Based encounters

ITT: We post based encounters where we saw other peiple get btfo

>sitting in bus, commuting to university
>sand negress is talking on her phone
>she is literally yelling into her phone in her weird ape language
>passengers left and right roll their eyes in annoyance
>woman suddenly starts a skype conference on her phone and now we can listen to the rest of her tribe talk out of the phone which is on full volume
>people are visibly getting upset but we are Germancucks so nobody dares to speak up
>suddenly an old man stands up walk to the woman and yells into her ear
>"Oy! Can you people practise your magic spells another time? This isn't Harry Potter Express!"
>woman is awestruck and shuts her phone off and leaves the bus at the next stop
>mfw that old guy went back to his seat and received various thumbs up from the passengers as he passed by

>german idea of "pwnd"
some old fart says something in public
god damn u germans and ur retarded autism
go be passive aggressive someplace else

Should have pulled her face rugs off on conference.
Those other muslims would have to kill her for that

Holy shit Germans are cucked.

Germany in a nutshell, the old dying generation with some last shreds of pride in civilisation try and help while beta cucks watch in silence

Just because you degenerate fucks would have instead started a rapetrain followed by the collective consumption of each others feces with vodka does not mean that watching an old fuck upset a mudslime to the brink of tears is a bad thing

Higher percentage European than you, Turkestan.

Why russians know how to deal so well with muslims?

15%? Did you guys managed to integrate the unintregrable?

They have a lot of empty space and a military underclass ready to kill for 300 rubles and some tobacco

You're quite brave to speak up Japan 2.0.
Go back gurgling some Fosters with your aboriginal overlords you prime example of cuck-supporters

Not good enough hanz.
You're beta as fuck and even tge based grampa is way too soft.

The muslims on whole new level, you dont talk nicely to savages. Remember saying about playing chess with a pidgeon?
Do you know how you WIN the pidgeon chess?
You take a bigger shit on the board and fucking break it in two so the dumb fucking animal can see whos the boss!

Save niceness for someone who's worth it.

>8 months ago
>In county jail for some bullshit I did not do.
>The cell is a large room with 30 bunk beds, holds 60 people
>One night someone wakes up and screams "AWWWW HELL NAW" and wakes everyone up
>A faggot black guy and some faggot Cuban were sucking each other off while everyone was asleep
>About half the prisoners took turns beating the shit out of them
>Guards didn't even come in to help them because the guards were tired of those 2 faggots fagging it up every day
>They get beat to a bloody pulp
>Next morning guards are coming around asking people what they saw
>One based black dude came up with a bullshit story about how he woke up and caught them stealing stuff from other prisoners
>We all just ran with it
>2 days later I go to court and get all my charges dropped and leave jail with a squeaky clean record and get compensated for lost wages and get rehired at work

Fucking nazi. I'm literally shaking right now.

Wrong Asian country dipshit, we Chinese now
We subjugated our browns 200 years ago, seems like you're inviting millions into your home

Ours are too stupid to read and die out in the desert, the niggers you chose are a bit different.
Remind me again, when was your last axe attack? I lost count some time in 2016

>Did you guys managed to integrate the unintregrable?
Well I think We integrated them as good as they can possibly be.

Family, this thread is now about bullying Germany.

Do you slavcucks even know what pidgeons are? I assume any living organism there would flash freeze to an iceblock the moment it becomes airborne.

The United Caliphates of Germanistan are way past the point of no return Vladimir. This ship is sinking and all you can do right now is sit down and watch the liberal cucks trample themselfes to death. At least I go out with a chuckle

>>"Oy! Can you people practise your magic spells another time? This isn't Harry Potter Express!"

damn that guy is based as

I swear to god, Bogan. One more word and I will deploy the Emus.

>Calling someone cuck

Have you seen yourself? Krauts have no rights to call anyone a cuck. Specially a slav

p-p-please not the emus Hans

You were warned bogan! The wrath of the flock shall strike you with the force of a thousand talons