Why do Blacks think that Latinos will be less racist and oppressive when they become the majority?
US Latino Majority in 2044
How did we let this happen?
Maybe because most Americans are using Snapchat and Reddit which have been PROVEN to be WHAT radicalized adam Lanza and provoked him
Blame LBJ
women are strange frail creatures desu
not building a wall with in borders
We felt guilt instead of nothing.
The Chinese won't have this problem when they slaughter 99% of the African population, and put the rest in zoos or breed with them for Blasian superhumans to dominate world athletics.
Some Latinos are closer to white, some are closer to black. They would probably be split in a race war
Here's a (You) because you apparently want one so badly.
was snapchat even around in 2012?
I agree. I talked to a Lefty who kept saying that everyone should racemix and create one beige human race. That was his idea of eliminating racism. But I pointed to the fact that people would start discriminating based on the shade of beige, like in India and Asia
>Mfw non-hispanics don't know about mejorar la raza
Latinos love white people and actively avoid black people like a plague. They might say differently but ask a latino where he wants to live and he will always pick near the white guy vs the black guy. even if the black guy is sub 2% rich black and the white guy is trailer trash, still prefers near the white guy. The hoebags you see with black guys, the family condemns them and always treats them as less. They still get that good Spanish food at holidays but nobody includes them unless they include themselves.
Latinos, particularly ricans, cubans and mexicans are extremely racist. They just don't scream it out, they are more subversive in it.
And good luck for muslims trying to make the US sharia land, latinos are born with fuckin crosses in their hands. It's like a bloodline ability from a damn video game.
We are less racist and oppressive. That's a fact.
1965 Immigration Act.
I don't think you realise that it will always be the white people who are racist and oppresive, as a majority or minority alike.
Just ask any normie that has been to South Africa and spoke with a local nignog. They will tell yout hat whites still own the economy and actively hold the black man down.
Tfw a Rican qt I work with at Wendy's as a teenager wouldn't date me because I was white.... I felt like a nigger that day I would never race mix but dame I wanted to cum 12 times in that ass.
Mediocre post, Roadhog
I wish this were true so we'd at least get proof he even existed
>mejorar la raza
This, from a young boy I was conditioned by my grandparents and parents to pick a beautiful spanish or white girl, but more importantly to pick based on physical traits my children would get. Fuck love I had to make sure my kids were beautiful. My parents/grandparents compliments when they met my girlfriends/wife? Their features, good nose, hips are good, skin is clear and color is good. This shit is real as fuck.
Thank you for telling me about my country, my traditions and that stuff, Mr freedom
Indians contribute significally to the SA economy too, and they hate Blacks too
well considering we've been letting mexicans and south americans flood over our borders for more than 30 years, and they have like 4(if not more) kids per family, it's not really hard to see why this is happening.
it can still be stopped, but we need to send every illegal alien and their anchor babies home
Finally the majority of America will back to its original - Latino's Colony.
I've got a Columbian wife. Guess I'm part of that club now huh?
As a Norwegian, drilling for oil should come natural. But it doesn't really match up in this case. What should we call white on latina?
Filling the churro?
I'm so sorry guys. I truly am. This is my moms fault. She got beaned. Take solace in the fact that I will fight beside you in the coming race war.
How about those Hondurans and Guetamalans?
>Enter Mexico illegally and you're treated as a felon. If you're caught by the Federal Police, you'll be fortunate if you're only deported immediately. The unfortunate are robbed, abused, raped, or even murdered by corrupt police officers.
Latino fertility is 2.7, which is perfectly normal and healthy. Blame yourself for dressing up dogs and cats instead of being normal and founding a family.
You got any sisters? I'm an Iberian looking to bleach a mestiza.
A treacherous bastard.
LoL fuck your country Mexicano, I'm Rican. I don't owe you shit, least of all covering up our shared heritage of pseudo-eugenics. You are lying piece of shit if your grandparents didn't tell you what specific physical qualities they wanted you to get in a significant other, or maybe you were trash branch and they didn't give a shit about your spawn since it wasn't relevant to the family name?
He's not wrong Pedro.
I used to work in East Palo Alto. A predominately black community. When the influx of meggikans started, they seriously hated each other.
Is she mestiza or white?
why would i blame myself? i didn't let a foreign people flood into my country.
>assuming that blacks think
They milk the whites in America till there is no milk left. They do not plan further.
>google East Palo Alto
>find this
Why are they so ugly?
We subsidized the breeding of beaners. Not hard to figure out.
Sorry bro, I'm rican with only a brother, no sisters for you. You'd have to speak spanish fluently, have no tattoos/piercings and be christian to even be allowed for any of my female family members.
Serious questio for US bros, will you guys make it ? what is the future
>muh race-mixing
Still mad about the good Viking cucking you got a thousand years ago, Bwian?
My wife is probably whiter than you.
I've meet all those except speaking Spanish. I can understand it perfectly though
Catholic Church did it.
Catholics created Lurtherianism -> convinced whites to reach salvation you must work hard and through masochistic levels of personal sacrifice.
Whites build infrastructure and forego payment spending most of the money they make on "investments" in more government and corporate infrastructure that pays nil when compared to personal investment or investment in their own businesses.
Jews take all the profit.
Import millions of helpless poor from foreign nations. Whites feel guilty that the races are not equal and most are barely capable of subsistence lifestyles. Whites work harder to pay for humanoid zoo animals to run around inside their nations, breeding like rabbits without fences, cages or a husbandry plan.
Massive failures exposed almost immediately. Rather than examine failed zoo plan, whites double down, increase taxes upon themselves, and import more animals to shoe they aren't racist and that they can eventually teach the lower races to act like white people.
Catholic Church organizes masses of filth and rakes in welfare and grant funding for poor, added bonus from poor people handing over 10% of the money they get from government offerings to church.
>parents telling what attributes they want in a mate
Lol shitskin inferiority runs so deep it's hysterical. Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people... but we need their genes to improve our race. Top ayylmao.
A bit mixed I think. Looks kind of like Sofia Vergara.
>Why do Blacks think
They don't, they spout whatever horse shit they're told to.
>Vikings cucked us
>That's why we ended the viking age and Norwegian "empire"
There's no such thing as being whiter
is she white or is she a revolting shitskin whore?
>parents telling what attributes they want in a mate
Lol shitskin inferiority runs so deep it's hysterical. Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people... but we need their genes to improve our race. Top lmao.
How is Lyndon B. Johnson not the worst US president of all time?
We're not going to make it.
But she's white I don't get the pic.
as white as columbians gets, I suppose.
My family is republican and voted Trump, where did you get fuck white people or Trump from? Reaching much, that black anger has got you real good.
Im a white amerindian mixed latino from brazil and can confirm this post.
only rural and suburban retards use reddit and snapchat
btw this is payback for the maine incident
ugh... and what do city folk use?
They are niggers that is why. Once the white race is powerless the blacks are fucked.
Facebook and instagram
Telepathy, wich is only available after being enlighted by college degrees and phds like all city people have.
then who uses Sup Forums /pol ?
Lol I'm in the post office and one pussy beaner cop just called black cop a fucking nigger half under his breath twice. Lol Sup Forums is always righg.
Haha Makes up less then .1% of the pop of the world.
>Schizophrenia, the post
Subversive racism ingrained in my culture. I keep track of the day a fried chicken place is built in my neighborhood so I can put my house on the market and move. No lie.
how can we make a white/asian-only imageboard?
na he is right. Follow the money.
I'd be more worried about that sub-saharan african % mate.
what about leafs?
Kikes in NYC got the immigration act of 1965 passed. Whites were 85%+ up until then and a stark decline after.
Even many states were 90% white up until the 90s. I live in a very white state and even it's only like 85% now.
Latinos discriminate each other on a basis of brownness. If some one is a lighter shade of brown, he will discriminate the others (even if he himself is brown) and tell them niggers
>Sister marries and has a kid with a Mexican guy (he's actually a good person and takes care of them 2bh)
>Got to meet extended family over last Christmas
>His grandma is talking about how she doesn't want myates taking care of her
Leafs are nigger faggot autists
I think you are right flag bro.
How else would I be able to "muh dick" ;p
yea pretty much
You have to go back
If the race war ever happens hispanics will be split, some have more "white" culture and skin, they're are legit negros who call themselves hispanic from Puerto Rico and Dominican, lets just say you best hope the mestizos look at their skin than yours and see if it's closer to you than blackos.
>build a wall
>deport illegal criminals
> breed more
>latinos don't b come majority
woodrow wilson
Oh and if blacks think Mexicans/Hispanics will be nicer that's fucking funny.
Look at the man who killed Trayvon and felt no remorse, you think Officer Smith is bad asking you to get out of the car politely?
When Officer Hernandez smashes your fucking brains on the curb because he has no white guilt and his people are in the majority.
Niggers always leading to their downfall lol.
The Mulatto elite thinks the Mestizos will see mulattoes as bros for being the product of white men and non-white women.
Mulattoes hate full whites for not accepting them... specially the ones directly descended from the white man.