Russia's current law is that homosexuality is allowed but no propaganda relating to it is allowed.
Essentially, you can be a faggot but nobody is required to give a shit.
Good enough law?
Russia on faggotry
> nobody is required to give a shit
> everyone gives a shit when questioned
"muh morals muh ethic i h8 fags n shiet"
In the closet, where it belongs..
They allowed uncut version of the most recent "Beauty and the beast". No gay propaganda here, goys. Fucking kill me.
>Russia's current law is that homosexuality is allowed but no propaganda relating to it is allowed.
You're an idiot, and here's why. Gay/trans whatever propaganda is not allowed in cases where minors are involved. It's the same shit that UK had until 2003 in schools. Things like gays holding hands on the streets is not propaganda, etc.
The maximum penalty for individuals is some relatively small administrative fine. But I remember how fucking EU/US MSM was brainwashing people from summer 2003 till February 2004 that it is illegal to be gay in Russia. With literally fucking CNN saying that while Obama was there on some saturday show.
from summer 2013 till 2014*
Nah, I believe in free speech because without an objective moral standard on speech people can silence you because you offended them too.
> I'm fiscally conservative and culturally Marxist
oh no, the gays! kill yourself
I like. it seems fair.
>free speech is marxist
So allow free speech for ISIS and pdophiles
Yeah it's in cinemas already, just tagged 16+
Medinsky said "nothing really breaks that law"
>doesn't understand what speech is
> can't make a rebuttal
Yes, I have no problems with fags or any other sexual deviants until they start harping on about how gay they are and everyone must know, stopping it at this phase is essential for preventing the gibs me dat SJW scourge that currently exists in the US.
>Yes, I have no problems with fags or any other sexual deviants until they start harpin
I just tend to avoid gay people whether they are quiet or not about it. I mean, imagine smoking a blunt with a queer and having them pass it to you after hitting it with them dick-sucking lips
>So allow free speech for ISIS and pdophiles
>thinks this is a rebuttal
Other thread was kill. Guess I'll just post randomly until it takes off again.
Fags are just special and need to be protected.
Actual offensive speech should be banned right burger?
I bet you don't smoke with girls either then?
Do you really believe this?
Not unless I'm laying pipe on them if you know what I mean (sexual relations)
Fuck off, dumb faggot kike
I understand that you just really like the fags. Especially having them promote their lifestyle in public places like schools and publicly funded media and you're against having private media companies from showing an age warning when it comes to fag related material. Everything that existed before 2005 in the West was anti-free speech and and anti fag thank god for Obama and social progress
Same. Except blunts are for filthy niggers
It is, the worst part about flagrant homosexuality are the parades and propaganda.
Yeah in effect its the same as making homosexuality illegal. Everyone knows you can't actually police a bedroom, point is to keep them in the closet
I hear you senpai I like joints too, blunts just burn slower and stay lit longer than j's in the wind
What if you never found out? You burgers eat all sorts of shit that was manufactured in dirty environments by low-wage immigrant workers who probably don't wash their hands before butchering your meat or loading the chicken goop to be made into nuggets, and yet you eat that shit up like it's edible diamonds. Out can ask what-ifs till your blue in the face but that fact is you very likely ate fast food that a worker literally poured their sweat into, or probably even spit in.
Yes. We do. If their ideas are really so ridiculous they'll be laughed out of any free debate on the subjects.
Homosex should be for straight men only.
What are you a little bitch or something
I thought Russians were supposed to be manly
You telling me you won't take a bite out of this bad boy because maybe somebody sweated on it once upon a time before it got cooked
Is that true?
What was the fucking point of making that law if they're not going to use it? This is retarded.
Good enough. You don't see me throwing a parade just because how straight I am and how much I love tits and ass. Although, we should actually have a straight parade with lots of titties flopping around. :D
Look, I might be from the butthurt belt and I hate the eternal russki with a passion, but he is right, homosexuality is degenerate and shouldn't be propagated.
but then again, if we had a straight parade the feminists and liberal cucks would cry chauvinism. We can't win with those double standard below 50 IQ people.
Our country has something called the FDA. It isn't 1910 anymore.
I'm a tranny and you're still the biggest faggot I've ever seen.
I ain't seen the movie but I imagine there's no fucc and that at the end of the movie after belle rejects him he settles for his bitch boi that obsesses over him.
Yeah he said no gay propaganda in the cartoon
>9 мap. 2017 г. - Mиниcтp кyльтypы Bлaдимиp Meдинcкий зaявил, чтo в фильмe «Кpacaвицa и чyдoвищe» пpизнaкoв гeй-пpoпaгaнды нe выявлeнo.
It is actually. You fail to realize it´s not economically or even morally relevant to hunt them all down. You let them be but shame them openly so they don´t get friends, especially young one, which they can corrupt. Also NEVER let them adopt or anything like that, as sadly many of them are gay due to abuse or mental issues / actual pedos.
Let them fuck eachother but yeah, count on Aids increasing if you let anyone stay live, as they will fuck women or even have wifes at the same time.
You can't make this shit up.
Yet here we are with homosexual pimps in the Army
she's so hot
Problem with many laws in Russia is vague definitions. What is "propaganda" of homosexualism? If i repost picture with 2 chicks kissing each other will it be prpaganda of homosexualism?
Killing for any other reason than self-defence is barbaric. Gays existed since the first peepee in butt and have continued to remain prevalent. Person can be a gay, but they most conduct themselves accordingly: contain their flamboyance if so, no gay acts in public, no imposing on children. It's all good as long as they make themselves presentable aka difficult to distinguish from a normal person and they can for sure do whatever in their privacy.
>imagine smoking a blunt
you're already degenerate, join fags in the oven
It was labeled 16+ instead of 12 and less.
Pic-related got 5000 rub fine
>homosexuality is not a perversion, hockey on grass and ballet on ice are
If you do online "propaganda" fines are higher 50k-100k rubs
why faggots hate field hockey and figure skating?
>repost picture with 2 chicks kissing each other
No, this is 100% NOT propaganda, unless you complement it with a text which is