There are non-white subhumans browsing this board as we speak.
There are non-white subhumans browsing this board as we speak
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Can't non-whites be nationalists?
Achmed checking in! Very good yes?
Tell me it isn't so!
What you're saying I can't be in the best interests for my country white boy
>there are white subhumans browsing this board as we speak
You sound like an edgy teenager who just discovered Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is not white-supremacist. Sup Forums is anti-white genocide and nationalist. Members of other races are welcomed to be anti-white genocide and nationalist with us.
and there's nothing you can do about it, you pathetic neet beta cuck
Said a faggot worshiping his own skin.
Sup Forums is popular among jobless, autistics, losers and virgins. So basically only niggers.
>American Sup Forums
>mfw all """""""/ourguys/"""""" on HWNDU were non-white
oooga hoooga boooga wallet give sir money please
t. reptilian shape-shifter
Apparently I'm the only abo browsing Sup Forums, never ever seen another.
>Whites shunning those who are on their side and are willing to die fighting alongside them in the war against globalism
I hope we have a middle eastern mass migration and your kin get fucked first.
Really, I thought we got rid of you cunts back in the 70's. Haven't seen one of you around in a while. Where are you all hiding these days?
Yes, unfortunately there are a lot of americans browsing this board as we speak.
Finland is next on the list of Nordic states to get toppled by Islamist mass migration. Get ready kiddo. Tread lightly. :^)
>People defending shitskins itt
Go back to redir/the_donald
Yes. Brazil will dominate the world by 2050
Most of us are in the abandon warehouses near central station.
The rest are in the park.
I'm mixed a mixed French and Sioux grill
>tfw got straight, silky hair and light skin
>implying you're a fucking white male
Latino here
I'm not going to ask you faggots if you accept me because I know you can't even accept yourselves.
I know I'm "redpilled" and if you wish to be friends or enemies it's the same to me.
>"And if you call me brother now
Forgive me if I inquire
"Just according to whose plan?"
When it all comes down to dust
I will kill you if I must
I will help you if I can
When it all comes down to dust
I will help you if I must
I will kill you if I can
And mercy on our uniform
Man of peace or man of war"
There are people indoctrinated by the MSN posting on this website right now.
>Adolf Hitler’s Armed Forces: A Triumph for Diversity?
And posting, what are you going to do about it white boi?
And they always have American flags, Yanks are done for
Don't cut yourself on that edge.
welcome to Sup Forums
Spic go back to mexico, we dont need wetbacks in America.
make me faggot
start the racewar pussy I fucking dare you
please Im begging you to take some initiative for once in your pathetic life
Burger go back to Britain, Native Indians don't need you in Novus Mundus
You do realize that Eastern Europe "whites" are chock-full of Turk and gypsy blood, right?
kys phonefag
>I'm an american
>let me tell you what countries are "white"
go back to Europe hehe xd?
Damn right, Viva Mexico.
hello guys, im white
post butthole
Light skin and straight hair won't help your face or 200lb ass.
Why does he remind me of the h-dawgs?
That's it, i'm a #cruzmissile now
What about a half german half native american?
Sup my non-white negroes
Reporting in
Wena nido
Wea dindu
this board exists to try and explain away social and cultural phenomena in america in less than a paragraph of shitposting. we are all subhuman niggers
>being this ignorant
>being this open about it