddhist swastika.
Tfw Joe shill will disappear next week cause Joe is back at work.
Forgive me, hindu rather. Got so used to buddhist ones in hoaxes.
fuck morning kike
Trey Gowdy spoke very highly of him sometime back so I was a fan of the choice
i dont know much about him
today he seemed like an alright guy
Trump meeting with Merkel today. What will they discuss?
>math hw due in 1 hour
>don't know how to do it
Sup Forums is one furious, infighting family playing an eternal blame game.
A reflection of the entire human race.
This is your home faggot.
>cutting funding for Meals on Wheels that millions of seniors and disabled people rely on
>stuffing billions into the already over funded military
I love Trump and everything, but why would he do this?
This. Joe literally sets narratives.
Underage pls leave
There's no way this ISN'T Joe.
>Joe takes break from his show just to shill and talk about how sexy Mika is on /ptg/
Plants use it to synthesize sugar. RUBISCO is the protein that does it.
There isn't going to be a spicing today, right?
wolfram alpha + google boolean search normally works.
Apparently, Merkel is going to suck his cock and talk about the jobs that Germany provides for the US. Try to win Trump over. That's what the (((articles))) say at least.
For Israel, that's why.
Who else did a MAGA survey?
I'm in college though
but it doesnt
In my last year in school I only did my homework three times I think. Fuck homework.
Hindu ones were used as well by hitler not just the ones rotated 40° and are commonly associated as nazi swastikas as well. It's a common mistake to draw it backwards. The ones rotated are more aesthetically pleasing though of course.
Maybe he should talk about all of the military protection we provide for Germany.
Interesting, are they not taking on the immigration/refugee angle of discussion?
What'd they say
The funding of the US military needs a great deal of scrutiny when you talk about the budget.
Keep in mind, whilst the US spends multiple times more than its closest competitor, it also pays for two continents worth of military. Europe and much of Asia have been living at the expense of the United States taxpayer. The actual US military has major infrastructure problems, the state of the Nuclear Armaments is in disastrous disrepair and not updated since the Cold War.
Meals on Wheels being cut is sad tho.
What math user?
>4 page essay due in 6 hours
>not even an outline is done
>still shitposting on Sup Forums
Cars and defense spending
What's the topic?
>If Black parents don't feed their kids with the foodstamps they are given SOLELY TO FEED THEIR KIDS
>Then schools should be feeding the kids for them
Fucking retard liberals with their fucking entitlements
They implied Merkel would try to avoid that given how negative Trump has been about it.
I think that's very possible.
>measuring your essays in pages
toplel, I have 3000 words worth of Law Essays due next week and I haven't even looked at the curriculum. Been too busy keeping an eye on US politics.
>Meals on Wheels being cut is sad tho.
Then its up to people that feel sad about it to do the charity work. If you feel sad its your responsibility, its not your responsibility to force people who don't feel sad to pay the cost.
It was about the Marine sexting thing
They had Sup Forums on the screen for like 5 seconds
U.S. military could end any conflict it wanted within 6 hours if they used all assets available.
I did, in PA congressional district 17.
Seniors already get Social Security and Medicare, those two take up like 60 percent of our budget, we need to pay for their stupid TV Dinners.
Certainly if an actual nazi were to draw one, it is by far most commonly going to be a 90 degree distinct one due to the near exclusive association with nazism, no?
It is the telltale sign of a hoax when they do it.
That would be unexpectedly smart of her.
Trump is going to press her about defense spending, right? They are still not meeting goals and agreements, I believe. I would issue an ultimatum behind closed doors for EU to get spending to goals.
>Math HW is online
>cheat on it every time
>don't know what i'm doing
Go get it done user, we'll be here afterwards.
It's too early for feels this heavy.
This fucking Ezekiel Emanuel guy
I'd like to choke the mf
*Don't need
It took them 6 months to build up for the invasion of Iraq
ayy district 18 here
Trips of truth.
Comparing cinematography from the silent era and the early sound era.
Maybe I am making a big deal out of this, this user seems to have it worse >digits
You got it boss.