What? An important person has connections?
I am shocked.
STFU! It doesn't support our narrative! So it must be taken down!
>Key Democratic Officials Now Warning Base Not to Expect Evidence of Trump/Russia Collusion
You can stop now
Flynn is already gone. I think you've run out of dirt. Drip, drip,.......
He resigned though, probably when they found out. It's not right, but he didn't just get away with it, he's gone.
Also didn't Hillary do exactly the same thing?
Paid for what?
You didn't even bother to post a fucking link.
>Google Washington post Flynn
Was that so hard?
Fake news
If you're gonna make a thread about something then put some fucking effort into it instead of smashing on your capslock key like an absolute retard.
>Where do you think you are?
I was imitating Trump supporters on twitter and even Trump (president of the Retards) who often speak in caps, thank you for showing me that I did a good job with my imitation
>probably when they found out
Trump knew he was an agent of Turkey long before he resigned, he only resigned after the media found out. Likely the same with this. How is Trump going to explain why he allowed Flynn to stay so long despite knowing he was being paid by Russians and Turkish officials without signing off as a foreign agent?
>has connections
>being paid by foreign entities to do things
Pick one
Strange that you have a new ID all of a sudden.
Is it your first day on the job?
I agree that going to the conclusion that Trump directly colluded with Russia is a bit much right now, but given the fact that 6 people directly tied to his campaign have direct ties to Russia, even if there isn't direct collusion that Trump orchestrated, there is corruption and obvious Russian influence in our WH. The fact that so many people have lied about meetings or the contents of the meetings says that there's something there, even if it's not collusion, so an investigation is good for both sides to see what's going on.
>Russia-related entities
wow it's nothing
I am on my phone
libtard, pls
is trump idiot or evil genius? make up your mind
Sure you are, buddy.
The funny thing is, i don't even care if he is friendly with russia! I like russia!
>muh Russia
Who cares?
Russia and Israel are the allies that America needs right now. Trump can see this, he is a very smart man.
Lesson in persuasion: Dont make yourself completely untrustworthy as a Democrat party and then expect people to believe the shit you say.
You steal money from me. If Russians helped murder Hillary then Im ok with that
What's a Russia related entity?
Like, what does that mean?
>Russia hacked the election! See! Look at the report!
>evidence is only RT doing more negative stories on Hillary
>Russia-related entities paid Flynn! See! Look at the connection!
>it's literally just RT again, literally
What's next? Someone in the Trump campaign was looking at RT on their iPad?
>whatabout Hillary
and those same people visited hillary 12 times in the last year
Your point being?