Trump Playlist
>Pres Trump remarks @ St Patricks Day 3/16/17
>Pres Trump remarks @ Friends of Ireland 3/16/17
>VP Pence swears in Dan Coats (DNI) 3/16/17
>Pres Trump on Tucker 3/15/17
>Pres Trump rally in Nashville TN 3/15/17 (RSBNiggers)
>Pres Trump remarks @ Jackson Hermitage 3/15/17
>VP Pence @ American Ireland Fund Gala 3/15/17
>Pres Trump leads roundtable with CEOs and unions 3/15/17
>The Story behind MAGA hats
>Female Trump vs Male shillary
>Tucker talks Trumpism
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story
OP pastebin:
Other urls found in this thread:
>yfw Trump brings 100 dogs into the room
Trump is white trash.
> Also what power will jeff have in combating the pot menace
None whatsoever as he already declared he will abide by state's decisions on this matter.
Much like with Trump himself people can't separate the personal opinion of the elected official to his role and the role of his position. Here are some examples:
> Trump couldn't give less of a fuck about which bathroom a trannie uses but he knows it's not up to the federal government to enforce that
> Sessions is clearly against cannabis use but he knows it's not up to the federal government to override state decisions on that
> T Rex, Mattis and others answered affirmatively in their hearings on their beliefs on climate change but they all know very well Trump's position on the matter and are already working accordingly
It's just that leftists are so used to their politicians to trample their attributions to enforce their morality that they lost sight of the game
your country is
TRUMP SCHEDULE Friday March 16, 2017
9:30AM THE PRESIDENT meets with the Republican Study Committee
Oval Office
In-Town Travel Pool Spray (Final Gather 9:20AM Briefing Room Doors)"
10:00AM THE PRESIDENT leads a listening session on Veterans Affairs
Roosevelt Room
In-Town Travel Pool Spray (Final Gather 9:50AM Briefing Room Doors)"
11:20AM THE PRESIDENT welcomes Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany
West Wing Lobby
In-Town Travel Pool Spray (Final Gather 10:10AM Briefing Room Doors)"
11:30AM THE PRESIDENT meets with Chancellor Merkel
Oval Office
In-Town Travel Pool Spray (Final Gather 11:20AM Briefing Room Doors)"
11:45AM THE PRESIDENT leads a bilateral meeting with Chancellor Merkel
Oval Office
Closed Press
12:30PM THE PRESIDENT leads a roundtable discussion on vocational training with United States and German business leaders
Cabinet Room
In-Town Travel Pool Spray (Final Gather 12:20PM Briefing Room Doors)
1:20PM THE PRESIDENT and Chancellor Merkel hold a joint press conference
East Room
Pre-Credentialed Press
1:50PM THE PRESIDENT has a working luncheon with Chancellor Merkel
State Dining Room
Closed Press
4:00PM THE PRESIDENT departs the White House en route to Joint Base Andrews
South Lawn
Open Press
4:20PM THE PRESIDENT departs Joint Base Andrews en route to West Palm Beach, Florida
Joint Base Andrews
Out-of-Town Travel Pool
6:35PM THE PRESIDENT arrives in West Palm Beach, Florida
Palm Beach International Airport
Pre-Credentialed Press
Worst posters on Sup Forums based on nationality list!
1: Canadians
2: Toothpaste posters. I don't need to explain
3: Thailand
4: Swiss: Evil Mountain Jews who insult everyone
5: Germans: The CIA is using them as proxies, and it's hard to tell if a Kraut is a real Kraut or a spook
major winnings yesterday bigly. the russian narrative is pretty much btfo.
Do you think Trump reads the replies
What ever happened to that would-be assassin who tried to bum rush Trump at the airplane hangar rally?
This meeting is gonna be awkward for Mamma Merkel
not really considering the revelations about (((Trumps))) Russia-based income sources
someone pls invade us
Guys, i'm trying to make a french elections general, but it tells me "Field too long" even if that's shorter than the /ptg/, why is that ?
The Israeli botter is the fucking worst without question besides maybe the Malay a long time ago.
Talk about really dogging her
Let's see some sources, nigger.
Fuck no, why would he? Its always the same 5 people shilled by twitter with their great volumes of chained tweets filled with condescension, smarminess, and hatred
Just make it shorter.
lions dont concern themselves with the opinions of sheep
"In the morning, President Donald J. Trump will meet with the Republican Study Committee. The President will then lead a listening session on Veterans Affairs. Later in the morning, the President will welcome Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany. The President will then lead a bilateral meeting with Chancellor Merkel. In the afternoon, the President will lead a* *roundtable discussion on vocational training with United States and German business leaders. The President and Chancellor Merkel will then hold a joint press conference. Later in the afternoon, the President will have a working luncheon with Chancellor Merkel. In the evening, the President will depart the White House for Joint Base Andrews en route to West Palm Beach, Florida."
the real question is do you think twitter realizes how obvious it is that they always push not only negative tweets but negative comments that take 5-10 tweets to the top of the feed?
wish granted
t. muzzies
Very true. Yesterday spicing was brutal. It was not only the "zero intelligence", he called the media on their shit and on their double standard on the "Russian : Wiretapping" narrative on their faces.
It reminds me of something
> they make bullshit double standards claim
> Spicer calls them on their shit
> they let a few minutes pass
> they go back to the same bullshit claim as if they never did before
Good thing Spicer is takin no shit and no prisoners.
i can't, it's already pretty short
How do you deal with being beta?
>just got a sweet job, MAGA as fuck.
>high precision/tech machineshop
>i'll be a CNC Setup machinist
>some of the things this company has manufactured are in mars right now.
>afaid of telling current boss i quit
i dont like being mean ;c
Fucking Russians, hacked Hillary's schedule so she wouldn't visit Michigan
>check some posts
>Almost all shitty
>See shitty post
>Check flag
>US flag
How do we fix US posters?
Or should we filter them?
Gookmoot is pro-Macron, he won't let you post
Ayo hol up
You break it you bought it shitdick.
Enjoy your midterms.
I always wonder if he could have turned MN if he stopped there a couple more times.
the press is making fools of themselves.
What's this I'm hearing about that faggot cuck Ryan trying to block Trump's budget bill?
Rearrange some things then.
By "closed press" do they mean that we will get to see mama merkel meeting trump, or not?
Not visiting Wisconsin and MN was fucking insane with the internals that they had.
No but we get to see the press conference afterwards
Not really. They are all bought and paid. They can't care about anything otherwise they simply get replaced.
It won't take too much time until a series of virtual signaling defections on air starts to plague them, much like it happened on RT America a couple of years ago
Are other Malaysian posters cancerous?
I'd like to see that with primary stops included
trump even came up here to Washington at some point
Maybe, worked in Michigan
How do I defend Trump ending meals on wheels when people bring it up?
Reminder that this is why (((they))) are smearing Russia and Trump so obsessively.
There will be a pool spray after the meeting, no footage of the meeting itself, maybe some pictures like with the others.
Government only pays 3.3% to meals on wheels
Do not talk to shills.
The weak should fear the strong
>that moment when Kamala Harris asked Pompeo about climate change during CIA chief hearings
I have never laughed harder at a reaction, or been more sad at the state of our govt that she thinks warm weather is important to being a good spy
How much copper did you steal to be able to afford your net, Binuca?
That's a nice building and the mark of someone who had a real impact on the world without the nepotism of politics. I bet he would make an excellent leader.
What are those cucks ranting in the streets doing with their lives and their shitty hand made signs exactly? Do they want me to know what losers they are? Do they want you to know how badly they alienated themselves from people that work and value personal responsibility, laws and sovereign nations?
Or are they just a few useful idiots with a core of paid Soros protestors with pre-made signs thinking they're sticking it to le big bad billionaire.
3% of their total funding
if people are worried they should donate that's where they get most of their money anyway and it's only 1-200k to make up the difference
hell I donated $50 like 4months ago before this was even a issue
We /Holy American Emperor/ now?
They give it 250k. Which is a drop in the bucket.
Learn to hustle or die tryin
>Rednecks are the last uncucked whites in all of the west and propelled Trump to victory
That's not only true but the aforementioned Florida Man saved Trump's election and gave him victory.
Hillary campaign genuinely believed that, because of the signs of a record showing of the following groups she had the election guaranteed:
> college educated women
> Mexicans and Puerto Ricans
> African Americans
> Muslims
College educated women would guarantee Ohio; Mexicans and Puerto Ricans, Florida; Blacks and College educated women, North Carolina and Pennsylvania; Blacks, Muslims and College educated women, Michigan; Mexicans and college educated women, Nevada.
That's why their surrogates, in all stations (Fox News, ABC News, NBC News, CNN) were pretty confident that, despite everything we knew about early voting data, Hillary would snag Florida early and close Trump path to 270.
For those who missed here is how things needed to realistically be for Trump at Election Day [1]:
>There are so many scenarios as long as the following states are secure (and right now they are):
>> Romney states
>> OH
>> FL
>> IA
>> ME CD2
Hillary campaign has very good reasons to believe they would win Florida at Election Day: Miami Dade and Brocwald (or whatever that county is called) showed up with record shattering turnout for democrats.
If you guys want to thank one single group for saving this election thank Florida white rural panhandle. It was them offsetting Florida beaches.
The proverbial "Florida man" saved America.
So Milo's career is done, right?
I said when the controversy broke out "he isnt dead if he handles it right and then what he does inmediately after it"
>he apologized
That never works, the left just sees it as weakness
>he then hide himself from public
Aaaaaand he'a dead jim
Cover of roach daily news today.
I sincerely hope President Trump does that. I remember Putin doing that to Merkel too. kek
I saw the bus Hillary Clinton was in when she came to my area. Fucking infuriating.
He was so close to winning MN. I really want it next time. We need to get Manafort to go talk to McMuffin.
What did Merkel do?
The federal government in America is bound by the constitution to perform four (and only these four) tasks
> money printing
> immigration and border control
> defense
> interstate conflict arbitrage
All the rest, everything else is either for the states to deal with (if they choose to) or to the people (meaning the local communities). That's why every american citizen is a citizen of their state first and foremost.
Asking "why isn't the federal government paying for meals on wheels" is like asking why you accountant isn't litigating your cases in court. Even if you send him money every year it's not his fucking job and he is not the best person to do it anyway.
Most states have their own charity programs, paid for by the money the states raise from their own citizen. Doing it at a federal level is the equivalent of, in the European Union context, a Portuguese or a Romanian paying tax to Brussels so they can spend on Meal o. Wheels in Germany or France. Total bullshit.
its already been done
he should bring in his pet giant whiptail scorpion
Fuck merkel and fuck brown people.
> We need to get Manafort to go talk to McMuffin.
Whoever voted McMuffin would never vote for Trump. Those votes for Johnson tho
I foresee Trump's victory in 2020 to be monumental. I truly believe it'll break King Nigger's record and get as close as possible to Reagan's victory as possible in the modern era. He'll also safely snag the popular vote.
The midterms are going to be a bloodbath. People are going to have it up to their necks with cuckservative neocons and neolibs.
why does obongo have so many JUST faces?
>he apologized
Maybe he'll come back in another month or two in some less campy version of himself, but he ended himself with that.
Interstate commerce is an area that the federal government has some control in.
their budget is like 3% fed money, 97% private donations. there's probably millions of illegals using meals on wheels, so once they all get deported, no one will even miss that 3%
Dude, it's the 2017, he will be back in a couple of months. People's attention span is really short these days.
>The proverbial "Florida man" saved America.
Fuck Reagan.
Who has the infinite shoeworks pic?
>An American Apache helicopter has carried out an attack on a Somali refugee boat, killing at least 31 passengers
Did I say I like Reagan, you faggot? You can't deny that his victory was huge.
I agree Johnson was a bigger problem but I disagree. I knew people who unironically went from being warm to Mcmuffin to voting Trump. I know this is personal stories but at least some of them would vote Trump and his presence on the ballot alone hurts Trump's image.
PLEASE be real
What's his beef against weed?
did a stoner fuck his high-school crush?
Her campaign made a lot of retarded assumptions. For some reason they thought she would get more minority votes than Obama. Then they decided to go full-"fuck white men", which led to her losing the white women who like white men (i.e. most of them). They made the fatal mistake of buying into their own propaganda. Mook and Pedosta thought that real life was just like thier favorite BLACKED porn.
Really nice use of semicolons there Portubro.
He's oldschool.
He's just an absolute nerd
Hey that's not too bad, they make it sound like the program is over now
Astronomical total defeat of the opponent.
He got to a job he didn't want and that he wasn't minimally prepared. Obama was just the front face of this whole liberal federalist movement using him as a prop to wrestle as much power away from the people and from the states into the federal government.
Think about it: what were Obama campaign promises? Which ones did he fulfil?
>What's his beef against weed?
Soros backs legalized weed
It's real, but not certain if it was us. Saudis use our Apaches too.
Weed is like heroin haven't you heard?
No. Just saying fuck Reagan.
Tired of hearing the ballwashing of that weakling cuck.