How do I convert from Atheism to Christianity? I find it really difficult to believe in God & an afterlife.
How do I convert from Atheism to Christianity? I find it really difficult to believe in God & an afterlife
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Trump won
You can't take the blue pill now, you stupid faggot.
Do you legitimately believe in god?
I was raised Christian but eventually I became an atheïst because no matter how hard I tried I simply couldn't convince myself any of it was real and I felt like staying a christian even tho I don't believe in the bible as a factual history book would basically be an insult against all christians.
Kind of like these white people who claim to be native americans because one of their colonist ancestors raped this native once
You dont convert from atheism to a cult since atheism is nit a cult you dumb retard.
Cant tell if christcuck larping as an atheist or fedora pretending to be the former.
In either case, gas yourself.
Atheist fags are coming out in full force thanks to your pic, OP.
Christianity is true but you need to look for the answers. Christanons on here are actually pretty helpful. Go through old threads about Christianity.
>I find it really difficult to believe in God & an afterlife.
Kill yourself and find out.
I don't think you can.
Just learn all the useful things you can from Christianity and apply them to your life, you don't have to believe in God to get useful shit from religion.
you have to learn to stop thinking and just believe stupid shit on faith. good luck
When a Athiest uses the "sky daddy meme" do you take it seriously?
That God is a invisible man in the clouds? Or something more?
It's interesting if you ever broach the subject of us living in a artificial reality, people will more then happily have a pleasant, and vigorous conversation with you.... But mention the "G" word and they'll either shutdown or freak out.
Not everything in material rationalism is as it seems.... Especially when you take their conclusions to the end.
Just become an adherent to Kek.
Daily miracles of digits. It is the superior religion.
You have to somehow be able to lie to yourself or have a mental illness, try severe trauma to the head.
It not really hard once you reject a materialist view of the universe
Then going from a higher power created the big bang to the bible is 100% true is not a large leap
You need to find a way to lower your IQ, try taking too much crack and heroin, all the cokehead bums on the street outside the city seem to be Christian.
Practice Christianity.
Follow the tenets, engage in the ceremonies and sermons, pray and do good works.
I believe a few manuals by certain monks/saints may be of use. There is one popular with Catholics with meditations, visualizations and daily practices- sadly I can't remember the name or the author atm, if it comes to me I'll pop back and tell you.
Faith is a process of transformation, a journey, seldom do people just suddenly out of the blue switch.
>forcing yourself to believe something you're smart enough to know is bullshit
why, OP?
Acquire a terminal illness.
People who have access to the internet in the year 2017 should know better than to have faith.
Good luck, it's kinda tough.
Even tho there's no way to prove that a deity doesn't exist, I don't believe this is how you can start the personal conversion process.
For me, I'd look into the various good effects of religion on people ( sexual morality, temperance, self control, community and empathy for people). It's true that you could easily be atheist and have these virtues, but these virtues can be shown to be much more common to religious people.
Maybe go to church or mass until you become accustomed to the culture of the religion.
>People who have access to the internet in the year 2017 should know better than to have faith.
Wow it's almost as if the Bible told me people would think that in the end times, when I read it for the first time, 20yrs
before the internet even existed.
Its a story book.
After you become an Atheist (not by rebellion, but through sincere inner searching and logic) then there is no turning back
Now I want to be religious again but I feel like im role playing a meme. seriously
Yeah, pretty incredible story, predicting the future
an all.
yeah it has succesfully predicted the end of the world countless times now, jesus has also come back and the earth definetly is flat.
cherry picking much?
The Quran has also predicted things, why dont you believe it too?
Read the bible and go to a traditional church that has a choir and organist.
Try going from atheism to agnosticism first, then from agnosticism to christianity
Atheism is not nearly as logically sound as the fedoras make it out to be. Get more into philosophy. Materialist rationalism which most fedoras used is based on accepting some unprovable axioms like that you should rely primarily on empirical evidence and repeatable findings. Which isn't a terrible assumption to make, it's just by no means the only one you can make.
Since you only have one perspective in this life, you can choose to believe everything you perceive is real, and that a lack of proof that what you perceived happened, doesn't mean what you perceived wasn't real, in fact it's more real than empirical evidence you trust is accurate mostly on faith in others. Taking the agnostic pill is mostly about having more faith that what you experienced really happened.
Jordan Peterson is a good 101 to these concepts if you don't know where to start.
he already is an agnostic, like everyone here is.
You dont even know what atheism and agnosticism are, they are not mutually exclusive.
If one would invent a religion, filling in ''hey you should fight harder once most people realize it's bullshit'' is exactly what I'd personally do. For obvious reasons.
It's probably impossible to start believing in God if one has become an atheist. Maybe brain damage could do it.
i'd love to see me some of them predictifications
i actually suggested severe trauma to the head in my first post, but choking yourself could do it, maybe half drowning.
>yeah it has successfully predicted the end of the world countless times now
Yeah no, only once, surrounding an event that has not happened yet. You'd know that if you had read it.
>earth definitely is flat
Wow, the bible has metaphors, imagine that
>The Quran has also predicted things
none of which have come to fruition
If I hear this semantic argument I've been hearing for over a decade one more time I'm going to go shoot up a school.
There is DEFINITELY a difference between agnostic and atheist. Atheists take an affirmative stance we should assume god does not exist while admitting agnostically they cannot disprove god unless they're brainlets.
Agnostics take an affirmative stance we should not assume god does not exist.
That is the difference between the labels. STFU, you are not the first person to bring up this point, you will not be the last, and you're wrong. I do not know any agnostics that take an affirmative stance we should assume god does not exist, or any atheists that take an affirmative stance god does exist.
If you don't believe then why the fuck are you trying to become Christian?
Anyways OP, once you become agnostic it's easier to see god in things like the bible.
It's not even so much what's in the bible that's godly, it's watching christians go forth and multiply, spread themselves across the world, do good deeds, and be inspired.
You start to wonder how a book can inspire people to do such things, and that's, that's when you can start finding god.
Strangely, those "metaphors" aren't interpreted as such until science discovers and proves that a literal interpretation would be moronic. Only then metaphors happen.
so yeah, basically cherry picking, thanks for clarification.
Maybe you should just realise that words can mean different things? Where the fuck have you gotten those definitions from anyway, i've never heard them before.
Its like you invented your own language where words mean different things.
Let me get this straighter for you than any dictionary ever will
Atheist = we know god doesn't exist (BRAINLET)
Agnostic atheist = We don't know if god exists or not, we should assume he doesn't.
Agnostic = We should take no stance on if god exists or not
Agnostic theist = We don't know if god exists, but should assume he does.
Theist = We know god exists
That is what people mean when they say those things.
Religion in general is the cancer of humanity
>Where the fuck have you gotten those definitions from anyway, i've never heard them before.
Are you high? Stay on your meds Finfag
I got those definitions from the people that used those labels. I studied the language people used over a decade of exposure to people talking about religion.
The only people who ever say "Well every atheist is an agnostic :DDDDD" are invariably agnostic atheists that think they're making a clever point when they're retards.
You're just stupid.
Educate yourself and you'll see.
>Strangely, those "metaphors" aren't interpreted as such until science discovers
Literally bullshit. I dont know anyone in the Christian world who interpreted "the firmament" as a flat object.
Agnosticism is better
No, you're still missing it all.
Agnosticism isn't mutually-exclusive nor a middle-man.
>Agnostics take an affirmative stance we should not assume god does not exist.
Atheists don't inherently assume God does not exist -- some take that stance, others don't.
Atheism is merely a lack of belief in a deity/God. I'm an Atheist, for example, and there very well could be a God, I'm just not religious or believe in one.
Agnosticism doesn't deal with belief: it deals with knowledge. Epistemology and ontology are different realms and you'd be wise to learn the differences.
no i wouldnt say every atheist is agnostic, it would be retarded to be a gnostic atheist, but we both know there are retards.
When i (and every person who calls themselves an atheist i've ever heard of which is quite a few) use the word atheist we mean "someone who does not believe in a god" and agnostic is "someone who doesnt claim to know" or "someone who believes we cannot know for certain". As you can propably see, the terms are not mutually exclusive and a LOT closer to dictionary definitions than what you use.
>how do I bluepill myself
I suggest lead
Also, self proclaimed "Atheists" are almost always "Agnostic atheists".
Also, people that start semantic arguments about agnosticism are, 100%, without exception, I literally have never seen one exception in a decade, agnostic atheists.
Atheist here, who also appreciates Christianity.
Who gives a fuck? There are atheist moral systems that are great. Objectivism comes to mind (although most Objectivist groups are cucked, the moral system is sound).
If you want to be Christian for familial reasons, just say you believe and go through the motions.
1st law of thermodynamics brah
Built the best culture of all time brah
Kept the Jews out brah
Within a gen of leaving it everything went to shit brah
>How do I convert from Atheism to Christianity? I find it really difficult to believe in God & an afterlife.
If you're truly interested then dont just tackle the whole concept as at once. Start with understanding what faith is. Then move to teaching yourself how to be humble. From there find a good church and just start going, no pressure, feel the community out and see if its for you. God obviously gave you a sign, its time for you to choose him at your pace.
i can see why, they dont want to get misrepresented and are often victims to strawman fallacies.
in other words, they know their shit.
Convert to a religion with an active god that gives a shit about his followers, join the cult of Kek or Ebolachan instead. Don't worry about the afterlife because the reality of it is too absurd for humans to understand.
Just start prayin
Definitely a gnostic atheist. Strong Atheist in the Dawkins parlance (fuck him).
But given how cucked most atheists are, I'd rather see modern, cucked Sta-Atheism die, and will not offer any defense in public.
Of course Yahwe is not an old guy in the sky. Silly man.
He's a desert deity of awesome power. One that gets really angry and jealous when you mention Baal, the desert deity of the next door village.
I have to say... Sometimes I actually wished that I could honestly take a faith.
Then I remember Cthulhu.
And Cthulhu and God sits in the same place in my head...
Both exist somewhere, both are totally meaningless.
Like the magical alien dwarf that was there.
And the Malkavian hive mind...
And any other madness that comes from Cthulhu mostly.
there's a video of BlackPigeon speaking about how most japanese people are atheists but they still practice religious traditions as a way to keep society together, that made sense to me so that's why I've decided to be let's say catholic in terms of culture, this could be a hint to you.
Most atheists can never get past the "sky daddy" meme. Listen to some of Jordan Peterson's stuff and you'll find the concept of God runs deep in the human spirit. You will always make something your God therefore try and make that thing good instead of something self destructive.
Isiah 45
“This is what the Lord says to his anointed,
to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of
to subdue nations before him
and to strip kings of their armor,
to open doors before him
so that gates will not be shut:
2 I will go before you
and will level the mountains[a];
I will break down gates of bronze
and cut through bars of iron.
3 I will give you hidden treasures,
riches stored in secret places,
so that you may know that I am the Lord,
the God of Israel, who summons you by name.
4 For the sake of Jacob my servant,
of Israel my chosen,
I summon you by name
and bestow on you a title of honor,
though you do not acknowledge me.
It's literally about Trump
All the world's problems started when first the Romans appropriated your religion. Then the Arabs appropriated your religion too. Then things got really interesting. The last 2000 years in a nutshell.
sorry but you can´t, if you want to be christian you must be with God in all aspects in your life.
I thought about it.
I've also seen Shinto, and... There's something simple and beautiful about it.
You can respect it, regardless of faith.
Thing about Christianity and Judaism and Abrahamic religions in general though...
They require actual faith.
I feel like a fake if I try to appear on those things.
Also... These faiths tends to have a stigma against those not actually believing in them...
I can't lie to myself...
Neither can I lie to others, which actually hold faith in those things.
It's disrespectful.
This. The most ardent defenders of individualism are theists. And most atheists are collectivist (save Objectivists).
Peterson uses god as a tool to explore the human condition.
Basically man,
Self proclaimed "Atheists" almost always take a stronger stance on the non-existance of god than self proclaimed "Agnostics".
It is hard for agnostic atheists to really understand how a pure agnostic thinks, which is the mindset I am in right now. Theists get much less confused about what agnosticism is than agnostic atheists/atheists who are always the ones who get it fucking wrong. Mostly because agnostic atheists are brainlets.
Agnostics vary a lot, but here's my standpoint. There is no reason to assume god exists, and no reason to assume god doesn't exist. If I think through one philosophical mindset, I have to assume he does exist, if I think through another, I have to assume he doesn't, but I'm unsure about which philosophy is the correct one. I believe in the arguments of agnostic theism and agnostic atheism simultaniously. I am literally a pure agnostic.
When I say you should move from atheism to agnosticism, I'm using shorthand, which triggers people who seemingly almost intentionally pretend to not know what I mean by that, when I'm clearly, clearly at least saying somebody should start being less atheistic. The only people who ever pretend to not know what I mean, at least vaguely, are agnostic atheists.
A self proclaimed "Atheist" and "Agnostic" take different positions. This is what I'm trying to press. Those two labels don't mean the same thing. We use two different shorthand labels to describe two different things.
Agnostic Atheists always try to argue the two labels are the same, because they use both labels, but they're wrong, and should just call themselves atheists, and eveybody will know what they mean.
If it is a false theistic narrative than where does this guilt come from?
I'm an atheist in that I don't believe there's a magical sky guy with superpowers. But I'm a Christian in that I know there is a spirit and I know that there is a purpose for all the incredibly numerous facets of life on Earth.
Don't think of God as a physical entity. Realize that the concept is a metaphor for moral perfection and that "He" was created in a time where we needed some kind of stitching to hold the fabric of civilization together. For me, I believe that God is beauty and truth which is analogous to science and nature. When you understand the value of life and all its wonder, the reasons for a God will be clear to you. I recommend that you get into some good literature and look at things through the perspective of the ancients that we can credit for modern thought.
I mean, how exactly am I supposed to talk about my position, pure agnosticism, when atheists constantly try to argue "NO I AM THE AGNOSTIC" giving me literally zero labels to describe myself because atheists want to have the labels of atheist, agnostic atheist, and agnostic to describe themselves?
I'm a Christian. Just go to Church every Sunday, join a bible study, learn about the miracles of the Bible, and also the miracles not in the Bible (Fatima and the other saint miracles). I am disappointed in Sup Forums, the only way to revive western civilization is to revive Christendom. The problem with the birthrates is materialism and selfishness, God almighty is the only way to end that mindset.
That's because they don't exist numbnuts
Atheists are just like "I am more agnostic too! I assume god doesn't exist doesn't make me any less of an agnostic!"
No, you are less pure agnostics than actual agnostics. You don't get to hijack our fucking word.
Pic related, google definition, see highlighted portion, notice how agnostic atheists aren't true fucking agnostics.
Irrelevant. If you're going through the motions, you're facilitating all the societal utility of religion.
Actual belief is not important. Look to Roman state religion. They didn't give two shits if you believed it or not.
I'd argue the exact opposite is true. Pragmatism is the root of civilization. Take that away with arguments of what's morally right and the destructive ideas of equality and social justice creep in.
you can be honest and tell people what you believe/dont believe without using ANY labels. By both of our definitions we are in the same boat, you call it pure agnosticism while i call it agnostic atheism, the labels dont matter, your beliefs do.
Thats all i really want from people, honesty.
The more you bang on about this, the less convincing your argument becomes.
How do the ACTIONS (not words) of an agnostic and an atheist differ, other than agnostics are apparently even more insufferable in internet debates?
The morals of Christianity compel idiots to become productive members of society. If you see the value of being a good person, a productive member of society, kind, loving, righteous, etc, you don't really need religion. But in order for the lesser capable people to comport to good behaviour religion is necessary. I was raised Christian, but left the church because the facts didn't add up, but I see now that the morals can be followed without actually believing in the dogma.
Please watch:
and the first 30 minutes of this:
Don't, religion is a cult
The only true way to know if God exists is to die and find out.
The best thing to do is to approach The Bible as if you never heard of it, read it, etc. It is an ancient collection of works with a central narrative woven all throughout. John Walton, David Lamb along with The Book Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes by Brandon O'Brien and E. Randolph Richards will help the OT not seem so strange(Ancient Near East had a lot more in common with Japan in terms of honor/shame systems than Western guilt culture). For the New Testament, I would argue there are more resources and I would recommend writers like Mike Licona,Ben Witherington,NT Wright.
Ultimately, it is a heart issue. Studying can help make things a bit more clear,but it comes down to what is in your heart and that's where the relationship aspect comes in.
Hope this helps and good hunting.
Thats kinda true. Once you get to the point of atheism (not agnostic) then there really is no return.
Op, are you sure you choose the right god out if the 5000?
Read this, it doesn't go over all of the evidence, but it makes a compelling argument and provides evidence to back it
Being a Christian
1. Get Bible
2. Read Bible
3. Understand Bible
4. Goto '2'
>By both of our definitions we are in the same boat, you call it pure agnosticism while i call it agnostic atheism, the labels dont matter, your beliefs do.
I am NOT an Agnostic Atheist. This is really the point I wanted to get to.
When you say that atheist agnostics are agnostics, you're saying I'm taking the same position as atheist agnostics. I am not. I am taking a fundamentally different position.
Notice how dictionaries DO NOT AGREE with your definition of agnostic, because your definition of agnostic is wrong.
Somebody who is willing to say we should assume god does not exist, or god probably does not exist, or similar, really doesn't understand agnosticism and the flaws in that line of argument. Agnosticism is NOT agnostic theism or agnostic atheism, it is an affirmative position in itself, it affirms not just the unknowability of gods existence, but more broadly, that we SHOULDN'T take a stance god does or does not exist.
I believe that we shouldn't take a stance, as any affirmative stance you could take would fundamentally be based on you assuming unprovable philosophical axioms should be followed, to me, agnostic atheism is an expression of faith in the non-existence of god that I reject. I believe agnostic atheism is fundamentally a faith based position, to the exact same degree gnostic atheism is.
There are overlap between the two positions, but they are NOT the same position.
>I am NOT an Agnostic Atheist. This is really the point I wanted to get to.
not by your definition.
You dont believe in a god = atheist
You dont claim to know = agnostic
by the definition im using you are an agnostic atheist, just like me.
If i agreed with your definitions, i would be a pure agnostic, like i sayd before, we are the same, we just use the words differently.
Actually read The Bible, and pray to The Holy Spirit with a genuine heart for help. I'd question everything about The Bible, but there's a difference between doing so in an arrogant way, and doing so with a heart wanting to believe but having difficulty on some things. I've always been assured in time though.
Start with reading Mark, Acts and Romans. I'll pray for you OP.
I'm in the same group as you are, I don't think it's necessary to believe in some divine mystical thing. If you think of jesus as a person who lived in history, it helps.
This video may help
>all relgions are equal
>all opinions are equal
>everything is subjective goyium
Christian theology is fundamentally different, then any other pagan-esk belief system before it, and as such has lead to never before seen wonders by catharsis through Western civilization.
Natural order and physical laws of the universe? Yeah, Christian thought. Rome larpers hail philosophers as proof of White supremacy... While forgetting the reason their works were so pronounced, was because they were talking to superstitious idiots(who by the way worshiped any and every "god" they never heard of)...
But 1 God? A natural heichary? Fundamental rules put in place by a creator, and not just a chaotic void spewing out dice roles? Like I said. Revolutionary.
Think about it like this op: why would anything nice ever happen?
You were atheist, which means you were more than likely heavily indoctrinated into frankfurt social marxism.
Because of that, it will be extremely difficult to break free and find Jesus Christ.
If things really were as simple to the point where when you die there is no afterlife, than you wouldnt end up getting fucked again after dying and being cast into a lake of fire....
This is a really good approach. For that matter, you need to realize that there is no such thing as A Christian. How many thousands of Christian sects are there? The diversity of beliefs is staggering considering they all claim to be Christian.
For that matter, why Christianity? Why not a non-theistic religion? There are plenty of those.
Personally, I find Brahaminism to be very interesting in that it defines God as the ultimate unknowable reality that permeates everything (including each of us) and thus everything is divine.
And watch some of Peterson's videos. He makes very convincing arguments about the concept of God and how atheism and nihilism are self defeating. Good stuff.
It's kind of hard to have a "how-to" for converting from atheism to theism. I'm a Christian, I've had periods of time in which I considered myself an atheist. The hard truth is that the nature of belief is such that no one is going to be able to show you any evidence. There are arguments and apologists of course, but to that extent you still have to just find that faith in yourself to accept them. All I can say is that when you start examining science, rationality, empiricism, and trying to equate them with truth, it becomes just as fraught as faith.
>You dont believe in a god = atheist
But that's not right.
I believe the existence of god is fundamentally ambiguous.
I feel I am profoundly ignorent on the subject, and feel like I am an experimenter ripping their hair out over how schrodigners cat could possibly be both simultaniously dead and alive. I believe until I look in the box, I cannot know if the cat is alive or dead. I also believe it's possible to simultaneously believe he exists and does not exist simultaneously and this is not a paradox.
I am really saying I do not know, and really, I don't really understand enough about the subject to give an affirmative statement.
his videos are over-dramatic and an aquired taste but the content is pretty solid. Noah videos are particularly interesting and explain how it could have scientifically happen.
wtf are you on about? You either believe in a god or you dont, thats a logical absolute (go look that up). you clearly dont, how do i know? if you did you would have told me a long time ago and you would not bother using words like "pure agnostic" and everything you sayd there just makes it more obvious, you dont believe in a god.
i really dont know if there is a god either, but that doesnt change the fact that i dont believe in one.
Oh and one last thing, not believing in a god is NOT the same as believing there is no god, thats another thing you might be misunderstanding here. Whether or not we believe there is no god is irrelevant, the question is do we believe that there IS a god.
Jesus loves you user.
I reject the idea logical absolutes can be absolutely proven. Even A=A is something we take on faith. Which of course, is quite fustrating because you can't really have a logical argument without belief in logical absolutes, so we pretend they exist for the sake of argument, but we merely pretend. All logic is fundamentally based on belief in unprovable axioms, which agnostic atheists take on faith, while proclaiming how logical they are and how much they reject faith. I'm talking to you as IF logical absolutes exist, so we can have a conversation, but I don't actually believe they are proven to exist in any absolute sense.
Agnostic Atheists simply reject any argument that doesn't allow them to simply argue with somebody until they "Win" the argument. They're blind to the assumptions and statements of faith they make and believe they're completely rational.
Expanding on my earlier point, there is a reason Heisenberg said by the way:
"The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you"
I don't quite agree with Heisenberg, but it was definitely learning about things like the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle that turned me into an agnostic as well.
It's not that I lack belief in god, or have belief in god, I have a lack of belief in my ability to discern if god does or does not exist, and believe an affirmative statement either way would be irrational.
i told you to look them up for a reason.
To me it looks like you want to dodge the atheist label SO bad, you do the same sort of mental gymnastics as a hardcore believer, you are going against all reason and logic to say you are not an atheist.
tldr; you either believe in a god or you dont and its not a matter of opinion or something you can just "reject".
I have better things to do ,have a nice day.
I have looked them up, I would implore you to look into axioms so you understand how much you take "logical absolutes" on faith. People use arguments for them like "If you don't believe in them, logic falls apart", "They're self-evident", shit like that, but nobody actually can objectively prove them.
Your god basically, your religious belief, is in the absolute truth of logical absolutes. Atheists like to put blind faith in logical absolutes, and then hammer on anybody that doesn't take the same faith in logical absolutes they do, when they can't actually prove logical absolutes. They then get upset and leave when people refuse to take the same faith they take, because then we fundamentally aren't playing the same game, and then you can't win, and you're not in this conversation to understand, just to win.
They put faith in an unprovable axiom because you have to cling onto an unprovable axiom to get anywhere with logic. Even people doing mathematics have to put faith into unprovable axioms. Logic is a useful abstraction, the logic we use isn't absolutely proven to be true.
>To me it looks like you want to dodge the atheist label SO bad, you do the same sort of mental gymnastics as a hardcore believer
I am "Dodging" the atheist label because I'm not an atheist, despite atheists claims that agnostics are really just atheists or theists. Because they have faith in logical absolutes, and that faith means they HAVE to believe agnostics are really atheists or theists.
If I ask you to prove, absolutely, that logical truths exist, you literally cannot do it, because it is impossible. It is literally impossible.
So if I don't have the same faith you do in logical absolutes, you just have to leave, because you don't know what to do when talking to somebody not taking the same faith you do, because you can't actually make a rational argument against me unless I'm willing to accept faith in logical absolutes.
My agnosticism is based, fairly fundamentally, on my exposure to the weaknesses of logic like "absolute truths". I believe humans are creatures that fundamentally cannot know if they are logical. Without knowledge we are logical, we cannot take a statement god does or does not exist, because we lack the mental capacity to discern between the two cases.