What is the true music of the white man and why is it black metal?
What is the true music of the white man and why is it black metal?
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Black metal is shit
please don't give OP a hard time for this one, we were all 14 once
>black metal
>music of the white man
The oldest black metal bands are hispanic and japanese, and the band that marked the separation of black metal as a style distinct from thrash had a nigger in it.
Black metal is gay af. Amon amarth and slayer are alpha af tho.
>black metal
>French flag
There are quite a few decent french bands, but they are now all long dead and forgotten. Modern BM sucks completely.
my fav burzum song, dark and grim \m/
J.S. Bach is the real deal. BM is just for edgy teenagers in their rebellious phase of life.
I think he was implying that OP is varg vikernes
Here's french black metal
Ah. That.
Nah, Varg does not discuss black metal anymore, moreso like this.
Varg lives in France you idiot
Country is the white man's music
That's... exactly why I mentioned the flag
Christ black metal might be the worst thing.
>No focus on tone or melody
>Lyrics are basic as fuck with no finesse
>You get street cred by recording lofi
>You're not "hardcore" unless one of your band members has died or is in jail
Literally "cancer - the music genre"
also french
>music of the white man
Must be why you only see "men" at these fag-fests.
Its classical and folk you satanic ape
The pinnacle of black metal.
3:50 to 8:00 will put more hair on your chest than a cheesy Manowar ballad.
Metal is nice, but the white mans music is local folk, anything else is WRONG
Power metal best metal
This. Classical music is the true music of the white man.
Power metal is metal for gays
No u
Aren't like all the guys in dragonforce gay except herman li?
Kill yourself cuck
Blue grass and folk
Metal is stupid garbage.
I refuse to believe anybody can actually enjoy it.
Niggers have rap, which I can understand on the basis of their """" culture"""". Just like tribes that wear bones in their noses, niggers don't know what's good for them.
Metalfags are 99.9% white, and have no excuse for being retarded.
What are Alcest, Blut Aus Nord, Deathspell Omega and Antaeus then? Myths?
>my gaydar is soooo strong today that I know everyone who is gay or not
Fucking leaf.
Every subgenre has a name for a reason
>death metal
to kill yourself while listening to it
>heavy metal
to eat a burger listening to it
>black metal
to muffle the sounds of your wife being fucked by jamal
>Power metal
To listen while preparing to take full power back from the jew and globalists. Truly the white men's subgenre of choice.
>Truly the white men's subgenre of choice
Power metal's more popular among East Asians than it is among Europeans lad.
Thrash metal is the best
>thrash metal is the best
This. The riff that plays at 2:07 is fucking incredible.
Classical music (including Baroque & Romantic)
Are you autistic? He's saying OP is Varg
I'm really liking Marduk
>Every subgenre has a name for a reason
There are only 2 metal genres
King Cobra is the whitest music out there.
Not enough blast beats desu
Why would you post a man's face who has no interest in black metal?
country is for dumbass fat hicks
Anons listen to Enisum, Panopticon, Immortal.Some good black metal for starters.
>why is it black metal?
derived from the blues?
stop kidding it's classical
white Germans were the first to figure out how to record music through notation
not only is it derived from the blues it also has a heavy dose of (((atonality)))
take slave songs and mix them with a Jewish plot to destroy Western Art Music tradition, how is that ever going to be red pilled?
Atonality =/= Accidentals
>true music of the white man
>anything BUT classical music
>Jewish plot to destroy Western Art Music tradition,
Wew lad
Metal is for 14yo nu-males
maybe nu-metal like slipknot
While power metal has a few good bands, I'd disagree. Power metal more or less has devolved further than death and black, its slowly becoming a more pop influenced genre than metal influenced. Its fucked.
We need a new metal genre. Innovation is dead.
BLACK metal for WHITE people
>hiphop and pop is for numales
Say that to my face
I consider myself an avid fan and recognize/have listened to a good number of these.
Do you have anymore infographics like this, senpai?
>pic somewhat related
Black Metal is only for the true ethnic Europeans. Any decedents of immigrant Religions such as Islam and Christianity have no place in Black Metal and should return to their desolate, desert homeland.
I don't have any more power metal charts but have an essential death metal chart.
And a grindcore chart
Metal music is degenerate, which is why it's being promoted by (((them))). The late scientist Emoto used to play music next to containers of water, then freeze the water and examine the crystals that had been formed using microscopic photography. The water that had been placed next to classical music turned into visually pleasing crystal formations, while the water that had been placed next to metal music turned into irregular crystal formations. It's not the mere act of playing music that accomplishes those seemingly miraculous results but the VIBRATING ENERGY FIELDS OF INFORMATION of the music that was played. One of the COMPLETELY FALSE assumptions of modern mainstream science is that our internal world (i.e. our thoughts, our emotions and our intentions) has NO EFFECT WHATSOEVER on our external world. But the truth is that there is NO BOUNDARY between our 'internal world' and our 'external world'. They're BOTH movies that originate from the SAME projector room. EVERYTHING is conscious because EVERYTHING is consciousness.
pitchfork garbage, fucking pleb
And a weebshit chart
No Macabre, Melechesh? Otherwise top notch. I'll give these a listen as this is actually more my speed.
darkthrone is not a nazi band
great list
you dont get it.
Your music is trash, it's just edgy growling and screaming.
It's something that you listen to if you want to be a school shooter but don't have the balls to do it.
Chad is still laughing at you and Stacy will never fuck you, and your autistic growling isn't going to change it so you may as well off yourself cuck.
what are some of your favorite bands?
Toby Keith, No Doubt, My Chemical Romance, Beyonce, and the guys who sang "It 'aint me".
Fucking jews have to put their filth on everything.
6/10 bait, made me reply.
Post yfw the nips completely btfo the norwegian black metal scene with one really simple, great riff
Fuck off you are not worthy of anything Fogerty
as far as black metal goes, i do like king diamond since they actually have talent. the rest of the black metal i've heard is trash
>King Diamond
You couldn't be more pleb if you tried. Also, neofolk and martial industrial are the true enlightened music, although black metal is essential.
>Amon Amarth
Nigger what the fuck?
Gorgoroth and Immortal are based as fuck. Amon Amarth and Slayer are faggot-tier metal. Slayer has maybe one good album. Amon Amarth is no different than Dimmu Burger.
Ignorant mother fuckers not understanding of the trve kvlt black metal