Holocaust denial is a mental disorder

Prove to me that the holocaust didn't happen.

Go on.

I'm waiting.

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But it did happen

How can I prove you something if there are no evidences?

Your bloodline is still kicking.

Holocaust denial is illegal in my country. If I were to try to do this, I could be arrested and imprisoned.

0.03 shekels have been deposited to your account


Post some redpills already, you niggers. Sup Forums has gotten low energy.

The Jews are still alive

That is fucking sad. What about holocaust revisionism?

(I'm a literal phoneposter btw)

Heard you can't shit post about muslims either

My race is not winning atm, therefore I'm not a jew. Specifically, I'm getting battered from all sides.

I can relate. Laws made by cucks and jews, man.

Holocaust did happen, but "11 Million" is a meme. The real number is just around 6 million give or take and any (((historian))) who tries to push the 11 million meme should be suspected

Kill yourself, around 200k died in total

The only thing I'll holocaust is that ass.

>Holocaust denial is illegal in my country. If I were to try to do this, I could be arrested and imprisoned.
The truth does not fear investigation.

I don't know, win a war and torture or coerce your enemy into admitting it was real?

Rightfully so. Hate speech is not free speech, stupid bigot.

There needs to boundaries on what you're allowed to say. Inciting hatred is literally how the Holocaust started.

Burden of proof is on you.

you might be onto something

Not when it's the mainstream narrative, apparently.

Am I still a denier if I simply think hundreds of thousands instead of millions of Jews were killed?


>many people say thing is true therefore thing must be true


No, but depending on the actual number you are historically accurate. You will still be regarded as a denier for doubting the narrative.

Burden of proof lies on the positive claim, you nigger.


As far as I know, the extent of murder/gassings is widely overblown. Most died from complications due to disease and malnutrition. Concentration camps? Certainly. Extermination camps? Debatable

Are you legit retarded or can you tell that I'm being sarcastic?



It's difficult to tell irony from invalidity.

Of course hate speech is free speech. Free speech protects unpopular speech nobody agrees with. Popular speech requires no protection.

Good read.

I will not try to convince you of anything. I want you to make up your own mind. So instead, I leave you with one question; if we are to believe the Jewish victims narrative that the Nazi were a savage, ruthless, and efficient bunch of genocidal murderers, why would such a group of monsters go through the painstaking and financially self destructive measures of capturing Jews, transporting Jews, housing Jews, clothing Jews, feeding Jews, protecting Jews, entertaining Jews, decontamining Jews, de-lousing Jews, medically providing for Jews, giving jobs training to Jews, all of this for years on end JUST to eventually incinerate them into ethnically identiable smoke soap instead of putting a bullet in their heads upon detection and let them rot in the gutter?

Okay this is why the holocaust never happened. The "holocuast" was used to get Israeli from the pity of the world. It was a lie made by the Jews to escape Europe kill the weak Jews and after the world war they saw the death camps but in reality it was a Jewish lie. As always the crafty fucking Jews tricked the world.

hell I could even buy some systemic murdering

that wasn't why the camps were originally set up though

>doesn't fall for propaganda
>has an ability to think critically
>mental disorder
Yes, many people(including op) lack the ability to think critically so we might as well call critical thinking a mental disorder.

If you followed the thread more closely you'd have caught it, though.


All the pictures suggest it was the Typhus that killed those people. The fact that they were being slaved to death is merely circumstantial

The joke's on you. I just want to spark discussion. This board is full of slide threads.

Ah fuck off. Go educate yourself. Why is that our job?

A life time of indoctrination and you come off as "It's a mental disorder", like we're going to change your very openly educated and thought provoking questions and mind.


Watch that and educate yourself

This ain't for me. This is for other newfags.

So the real holocaust happened in the 90´s?



David Irving is the one that will give you the facts without any bullshit propaganda, watch some interviews and read his books .


The holocaust is a jew lie, the zyklon B was for delousing of clothing in camps.
Fuck countries who jails people for asking questions.
The truth does not fear investigation.

> inciting hatred is how nothing happened at all
What ?


holocaust denial has a very limited scope, no serious revisionist denies every aspect of what is termed the holocaust, just specific and important details for which there is no evidence

Torture someone enough and he'll admit to anything.
Heck, you can even torture someone into admitting that he's a bird.

prove it did schlomo
also whether it did or didnt why are people so obsessing over this one particular event ?.it did or did not happen six gorillion years ago and is not relevant in any way to today .
for fuck sake you have thousands of wars,genocides and historical events that are more significant and have stronger parallels to things happening today then the holohoax if you REALLY FUCKING HAVE to do this autistic shit.


Proof: if it was real, they would give us inconfutabile proof instead of making laws that makes illegal evem talking about it or doubting a single claimed death

Researching and discussing history is not hate speech you stupid fucking cuck

How does challenging an idea be hate speech?
Afaik, the holocaust is just an idea. In fact there are more evidences pointing out that it did not happen than it did. Are you saying those evidences are hate speech as well?

You forgot your proxy, chaim.

I will deal with you soon enuff cunt.

He is a Kike shill that just dropped by to call anyone speaking some truth a bigot

i dont need proxies senpai i got like 15 access points in range, im b& on Sup Forums on like 7 of them.

Fucken smash him bro

If the holocaust falls, all else will follow.

yes. yes i will. thx bruv

Ashes and more ashes by friend

I know, i'm taking the bait because i'm bored. I don't even know why i'm on this thread.

It's easy to insult than it is to refute. You would think Jews would want the numbers to be lower and hope that more of their people would have survived. But whatever.


Because learn history please.


You can't prove a negative. You know that right?

Test question: How much Zyklon B does it take to reach LD50 for HCN for 6 million starving prisoners? Go ahead, I'll wait.

Not if I kill myself first.

>You can't prove a negative. You know that right?


Luckily for us, the claim of the "holocaust" has been proven over and over again by a magnitude of volumes of data and witness accounts.

Yes! Lolocaust was real in my mind.

Top fucking kek.

>asking people to prove a negative

Prove to me the holocaust happened. Cartoonish coerced confessions at Nuremburg are not evidence.

Of course it happened.

Genocides happen sometimes.

Jews weren't the first people to be put in camps (the Boere women and children were), and they probably won't be the last.

The important thing is that we get the fuck over it. Pissing and moaning about it like old women, generation after generation after the fact, will only get you so far before people start getting tired of the sympathy-wrangling.

Yeah I was bored too and we both shut down that faggot talk about Hate speech
Our work is done here

Exactly 6 gorillion litres, my fellow goyim.

>by a magnitude of volumes of data and witness accounts.

Many of which reference inaccurate or entirely fictitious events like crematoriums belching colored smoke and imaginary mass graves that never existed and no evidence was ever found of them.

Then answer the test question. Go ahead. How much Zyklon B? Give me a number.

Harrying of the North, The Normans need to pay repartions.

I believe in holocaust (talks with grandparents), but I also beliefe that a lot of the stuff is faked.
One example:
There were photos of jews being freed from KZs, showing how thin they were from not having enough food and stuff.
But: The photos were from summer, but there weren't even leaves on the trees (photo was made right after or right before winter).
They sometimes use fake pics to make it look even worse, which is why some people refuse to believe in the whole thing.

Agreed. Mistakes happen.

That doesnt disprove the entire event.

You need to look at the bigger picture m8.

Ofcourse most of its exaggerated, but numbers dont lie. The nazi government killed 6 million Russian POWs, 6 million Jews and 1 million political dissidents, gays, roma, poles etc...

This isnt some debatable discussion, this is historical fact.

There are three types of people who believe in the Holocaust: the first are those who are invested in it and who stand to profit, financially, socially, or politically, from its lies; the second are those who are completely ignorant of the facts, and have merely heard about it stated as fact; the third are those who know better but are afraid of the violence with which the lie of the Holocaust is enforced. Those who fall into none of those three categories will likely enjoy Victor Thorn's latest book, The Holocaust Hoax Exposed: Debunking the Twentieth Century's Greatest Lie.

Look it up, Im not your fucking secretary. Its all available information, if you actually bothered to read BOOKS and not just watch 10 minute youtube videos.

You guys do know that the number six is sacred to Jews right?

That's why they are so adamant about the six million thing. To them, the "fact" that SIX million Jews died is confirmation for some spooky prophetic omen about them being "chosen" by God. You can't take away the six million thing from them, they won't let you, even if the facts are against them. It has to be six because of the big spooky mystical story that they want to believe about themselves.

> Proof
Michael Jackson

Hate speech is free speech, you dumb snownigger. The point of free speech is allowing anyone to say anything regardless of how popular it is

If you look up those words you literally get nothing.
Also, 10 minutes?
This is a 2 part documentary that debunks those (((books)))

I have. I have studied the issue and all of the forensic data suggests there was no "Holocaust" as commonly understood.

Yes, Jews were put in work camps and many died due to appalling conditions. However, there was no program of mass extermination.

There simply not the forensic evidence. It doesn't exist. The burden of proof is on you. Show me the data.

Burden of evidence is on the person making the claim against the status quo.

The status quo is that nothing ever happened in the history of the universe. You have to prove to me that something did happen.

Also you faggots need to define holocaust. Is the holocaust much 6 gorillian jews being gassed and cremated?

Or is the holocaust the persecution of Jews?

Or is the Holocaust more of an idea?

>That doesnt disprove the entire event.

What it does do is cast every single piece of information around the "event" into doubt. Frankly I'd wave my hand at literally any Nazi murder of Russians since the Russians literally slaughtered any of their own people who didn't cooperate with the party. Fuck commies.

>this is historical fact

No, historical fact is that people died in internment camps. You might as well say that MSF genocided Africans in 2014 because 59% of all the people they treated fucking died.

I will not buy a single fucking claim that the Holocaust actually happened. Want to know why? Because the entire thing is a narrative to demonize Germans.

You go put a few hundred thousand people in camps, fight an eight year long war, and see how many of them you can keep from dying of starvation and syphilis. Tip: It's pretty easy for all of your prisoners to die when your camp doesn't get provisions for six months thanks to the Allied Invasion.

fucking phone poster kys

Sent from my iPhone

See this is were it gets difficult without ad hominems. You simply lack the academic background to understand why 2 fucking videos are irrelevant when compared to millions of pages of academically peer-reviewed books and essays from acclaimed historians and scholars.

Its the sad truth, but Sup Forums doesnt understand history or how academia works.

This is the problem. Most people think that people who "deny the holocaust" say it didn't happen. It did happen, just not the extent to which the Jews say it did. There are worst geneocides in human history, but at least in America, you are told that the Holocaust was the worst thing. The Jews automatically call you antisemetic and a Nazi for calling them out on it. Pic related.


>I have studied the issue and all of the forensic data suggests there was no "Holocaust" as commonly understood.

Please be joking.

>What it does do is cast every single piece of information around the "event" into doubt.

Nope, you dont understand how history works.

>I will not buy a single fucking claim that the Holocaust actually happened.

And? Noone cares. It happened, get over it.

We all hate how the Jews and Israel use the holocaust as a moral scapegoat to do whatever they want politcally, but that doesnt change history.

Please educate yourselves guys, this is embarrassing.