How do we stop the shills Sup Forums? It sucks browsing here because of all of the "Well Sup Forums" "i used to support Trump" "POL BTFO" and "really makes you think threads"
How do we stop the shilling?
How do we stop the shills Sup Forums? It sucks browsing here because of all of the "Well Sup Forums" "i used to support Trump" "POL BTFO" and "really makes you think threads"
How do we stop the shilling?
Other urls found in this thread:
they would go away if people stopped replying
meaning it's hopeless
although i doubt they would cease easily, they have the money and their goal is to brainwash the newfriends before we redpill them
Holy fuck. People still don't get it.
faggots should lurk moar
SAGE EVERY POST, but ask the CIA questions.
Point out that their method is only going to recruit idiots. Red pill them on issues that affects the CIA like public spending and public debt and the insecurity of their pensions etc. Red pill them on issues generally.
They may reply with "wrong" but they are still reading and listening. If they arent bots..
Most of those threads are bots that cant english properly. Theres no syntax or grammar. Also all the posters are from a variety of countries all complaining about the US president after nit even 2 months.
Its obviously fake as fuck so make graphics of the rediculous thread posts and spread
The worst thing is that there is a few LARPers in there making the problem even worse than it already is.
Can't believe I voted Trump
Stop replying, make at least one thread when you are on here, use common fucking sense. You shouldn't have to lurk moar than 2 weeks to figure out this board unless you have nigger-tier intelligence.
praise be to kuk, drumpf btfo again
Generally this. But sometimes you need to leave a b8 pic to let the newfriends know they aren't replying to a bona fide Sup Forumsack hoping to have a serious discussion. Otherwise they won't learn.
Report the thread, sage the thread.
Copy the following text into a notepad and paste it into your saged reply.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
People need to stop replying and since this site is a lovely mix of other boards, reddit and shareblue right now it's not happening
/sbg/ made an unbelievable amount of progress before kike mods. I think that's taken care of though and I wonder if it should come back.
Bomb their headquarters
The main goal is massive forum sliding to push more important topics into archives
Filter the board. For newfags I will bestow some oldfag knowledge on (((yous))).
Locate Filter on the homepage and ad the words that the left convieniently uses over and over again.
Examples Filter Words
Bonus Tip!
Utilizing Filters you can not only remove alot of cancer you can also move what you want to see to the top of the board. This is how a straight white male can enjoy /gif without having to see traps and faggots. Pure vanilla degeneracy can be yours!
Having a hard time actually posting today as well. Captcha box disappears or wont load half the time. Post button wont load. Shit is going slow as hell and its not on my end. What do?
You this You see this fucking retard right here is the problem
The fucking "infowarrior" who literally believes (LITERALLY believes) that these posts aren't just people posting because fucking retards like him respond seriously, like the fucking gullible morons they are, but they're paid CIA operatives
This is what this board has come to.
These are the people who post here.
Mods should ban the thread and any fucking retard who's stupid enough to reply in any way to obvious spam. Just fucking ban them. They'll rage about some conspiracy to silence them but eventually they'll just fuck off back to Facebook
Have you looked at Trump's budget plan? You're the shill, friend. Have fun for the next four years, burgers, while Trump lines his rich friends' pockets at your expense.
Stop fucking feeding the shills!
They aren't normal people. There is one human in the thread and the other posts are bots with no syntax or grammar. One CIA responds to direct points by diverting the focus.
They arent normal people fising for (you)s
I sage every post
I think you are mad I figured it out and are subverting your efforts
... Now I'm the shill
Fucking intellectually inferior subhuman trash get the fuck back to Facebook, you fucking newfags.
Were fucking full
Fuck off back to Facebook
Fuck off back to Facebook, you fucking newfag
Poor little Drumpfkins. They know things are getting bad when even Sup Forums is turning against Drumpf.
Yes - because you are diverting the issue. You are trying to make others think these threads are "normal people" fishing for (you)s. You can tell by reading them they are bots being mediated by one human who keeps posting "not true" and such when you point out its the same shill thread as every day.
You are actually defending shills by advocating the idea that they are normal people.
I have never had a facebook because its obviously a tracking method. Which is in line with my "infowarior" status, right
>muh safe-space
The obvious no-effort posts (think anything with the word 'Drumpf', two word posts, ironic hillary pepes, etc.) are obvious bait and should be treated as such. It probably doesn't help to sputter 'shareblue' and 'CIA shill' at actual people expressing real opposing viewpoints, that just encourages trolls and faggots who want a safe-space.
Just leave. There are no shills, you paranoid idiot Name Options Comment
There are shills - you can absolutely tell from the content. Its obvious
Its literally the same image and title everyday. Multiple times everyday
They think just calling those aware of the tactics "paranoid" is going to work in 2017 ! ! Hahahahaha. We know, "Australia"-fag, what the game is. You cant win. You are just recuiting morons
Thank you so much, i teared up watching this video. Our East asian culture has been dying out because of these scumbag muslims and globalists.FUCK DIVERSITY
me too ;_:
Is anyone else really sad that they voted Trump? Pls share
You are British? Its strange how many international people voted for trump. All the regreting voters are not from the US. Funny that.....?
Which video specifically?
these are just shills and not people actually unhappy with the orange king... right guys?
Or maybe you're just a Drumpfkin in denial
I propose we occupy a quiet as fuck board here, like /tg/ or /fa/ and just gradually start dropping red pills. Those boards take weeks to clear.
This is slightly off-topic but not really:
why is it legal for the CIA to spy on non-americans like us, but it is illegal in our countries to spy on the CIA?????
nice digits but both of you are faggot shills. oldfags dont double space.
Trump WON. How can so many people dislike Trump if he WON the fucking election?
Im not for any politician - its all a scam, but these threads are SHILL THREADS mediated by the CIA using spam-bots that cannot do syntax or grammar properly
>being this new
>not realizing the Sup Forums btfo threads are ironic
It's not even shilling faggot. It's just bait and troll threads.
Im not a shill - but the "Australia"-fag was blatantly
there is a report function you know
They're not fishing for (you)s. they are shill threads with one human mediating with spam-bot posts
The mods know its a shill thread already
When you guys don't realize the real Shill's let awhile ago.
It's just a sect of our own realized how useful of a tool it is to make newfags think that we are being attacked by a corperation in an attempt to alter peoples thoughts.
If newfags think they are being mentally attacked they will accept the redpill even more.
Keep it up Crew/Shareblue Larpers.
Shut the fuck up gibsmoney
See image..
Fuck I am guilty too...