She signed it, she really signed it. Why?
OMG, what has she done, Britbongs!
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Cuz she knew that Reddit and Snapchat radicalized adam Lanza to become the deadliest shooter this side of the Mississippi
German b8 is shit b8
German/Jewish heritage.
Go Lizzie!
Because Brittania needs to rule the waves again
Krauts are mad.
Well done your majesty.
Because we had enough of your country's bullshit and your "holier than thou" and "oh so progressive" attitudes.
You only have your politicians to blame.
Pew pew pew
She signs every law whether she agrees or not, it's a constitutional formality without real meaning.
The Queen is probably the only open minded person in parialment.
Except this is the only bill she has given her opinion on,
Damn she's hawt.
Eyes in photo show she's been smoking weed again
Is it now treason if I disagree with Brexit?
Yes, the gallows are already being rebuilt
It just means negotiations can begin.
Brexit can be cancelled at any time.
Party time, now the English are finally getting out of the EU
>Brexit can be cancelled at any time.
How so? Not under EU rules. Only if every EU country agrees. Otherwise, after 2 yrs, the UK just fucks off.
It will be just the English.
Northern Ireland and Scotland are leaving the UK.
Lol no, and even if they do the EU wont have us, it would just legitimize the dozens of independence movements in France and Spain
The legal process can be stopped, at any point.
And the Scottish and the Welsh and the Northern Irish.
Dream on cuck
Fucking kek
I've read the polls
Unfortunately, the Northern Irish and the Scots don't seem to be willing to leave the UK
I hope they'll change their mind, but a lot of specialists say that Spain will veto Scotland's EU application
Leaving the UK without being able to re enter the EU seems a tough choice to make
Northern Ireland will be in the EU, under Irish membership. The same thing happened to East Germany.
Scotland won't become full members of the EU, they will likely be memebrs of the EEA.
Spain will use Scottish independence as a bargaining chip to take back control of Gibraltar.
Spain will say to England: give us Gibralter and we'll block the Scots membership of the EU.
Shit's gonna get messy.
>D-don't ruin my wet fantasy, p-please!
Why are the Scottish so cucked lads? I'm a Scot myself but whenever I'm in Glasgow for college there's always folk talking about how racist Trump is or how May is "Our generartions Thatcher" and that we should leave the big bad evil UK and join the loving EU.
There was a fucking anti-Trump protest on Buchannan street about a month back, which was kind of hilarious to listen to but still, it happened. They had a Mexican woman speaking and thanking us for not being bigoted racists and that America is "Hell to live in now"
Fucking leftist shit hole.
Why is fat old matronly JUSTed Kate somehow still so perfect?
She looks like a cat lady, and yet it's still 100% in line with who she is.
you're wrong, regions ho wish to be independant don't have a special status, unlike in the UK or Spain
Some French politician concerns are that the quitters might be willing to take advantage of the EU, thru Scotland, without participating to the EU
There nothing to do with independentists, France is a Nation, not an Union, not a Federation, not a Confederation.
Why does Spain want Gibraltar so bad? It's not like some one would form a naval blockade?
And may should just not agree to hold a Scottish referendum, the Scots knew when they voted in that referendum that an EU referendum was coming next and that it was a possibility that they would be pulled out of the EU.
Also not allowing another Scottish referendum keeps the SNP a relevant party, which means it keeps the labour party out of Scotland.
The Scots have been cucked by the English for centuries.
It's about time boot-lickers like you took responsibility for your own country.
Let us hope, I can't wait to be rid of all the anchors around England's neck. Don't come crying to us when you need bailing out again. Thanks.
>Why does Spain want Gibraltar so bad?
The fact Spainish territoy is occupied by Britain is regarded as a national humiliation.
>And may should just not agree to hold a Scottish referendum,
Sturgeon is at liberty to hold a non-binding advisory referendem, that has no legal standing. EXACTLY like the referendum to leave the EU held last year.
The Tories made a big song and dance about respecting the "will of the people", it will be hilarious if they then turn around and tell the Scottish: "democracy isn't for you".
>Scots knew when they voted in that referendum that an EU referendum was coming
This is why the SNP inserted a clause in the previous Scottish referendum. It stated, no more referendums for a generation unless there was a significant constitution change to the United Kingdom. Brexit is that change.
The SNP have firm legal ground for holding another independence vote.
Anchors will blossom then they will throw food at you, over the Wall, so you don't eat eachother.
Nouvelle Calédonie...
I forgot about the TOMs
All these digits, lawdz is I in heaven?
>The Tories made a big song and dance about respecting the "will of the people", it will be hilarious if they then turn around and tell the Scottish: "democracy isn't for you".
You can't keep re-holding elections until you win like some African despot.
>SNP inserted a clause in the previous Scottish referendum. It stated, no more referendums for a generation unless there was a significant constitution change
I didn't know that if that's true.
If they leave it would free up a lot of money for the uk.
If this time they voted for independance Do you think the Queen would even low it? since we know she was happy when Scotland voted to remain part of the UK.
Goymany post. Ignore
>I forgot about the TOMs
say bye bye to all that Nickel, liberty to the kanaks
freedom to Abos
Europeans back to Europe
naturally. She remembers a time when things were good and then Germans ruined everything. Again.
Cant trust them filthy German fucks good on them ditching the EU.
>You can't keep re-holding elections until you win like some African despot.
No. There are firm legal grounds for holding another independence vote, the UK's consitutional arrangement has changed significantly.
>I didn't know that if that's true.
>If they leave it would free up a lot of money for the uk.
The UK would loose a significant amount of land mass and resources. The UK already lost a third of it's land mass in the 20th Century when Ireland left the union. There isn't a lot left.
>If this time they voted for independance Do you think the Queen would even low it?
She doesn't have a vote on the matter.
You will lose that flag in the corner of your flag if Scotland leaves the Union. No more Union Flag...
Bullshit. General elections are held every 5 years precisely because electorate must be given the opportunity to reevaluate our positions and to change our minds. Not to have this opportunity would be profoundly undemocratic.
Idk why but I like this pasta. Hope it goes normie sphere
But she's German
Would she sign a "bomb Dresden" paper too?
Because she can!
>General elections are held every 5 years precisely because electorate must be given the opportunity to reevaluate our positions and to change our minds.
Only because of Call me Dave, everyone else just held elections when they thought they could win.
I just want a conservative one party state, and I want the labour party labeled a terrorist organisation and outlawed.
I want the UK to become like Singapore.
Dutch aka Swamp German, even then huge amounts of Brits have German blood in them. It's not like she's a slav or a Med queen she's genetically very close to Native Brits
The Dutch are honorary Anglos fellow colonizing buddies and once controlled plenty of the waves
>The UK would loose a significant amount of land mass and resources.
uk population is declining, I'm not talking about land, and isn't Scotland mountainous? oil is also very cheap now, Scotland doesn't contribute as much as London does tothe economy.
>Sturgeon is at liberty to hold a non-binding advisory referendem, that has no legal standing. EXACTLY like the referendum to leave the EU held last year.
>The Tories made a big song and dance about respecting the "will of the people", it will be hilarious if they then turn around and tell the Scottish: "democracy isn't for you".
Except that wouldn't even be advisory. It would just be an opinion poll. The EU referendum as indeed advisory but parliament voted to hold it, so they had a reason to respect it. There would be no reason whatsoever for parliament to respect an SNP opinion poll.
not honorary, they are in fact anglo, at least frisians are
I'm not sure about this. If she had refused to sign it, I'm pretty certain there would be a major shitstorm, but in the end it wouldn't go ahead. If the queen says no, who is going to override that?