Question for Bulgaria anons

For no reason at all I decided to look into your ancient history and found that some of your rulers, before they adopted Christianity, were called KHANS.

Like actual KHANS. WTF Bulgaria?

It only puzzled me more when I looked at the dates, all these Khans were in the 700s 800s AD, well well before the Mongol invasions of the 1200s and 1300s. Were you guys basically a gigantic Khanate before Christianity?

So you spent 1 minute in wikipedia and decided to open a thread on Sup Forums instead of spending another 2-3 minutes tops to answer your simple question?

Bulgars were a tribe from a nearly extinct branch of Turkic tribes called Lir-Turkic (the only people speaking Lir-Turkic language today are the Chuvashes in Russia).

Bulgaria was founded as an alliance between the Bulgars, who created and led the state in the beginning, and the Slavs and Thracians who lived around here. In a couple of centuries Bulgars, Slavs and Thracians merged into a homogenous ethnicity and people, the Bulgarians.

>Were you guys basically a gigantic Khanate before Christianity?

I wouldn't call it gigantic.

The people and the country took the name of the Bulgars since at the time they were significantly more advanced in statecraft and warfare than the local Slavs, who have not developed statehood yet and lived in small tribes.

Also, the Bulgars probably weren't mongoloid and had significant Sarmatian admixture.

Khans were based as fuck.

The real title is KANASIUBIGI
Kanas iu Bigi=Kniaz ot Boga=Ruler from God.
The Khan/Turkic origin theory was heavily pushed by soviet historians during the communist era.
Our First Kanasiubigi Kubrat of Great Old Bulgaria was a Christian and studied in Constantinople.

This is stupid, not much different than the styrofomian theories that are popular south-west.

You're implying that the Bulgars spoke some form of Slavic language. Kanasubigi was a real title but it certainly has nothing to do with "knyaz ot boga".

The soviet historians had other sins - they denied the significance of the First Bulgarian Empire for Slavic and subsequent Russian culture, denied the Preslav literary school, etc. Modern Russia does not deny any of that by the way, so there is no point in being butthurt.

In truth, the false connotation between Turkic and Turkish is the reason why some Bulgarian historians try to deny it, but that's nothing more than a stupid inferiority complex.

Now, there is some truth to what you said as the depictions of the Bulgars as savage nomads that only lived on their horses and in yurts is obviously false, considering that they built great cities and had developed crafts. But this doesn't mean that they didn't speak a Turkic language.

>Were you guys basically a gigantic Khanate before Christianity?
Not gigantic, just the advance guard of the one that came later.

>advance guard

Actually the Bulgars, including the Volga Bulgars, fought bitterly against the Mongols.

Family feuding, nothing unusual about that. Happens in all families.

Interesting, thanks for enlightening me.

So... you are basically Slavic-Thraco Turks, am I right?

(no offense mighty khan)

Also Roman.


I know you want to trigger me, but OK, I guess we are as close to the Turkic peoples as the Turks are.

Im pretty interested in the Bulgarian national revival. I've read that your language was reduced to a peasant language by the Turks and then it was eventually revived as a national language borrowing many words from Russian and Old Church Slavonic. Are there still many Turkish words? Do you know more about this?

Old Church Slavonic is old Bulgarian. We borrowed from ourselves.

>Are there still many Turkish words

Yes, 5 centuries of ""coexistence"" is a long time, it did leave some marks.

>I've read that your language was reduced to a peasant language by the Turks and then it was eventually revived as a national language borrowing many words from Russian and Old Church Slavonic.
Where the fuck did you read this bullshit? The Bulgarian Orthodox church preserved Bulgarian language since forever.

Russian took our alphabet and some words because all the bibles were written by our monks.

I heard the Turks aren't even really Turks but more like Mongol/steppe nomads that mixed with the Turkic people

>The Bulgarian Orthodox church preserved Bulgarian language since forever.

They didn't though, as far as I've read. They preserved the Old Church Slavonic for prayer, while the actual vernacular language of the common people was reduced to peasant dialects. When Bulgaria became a state the language of the peasants was uplifted and developed as a national language, not the Church Slavonic of the bible. I like to be corrected if you have sources though.

Who Maina here?

What does this title mean then?

who's the qt?

Monument to the great khan



forget the statue that jawn has a FAT ASSS

>Hello? So should we begin to annex Bulgaria now?

Everyone that's ever annexed Bulgaria has turned into a shithole. Bring it on.

Bulgarian has more loan words from Russian and French than Turkish according to Wikipedia.