Hello Ahemed enjoying the Norway?
mudshit detected
>Why does this shit happen every single time an animal is involved?
Because despite it being an animal with the intelligence of a 2 year old, it's still some how more friendly, capable and intelligent than a majority of the worlds shit slinging """people"""
People secretly absolutely hate each other. But see animals as innocents.
Because only a faggot subhuman would shoot a doggo. Unless of course the dog attacked you or your family or something
Normies are hypocrites, virtue signal about muh animals n sheeeeit, yet they continue to use anima; products.
Really makes me think.
He was just an innocent little pupper...
Meanwhile the majority goes back home and eats a steak deriving from an animal that had lived under worse conditions than the animals they complain about.
So what? I like white people I hate niggers. I hate cats and I love dogs and I eat steak
As long as it is served all nice and cut up and ready to be cooked or consumed.
Don't think would give a shit if they were forced to hunt for their food.
Yeah, people eating meat is exactly the same as a dog being needlessly shot. You need to be 18 to post here, Ahmed.
>dog murdered because 10,000 people are delayed by hours, causing them and their associates/families financial strain by no choice of their own
>pig is murdered so 10 people can eat for one day
If you decide nigs and muslims for being violent and wantonly cruel, you should stop eating meat. If you want to be a special pleading hypocrite fatass, don't disguise it.
White people > domestic animals
> Asian people > livestock > wild animals > spics > insects > Jews > niggers
>their associates/families financial strain by no choice of their own
Yeah, I'm sure all the passengers are living pay check to pay check now after the whole dog fiasco you silly cunt. "A bloo bloo bloo the dog wouldn't let us near it", it was a 10 month year old sniffer dog just pick the little bastard up and carry it away.
>pig is murdered so 10 people can eat for one day
It's called living? Are you dense? I hope for the sake of your own intelligence that this is a bait thread.
The order of superiority goes like this:
Whites>dogs>Asians>niggers and everyone else
Cool logic
If life was as neatly black and white, Sup Forums would be thrilled. I'm not a vegetarian, and I do use products that were tested on animals - but I eat meat once every two weeks or so, and from a reasonable source. I don't use cosmetics that were tested on animals, but I can't entirely avoid medicine (though I take very little of it).
There's no such thing as guilty by very distant association. Not to mention you can be a complete douchebag and still virtue signal - like probably 80% of Sup Forums.
I can easily sympathize with most animals, even over people, because they are inherently innocent. They are largely incapable of making a moral/immoral choice, and very few of them have even a semblance of a moral system.
I don't think it's hate, I think it's tension and exhaustion. A dog won't judge you, you don't have to prove yourself to a dog. There's something to be said about therapy animals, too.
so new zealand authorities were so retarded they couldnt use a control pole or raw meat or a tranq gun? wow new zealand really is retarded.
its trainer and handler should absolutely lose their jobs. a police dog is a serious fucking job that requires the animal be properly fucking trained and they have obviously failed and in doing so have jeopardized the publics safety
People feels for animals, children and old people because they are helpless
But yea, pathetic police
Yhy does everybody care about the lives of animals? I really don't care and I never understood the obsession.
Not sure what sort of third world shit hole you live in but you can find and eat steaks that dont come from horrible places. In fact, if you live in the first world (excluding USA), the government actively bans such practices.
the meme of eating animal products means you are just as bad as an animal abuser or that you support animal abuse is legitimately retarded. you must been incredibly unintelligent to draw a connection between these things. livestock can absolutely be raised in humane conditions and for a profit, its just terrible human beans like those with no empathy would rather maximise profits at the expense of the animals quality of life