How long before we get a male Disney hero?
I want gender equality desu!
How long before we get a male Disney hero?
I want gender equality desu!
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I can't wait for a trans hero.
That movie wasn't very good
The crab scene was trippy af tho
Its Disney. They are shifting towards more heroic women but there is always a man in there somewhere doing heroics as well.
Fuck off, loser.
Why does it trigger you so much that there's female heroes for these little girls to watch? Do you want all girls to grow up being submissive housewives all the time?
Also, there has been tonnes of male heroes in the past anyway.
Yes to submissive housewives. We don't need people who can't park a car correctly thinking they can Kung fu themselves out of an armed robbery.
The last one was Treasure Planet, I believe. Underrated movie.
There is a lot of princess movies for little girs, and some female heroes is good too. But lately there is a real lack of male heroes for little boy.
I have nothing against female heros, but we need more male heroes or little boys will grown up as faggot.
Best thing to do if you have a male kid is to boycott Disney cartoons.
>There is a lot of princess movies for little girs, and some female heroes is good too. But lately there is a real lack of male heroes for little boy.
>I have nothing against female heros, but we need more male heroes or little boys will grown up as faggot.
maybe this is just a solution for gender equality? if it makes women be 50% of the top tier jobs, then isn't that good? maybe having masses of nu-males is a good thing?
Once the fem.nuts will quiet down a bit.
Disney does what they think the majority will buy.
Also, you still have all the older male heroes and icons, they haven't vanished yet.
A solution for the gender inequality will be to raise women to their best potential, not to handicap men
I want the best men and the best women possible, not worst men so they offer less competition for the women.
my nephew loves the kung fu panda movies.
he's not human, but at least he's a male
Hercules, you plebs.
>male icons and heroes for boys to look up to in old culture
>won't vanish
>what is the ghostbusters remake
They're systematically replacing our heroes so that this generation only grows up with the shit replacements.
Females are far easier to corrupt
fuk disney and their moronic cartoons.
>still no disney shota protagonist
Disney has run out of ideas for good films, now they're just creating more "Disney Princesses" because it's the easiest trend to go with, although if they did make a male lead in the next movie it would certainly get the fems and 'equalists' talking, and would make big news in today's times.
There's a lot of good stuff for boys from the past.
Scarface, God Father,
I kinda liked Moana though.
My question is why is there not a single African disney princess?
Some Yoruba Queen?
I would have expected one from Disney by now
>Good hero for boy to idolize
>Tony Montana
T. 14 year old that had the point of that movie fly over their head.
Teach your boys science and literature.
There many great heros in both.
If they keep making them this fuckable then I don't want a male one ever again.
oh shit a desu