all right all right which one of you did this? this is all over my Facebook and has liberals arguing with each other over jews.
all right all right which one of you did this? this is all over my Facebook and has liberals arguing with each other over jews.
>liberals arguing with each other over jews.
Can we have some examples?
We're going to make the Jews feel all the wrath of the tumblrinas.
>Facebook and has liberals arguing with each other over jews.
Whoever made that poster basically threw a wrench into the ZOG machine.
>goyim not to scale
also this
can't find the other posts again, but it's been all over my feed for the past few days
>Going around making baseless claims is perfectly fine with me
>Going around making factual claims based on statistics? fucking anti-semite
The problem with the word "jew" is, that when someone hears it, they immediately think of the holocaust and muh 6 gorillion. This is why no one will ever take this seriously and call it nazi shit without thinking.
The kikes really did do a good fucking job with the brainwashing propoganda.
People (non-Americans especially) always over-estimate the Jewish population thanks to Hollywood. It's always interesting when they find out a tiny minority group is so over-represented.
yeah they instantly forget about the content after the word jew
>huuurr white privilege
>huuurr joooo privilege
no, it's fucking male privilege
yes, the people who're also tearing your society apart and letting third worlders flocking in, are mainly males
the people running your corporations and letting in immigrants for cheap labour? males
the bankers? males
the media? males
this is why I'm a feminist. until people realize that males are the ones tearing society apart to suit their own interests and greed, this society will die
this is why feminism is a thing
people who're street violent? males
most rapists? males
people who start wars? males
people who use violent and aggressive problematic speech? males
good bait
That amusing feeling when the civil war changes fronts, and now lefty racebaiters and right-wing identitarians will be in an alliance of convenience against classical liberal colourblind idiots
prove me wrong
In a female and I find your speech violent, aggressive, and problematic. So.....
>existing without men
The math on the poster is wrong. Pew never detailed the top 1% income bracket, only the top 18%.
Men are only needed in backwards societies that needed muscle.
Now we have machines.
Women are suited of the brains, and that's why America, Sweden and Germany will be the first matriarchies.
i'm taking epic b8, whatever
e c k s
There's a reason every successful civilization was primarily run by men
>Now we have machines
Except that the infrastructure that supports said machines requires manual labor which women are incapable of doing.
>Women are suited of the brains
>[citation needed]
>people who're street violent? males
>most rapists? males
>people who start wars? males
>people who use violent and aggressive problematic speech? males
Here's the problem with your logic. Who is going to stop them? You? You just said they're more aggressive and violent than you, they win. Its like why governments even exist at all, someone will always have the monopoly on force. You can't fight it, you need to direct it.
societies run by men are good?
>ancient Egypt
>british empire
>modern day britain (1945+)
>soviet union
>PR China
>DPR North Korea
>socialist greece (under tsispas)
>russian federation
these are just examples of societies run by men. look at them
>what is the cycle of empires
coincidentally, women getting more power, at least in the case of rome, accelerated their collapse
wew, it's almost like no civilization is immortal.
Dont want to start the war of the sexes but societies run by women barely even get off the ground before they are swallowed up by more masculine societies.
We need more of this. Also we need to blame Trump's presidency on the jews, link him to Israel and jewish supremacist just like the left desperately tries to link him to russians and neonazis, so we can spread awareness of jewish hegemony among the crazy left.
wont work, they would see jew and go into shutdown mode
>societies run by women barely even get off the ground before they are swallowed up by more masculine societies.
thanks for proving my point
men ruin things
maybe one day we'll be able to remove men from positions, and then maybe shrink them i size so they don't start an autistic revolution. plus we can use small men as sex toys
Finding out jews are only 2% of the American population was a huge redpill for me.
There is huge infighting on the american left over israel. The Divestment Movement for instance. It is a divide we should take a memetic crowbar to.
>societies run by men didnt worked because they fell
so cleopatra's VII egypt was any good?
Honestly, we need to take back our education to prevent further indoctrination of out yutes. Not sure how we are supposed to disillusion the already indoctrinated people though. Identity politics is quite the cancer.
>so cleopatra's VII egypt was any good?
that was a society run by men
what does it take to be a part of that 2%?
how many of your grandparents need to be jewish for it to count?
because after having paid just a little attention to it for the last six months i've been astounded at how many people have at least one jewish parent.
>stephen fry
>daniel radcliffe
>ivanka, don jr and eric trump's spouses
the list goes on and ive begun to wonder if there's actually a lot more jews than we think, or if they are just such a ruling class that they dominate the famous and elite to an unbelievable extent.
Easy, then stop calling them jews call them something else. Call them Ashkenazi, fuck it even has nazi in it, and Normies do HATE nazis
its the second one
Heaven help me, if I were in a position of absoulte power I would most likely destroy society as well, Seeing as its given rise to insufferable marxist shits like you.
>Marxist thought
>existing without men
Biology. In order for women to rule over men, you'd have to completely debase and feminise the men, and masculinise the women. Not only would this society be dysfunctional, but it would quickly be consumed by any society that hadn't betrayed basic biology and still existed under the patriarchal order.
This is a surprisingly prevalent idea nowadays considering how fundamentally it misunderstands humans and social function, but I guess western men are pussyfaggots and have let their women run roughshod to the point of needing to be culled until we're strong again.
There is a cycle to empires and some of those have lasted 900 years. Meanwhile south korea (park), Germany (merkel), and Brazil (dilma) nearly or are in the process of running their countries into the ground.
>wont work, they would see jew and go into shutdown mode
Y'know, if you keep telling everyone that your enemy is untouchable, you'll never touch them.
>your post proves my point
It doesn't prove your point one way or the other. The male societies may beat you because they are more energetic, aggressive, ambitious, constructive or any number of reasons where men generally outperform women.
If you artificially removed men from high positions then your society would coast along on past inertia until the next male society came along and swallowed you up - (I believe this is happening right now to the feminised west and it is being swallowed up by the more masculine Islam, its almost like nature is correcting itself so take notice youre watching history in the making).
Feminism is for women who want to talk but aren't pretty enough.
Put on some eyeliner, sweetheart. Running the world is hard work. We deserve our women to be better product