Happy St.Patricks Day!

Let's dress up like dickheads and go get drunk and public!!
It's not degenerate!!
Acting a fool while drunk and dressed up in stupid clothes, is cool, NOT degenerate.

My family came from Ireland to Canada 150 years ago.
Never been back.
I'm Irish.
I've never seen Ireland, my parents have never seen Ireland, my grandparents have never seen Ireland, my great grandparents have never seen Ireland.
I'm Irish!!! :)
Fiddle dee dee, look at me, I'm Irish eh? Ha ha!
Leperchauns and Erin Go Brah ! I'm Irish eh??
I'm gonna drink whiskey to celebrate my Irish heritage of not living in Ireland for 5 generations.
I'm Irish!

Remember kids, pissing yourself, puking on yourself, getting alcohol poisoning, almost dying is red pilled.
Alcohol is red pilled.

Other urls found in this thread:


Stop projecting famalam. Just because you don't have buds to get fucked up with tonight doesn't mean you need to be a no fun dickhead

Oh ya eh??
I'm Scottish eh?? My best friend and I bonded over our Scottish clans heritage as kids.
I'm also half Irish eh??
Being Irish, that means I like fiddle music, whiskey and I can drink A LOT of alcohol.
All I know about my Irish heritage is stereotypes! XXDDD
I'm so cool!!

Projecting what?
Use words in the proper context idiot.

you must be super popular at parties

canadian flag actually smarter than us for once, kys for making yourself look like an idiot

Cause hanging out with drunk low lives who talk about nothing important while drunk is super cool.

>Hey user, wannaaaaz hear a story about meeeee??
>Hey user, I had 10 beers, wanna talk politicccssssss

Get a load of this degenerate.

Talking to drunk people be like

>Hey, listen here okay, I'm a guy. I like guy stuff. I am a man, okay?? My mom won't make me tendies anymore. I'm 30. I need tendies. Presdent Trump gonna make Ameriga great and get me GF.
I heard a podcast about politics. I cant remember anything but it was awesome.
Did yous know I can lift a TV over my head?
OMG look at that girls ass
*pisses pants, pukes everywhere, passes out*

You think stoners are stupid??
Talk to a drunk.
They are Fucking retards

why can't people let loose for a night? Life can be taken seriously the other 364 days of the year.

people who drink alcohol like that are fucking scum.
>normies go out every weekend to get blackout drunk and call it socializing
>some fags on pol actually try and defend it

Burgers are pretty bad about this desu. My great-great grandparents were German and English. What does that make me? A FUCKING AMERICAN. Don't know why people think claiming a culture their family hasn't been a part of for 150 years makes them interesting or unique. You're not Polish. You're not German. You're not Russian. You are a shart in mart. Embrace it.

Prohibition when?

can we get an irefag in this thread? I think by now our angry leaf could use a valid two-cent pitch from someone in the field.

most people drink like that

most people are scum as well, didnt you hear hrc won the popular vote?

ITT: people should not be allowed to do something that I don't like

Now you're speaking my language

oi m8 we don't actually believe in leprechauns ye know! St. McPatty's day is srs u wanka ameericans

you should come to luxembourg one day. this country is full of alcoholics and heroin addicts. its a disgrace. just look at juncker. you think he's cool for drinking all the time?

What's an Irish person going to say??
Is he going to set me straight on why a bunch of yahoos in North America can drink themselves silly and call themselves Irish for a day is okay?

Take all the shit meme steroetypes of Irish people and celebrate them.
I'd be pissed if I was Irish.

Like if (you) a leaf, walked into Ye Old Pube in Ireland, sat down and said "I'm Irish, my great grandpappy came to Canada 150 years. I'm Irish" they'd laugh at you or beat the crap out of you.

Hey, it's a white holiday and it's pretty fun.

I'll have a a Guinness and watch idiots get plowed. Most fun memory was spending a SPD with an Irish exchange student...Paddy was mad as fuck, especially at black people wearing shamrock and shit.

Too right, a chara Gaeil

>they'd laugh at you or beat the crap out of you.
They'd more likely be perfectly amicable toward you and try to get you to buy drinks.

Alcohol drinkers are scum. Worse degenerates than degenerate pot heads.
Pot heads are degenerate, but alcohol drinkers are 100 times worse.
They get degenerate as fuck, then wake up the next morning, cry into the toilet, say sorry to everyone, then at night get dumb fuck drunk again and make all the same mistakes as the night before.

man, sometimes i just pity leaves like this who suffer from stunted growth

>what would a real Irish say
In my experience, "You're not Irish, you're not fookin' Irish, you're not Irish!" and getting mad about leprechauns.

>They'd more likely be perfectly amicable toward you and try to get you to buy drinks
so they actually are scum?

All Canadians are Irish and Scottish from when their family arrived in 18 dick-a-dee with just a shoe and shilling.

someone finally understands it. i see this shit with my friends every fucking weekend. every time they say they will never drink again, and 7 days later the same same shit again

There just needs to be better education on alcohol, less promotion of alcohol

Look at this picture.
Especially number 6
So weird.

>first generation American
>Irish father
>Hates St. Patrick's Day and never let us buy lucky charms
>kept a Shillelagh for home defense
>would never drink Guinness in America because it wasn't fresh enough
>potatoes with every meal
>when we would go out to eat at Red Robin he would request a basket of the bottomless fries as an appetizer

I love my dad

Where do you go to school leafbro?

I'm sitting at Queen's University food court watching kids already blacked out and vomiting. It's 10am. This school is the hub of degeneracy. These same kids complain that school is too draining on their mental health as well.

>canadian holidays celebrated around the world


>irish holidays celebrated around the world


lmaoing @ ur life famalam, you're just mad you have no friends to get stoopid drunk with

Ya, sadly I was the loser for too many years.
Alcohol is a meme to ruin your life. That's it.

>being this repulsed by beer and friendship

We're very sorry

Token UK flag posting so we get the blame for all the trolling by the Irish as always.

As it should be.

does that make niggers, spics and chinese who lived there for a couple generations american too?

>tfw paddys day is the day my parents died

I fucking hate this shit

Listen, libertarian. You think people should be autonomous and decide for themselves what they put "in their own bodies" right? You believe if "it doesn't affect anyone else" or it's a "victimless crime" that people should do whatever they want? You think I should sit at home and get wasted all day if I want, right? What if I have a 6 month old kid I'm responsible for? Maybe then, if you're reasonable, you think I shouldn't get wasted and neglect the kid, right? What if I have obligations to someone else, some sort of contract I'm supposed to fulfill today, but I'd rather just get drunk? Maybe then you'd say it would be wrong for me to get drunk and neglect my contractual obligations? Well, look, kid: society is exactly the same sort of pre-existing set of obligations as having a dependent kid, or having a contract. Nobody who lives in community with others is free to do whatever he pleases on the premise that it only affects himself, because nothing he does only affects himself. The libertarian is like the brat who eats candy for dinner in the absence of parental authority--he says he's even more "responsible" because he can live without the threat of laws and government oversight, but he's kidding himself. He's imagining an abstraction that removes himself from the social context into which he was born, and in which he will always live.

All I do is put on a green shirt and drink some Guinness

Is that degenerate?

I don't.
NEET loser who doesn't drink.
Downtown of my town will be full of morons soon enough Im sure.

Jesus, it's not even 10am.........

>buzzkill, the post

>and go get drunk and public
Look who is taking about the use of words.
Exactly how does one "get public"?

>mfw irish and no buds to drink with or ireland day


No drunk buddy of mine ever had my back. Usually ran away to avoid shit themselves.

I was at a bar once, some kid was crying, getting kicked out on his birthday, all his friends acted like they didn't know him.

I donno, maybe in America people are different.
There's no such thing as a friend in canada. It's just people who hang around until they don't think you're cool anymore.


Sorry to hear.
I don't like my parents so I'm kinda jealous of you.

i like memes

Documentary footage of pub life

Im trying to get sober now. Hard man.

What's the other one?

>forgot a word
>argument not valid and blown the fuck out
>post reaction pic

How to tell a loser is butt blasted

i hate drinkfags my frined was drunk a this party and it was shite


>Getting shit faced drunk on a celebration is bad

Getting shit faced drunk is fucking stupid and harmful I agree, but they're going to hurt themselves only. It's their right so why bother and complain?

I'd drink with you leprechaun man

Damn that sounds like shit. All of my friends have been close since high school. Maybe it's a small town thing. ~t. Rural retard

Criticize someone for something.
Get criticized for the same thing.
Have a bitch tantrum about being criticized.
Misuse green text.

How to tell a faggot is a super faggot.

having a society full of drunken degenerates hurts communities as well

oh i'm still getting drunk, it just might end in a suicide rather that a fist fight

i hate people who claim they're something they're not

in my mind people who claim they're irish aren't irish unless they have at least one grandparent living in ireland

>degenerate alcoholic everyday
>I never puke
>I never apologize because theres no point
fuck you. sorry the alcoholics you know sound pathetic


We just lay low today. It's the worst night out of the year because of the tourists.

Only fags off themselves, stick it out until the end and see if you can change things for the better

>admit your a pathetic alcoholic degenerate
>not puking makes you cooler for reasons
>call alcoholics pathetic degenerates

Cognitive dissonance of a whacked out junkie.
(You) are pathetic bro.

I'm drunk 1-3 times a day.
No black outs or puking.

pretty good leafposting

>chinese boss/10

i wonder if my friend is going to be drunk all day

Let me roleplay what it's like to drink
Boo boo no gf
Kill all niggers!
I wish I knew how to solve all my problems... How could I start that.... hmmm
>makes out with random diseased whore
>pukes guts
>passes out from dehydration
>wake up in own piss and shot
Oh yeah. Luck of the Irish happy saint patties!

This guy has a great imagination to "win" an argument on 4crap.
Don't they have a smuggie about people like you??
> Ha ha, I was going to have to admit you're right, but you made a spelling mistake. Tough luck this time

>but they're going to hurt themselves only

That's not true at all.



Why do you leafs call everyone Chinese or Paki?
I don't get it.
Chinese and Pakis are more successful than white canadians.
It's not an insult.
My sole identity isn't "being white" and being called Chinese BTFO-s me.

Get under your own flag loser.

Bill: On the seventh day the Lord rested, but before that he did, he squatted over the side of England and what came out of him... was Ireland.

Shanty Irish haven't done good for nobody.


It's cool though, that's what cool non degenerate people do.

>chinese paki detected

wew, the only reason you're upsetti is the qur'an wont let you drink your sake

whats a leaf

Are you telling me??
*cracks open "second" beer*
Are yousss tellllinnngg meeeee
*slurs speech*
Are yooouuuuu tryinggggg to sayyyy
*stumbles around***
Are youuuuu teelllllinggg meeeeeessss
*pees pants*
Are yoooouuu tryyynnngggg tooo sayyyy
*pukes on himself*
*pass out in fetal position, pisses more, shits pants, pukes more*
That alcohol makes me degenerate??

stop posting before you know how shit works


Chicken shit leaf.
Post under your own flag faggot. Aren't you proud of your Canadian Heritage bud??
Did you decide to use the Ireland flag to show your "Irish Heritage" today?

Come on chicken shit, post under a Canadian flag.
You won't. You're a chicken shit coward yellow belly beta.
>a fucking leaf
Triggers you so hard, you spend money to hide your identity.
Coward loser pissant faggot.
Don't try and shit talk me bitch boy

If there as ever a day for the Lord to return for His servants, tonight would be the night. Staggering amount of "Christians" out there acting like fools with the unbelievers.

You know it's degenerate because the "prophet" told you right achmed;^)

you're slipping

if youre gona shitpost, atleast try make it look real

But it actually hurts others though? This kind of argument doesn't work with alcohol at all. When it stops innocent deaths and beatings, you can make this argument.

Do you even go to parties you fat fuck weeb

Thank god for Irish """"""""culture""""""""

>Argue on Sup Forums
>Criticize someone else for doing the same.
>Uses a term only a dick riding Leaf would know.

Still can't handle taking criticism.
Still a super faggot.

Go home newfie

I hate St Patricks Day almost as much as I hate the Irish. Gonna get off work to have my usual Friday dinner and pints with the regulars and the place will be filled with green faggots

You're just waiting on may 5th aren't you Pablo

Piss off, leaf.

I'm wearing my green MAGA hat and drinking Guinness after work with my friends and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.

National get drunk day is my date of birth. My family was torn apart by alcoholism. This is not my blog sorry.

You don't actually vomit from dehydration, you vomit because your body is sensing that it is being poisoned and it is killing you.

Under all circumstances, if you feel like vomiting while drinking please stop drinking and immediately induce vomiting. Don't keep it in to be a hero.

t. I've seen people seize and die for a few minutes from this shit, mostly tiny girls who are scared of peer judgement.

Your just butthurt because of that time Ireland invaded Cananda:


It's too bad you have the "Muh Ulster Scots" heritage which no one believes exists. Afrikaaners of Europe.

How dare people have fun abloobloobloo I drink "pints" of angry orchard here every week how dare more people show up abloobloo