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Niggers of slavs. Ukraine would bet their ass in fair 1v1
we're having ''''fun''''
we are picking which western soros funded party will rule the next 5 years
stop projecting pls
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>guaranteed reply
Kosovo is not yours and I don't know why you'd want it.
gas yourself
I'm pretty sure we bombed them at one point
Bunch of bitches
Ay I heard they helped our downed pilots in WW2 escape to safety though
Then I also heard they helped the Nazis too
Like i said, buncha bitches
doesn't matter what you think, kebab will be removed eventually sooner or later
Treating a disease is good, but preventing it is better.
>1 post by this ID
Why the fuck should I consider Kosovo to be serbian?
Even though my country didn't recognized it, there's romanian gendarmerie members deployed there to maintain security.
So technically Romania is supporting Kosovo's security even though it didn't recognized it. If my tax money are spent on maintaining those romanian troops deployed there, I have every right to support Kosovo.
for honor, dignity and face
Best humor in the balkans.
tfw younger generations will never miss good old serbian humor.
Nothing is happening everything is fine.
I've seen this post before.
All in all everybody hates the ruling party ,but still votes for it because of ,,Muh Soros globalist money ummm'',Kosovo is Serbia,The Capital of Serbia is the most anti-serbian city in the cosmos full of faggots and Vice supporters,the south is in a bad state and mudslims are sneaking around.The clergy are the only based people in there. And the world hates us because the poor Bosniak won the media war and the Albanian sold his ass to the Americas so they can build the new Pentagon on Kosovo.It's pretty bad.
>The clergy are the only based people in there
I think you're being a bit too liberal with the interpretation of "based".
You mean that even in your country the clergy are just a bunch of scumbags that are fooling the uneducated people into giving money?
>I think you're being a bit too liberal with the interpretation of "based".
Ma kakvi.
We are a case study of NGO subversion.
First they pushed the anti-nationalist agenda similar to Germany, but they completely failed, then they moved to defeatism and nihilism which was a complete sucess.
No one gives a shit anymore.
The only good thing going for us that is that we are (majority) extremely resistant to the leftist ''progressive'' propaganda as seen in the west.
Other then that, dead.
2nd world shit hole
Kosovo is serbian clay
What d'you think?
Same applies to Romania, but here is worst because the government is funding the church with tax money and is wasting millions of euro into building a new cathedral (maybe bigger than your St. Sava cathedral) and the church manipulated the romanians so much that they are going into angry ape mode if you say that the government is wasting money by funding the church.
what? why
......why would they even fight?
sweet proxy Berisha
For teh lulz and to prove which tribe is stronger
stop making Muslim states you fucks. Kosovo, ISIS.....whats next?
Mars in pula mea de britanic cracanat.
k for deh lulz
lmao serbia and greece are the cancer in this region . formed alliance since 600 ad . pretends to be the continuation of rome ..gets recked by muslims . autistic screech . autistic screech paused by ottomans for some time , autistic screech starts again after they leave. blame it on Albania for some reason
There is nobody on this world that think the whole world wouldn't be better off without albanians.
Pusite kurac ja sam srbin I Serbia nepostoji samo albanija
WTF is happening here?!?!?!
IMF loans, selling of business to the international corporations and the cuckening of the youth are happening.
Same crap happened in the upside-down Serbia in the 90s during Yeltsin, the scheme never really changed.
"…..Heroes, I’m sending you in a new war against a small but brave nation. They are the serbs who in the last 3 wars against Turkey, Bulgaria and Austria-Hungary have shown the world the highest warrior ethos and capability…“ -German Kaiser Wilhelm (1859-1941), from a speech to his troops
Sucks that the globalists have subverted and cucked them with (((aid money))), but without them subdued the engineered (((migrant crisis))) could not have happened.
200% autochtonous illyrian ubermench kisses a cat while jerking off
I'm going to travel there this summer. Can any serbs recommend some sightseeing in Belgrade? Maybe some good food places.
Some old albanin fuck, fucking a cat
ask r/serbia
Skadarlija for food.
You can google it to see how it looks, that's the old part of the city.
Sightseeing, Kalemegdan fortress is obvious choice.
Literally no one prefers albania to Greece and Serbia
that does not change any thing
I was interested in Serbia's history couple of years back since I'm historian. Mostly pre-kebab occupation. But how's Serbia now? I mean, being half neutral country between EU/US and East(Russia)? What mood of people? How they're, mostly pro West or more Nationalistic, or pro-Russian? What's the biggest parties in Serbia and what their ideology? Answer me Serbia bros.
>56% muslim
>serve trying to feign moral superiority