Atlanta is over 60% black but its economy is flourishing. Explain, pol.
No one?
It's iterally because of filming. This state is a shithole and it's getting worse every day
The economy is flourishing? Source?
A lot of (((rappers))) and (((hip hop stars))) settle there, don't they? So wouldn't that bolster the economy there. Some low life thugs with too much money, buying up houses and shitty expensive cars and jordans?
that's all jokes. I think without a source this is bullshit, OP
Even when less than 40% is contributing there's still a ray of hope I guess.
You're not using that meme correctly. The echo chamber ((())) means Jews, not blacks.
Should be re branded as the gas chamber
The working whites don't live in Atlanta.
Still running off the steam of Chick-Fil-a, Coca-Cola, CNN, Home Depot, and I think one of the Airbnb co-founders lives in Atlanta.
atlanta also just has a lot of nice places and things to do
and there are plenty of nice places in georgia to live so people come into the metro from all over
the blacks and mexicans also consistently mishandle their money and live paycheck to paycheck(or in mexicans cases, 100 dollar bill to 100 dollar bill) and spend needlessly on stupid shit without fear because they get everything else from the government
Houston as well. They can't explain it.
True, they live in Gwinnett county.
Who gives a shit about the (((economy))) if life is a living hell.
You try driving through that shitty traffic and dealing with a bunch of incompetent violent smelly niggers and see if dat economy is worth it.
>about to leave film school
>have connections and enough money to get set up there
>tfw there are way too many niggers in Atlanta for my liking
I don't know what to do. I'm trying to avoid Hollyjew like the plague and don't want to go back up north. Should I take out a life insurance policy on my redheaded gf just in case?
>its economy is flourishing
And wow look at all the data you provided to support that statement!
Mainly because they are one of the only major cities in the south. Lots of regional support.
If you split Fulton county in half between the north and the south the demographics would be even more lopsided.
You forgot the Ted Turner empire.
Wrong. That's the Asians. Working whites live all over Atlanta except shithole areas like Vine City, and despite dripping all over ourselves to placate the blacks and give them all our money, we still manage to gentrify neighborhoods, run successful companies, and be prosperous.
>implying hip hop stars are not (((their))) tools
I just drove down to Atlanta and had the same thought. To boot, their mayor is black.
Both of you should get guns and your CCW, it's easy in Georgia. Teach her how to shoot well and to be aware of her surroundings. Keep tabs on her so you always know where she is coming from going to.
It would be nothing without the airport
Just killing each other desu most whites are safe.
You might think that if the only place you've been to in Atlanta was the airport. It's a great city.
40% is white and hard working.
fucking nigger lovers are funny as shit! You make me laugh out loud!! I should just type that as what... LoL?!
These darn interwebs are full of funny people. Muh love some science
Yes all those black corporations run by blacks
All those jobs created by blacks
Blacks are the reason for Apelanta's success
Those niggers are little dick bitch niggers. Why do white girls fuck black guys just to fuck baby dick niggers.
My dad drives 45 minutes to get to work there
White people commute
Youre confusing correlation and causation. But regardless, the reason cities dont fold under the weight of vibrant diversity is because of all the whites that dont live in the cities, but commute into them every day for work
It's because the majority of people who work there live elsewhere.
ATL economy is stable because of the Tech/Filming Industry. Most major tv stations have headquarters there because the rural parts of GA depict the "traditional" america and its dirt cheap to film there (poor people work for less $). Tech locates there for cheap land and the massive airport with direct flights to major financial cities.
"Poor People" having a higher standard of living is only due to flood insurance fraud. This is typical across the SE USA, as clay ground doesnt absorb water well and leads to heavier rainfall causing floods.