How do we make manlets learn?
How do we make manlets learn?
you fucking dickhead
>manlet rage
The Matriarchal Society likes tall men! Congrats you are valuable to the women who control you. Tall Fags rejoce!
chemical castration, it's the humane thing to do and better for society at large.
Voluntary euthanasia is also an option
Get it through their thick skulls by hitting them with reality
The women are wrong(who would have guessed)
being under 6'0" is actually evolutionary advantageous now. Brute strength has been solved by technology, but less volume is more important in combat survival and energy consumption!!
adapted to life on earth> inadapted to life on earth
is this a picture for manlets?
In the gym I see all the lifters bros are overcompensating manletes.
Im tall (for Chile) so I get endless pussy
t. Manlete McDawrfy
Manlets have bigger dicks anyway.
Sooo 5"5?
What's the point of heightism? It's not as if being a certain size makes you more prone to rob stores or wind up in prison, there's clearly more relevant distinctions to focus on.
You don't, they automatically get filtered out of the genepool by women.
I don't know what the barbarian numbers mean. Im 179 cm
Only jews make these types of threads. Men are not supposed to put other men down like women do to each other.
Very nice.
One of my best m8s is 5'5ft, and he's been banging pussy since he was 12. Way more pussy than a lot of tall men. Now he's settled and married while cucks settle with the sluts he's banged.
Most important thing is, he's loud/confident and was (before injury) vice captain of the local football side, and not a beta orbiting nu-male.
Grats you're king of manlets
>picture for manlets
Feels bad man always feel like I'm looked down on and I feel like I'm not taken as seriously. Anyway I kinda do see the irritation with shorter people and how aggressive and kind of rude they are. I feel like I'm kind of laid back so it feels kind of bad when I see people brace themselves for my Manley wrath.
Thinking if you are tall you will have tall kids.
Found the idiot
Tyrannosaurus keks.
Deport manlets to Russia.
In my country Im tall. Not interested in assles pale north European bitches.
5'4 master race reporting in. I get pussy daily. Just don't be a bitch
How tall was Pinochet?
Manlets are the most ambitious males tho. They try to compensate but they will never be able to compensate for their manlet status therefore the motivation lasts forever.
5"7 is ideal height
>muh heigth makes me superior in every way
>genetics don't exist
American education
What's the point of no return? 6 feet?
Its funny to you? Do you even know what cm are??
Probably you une royal queen inches or dome shit like that
You're like 5'8" in freedom units.
Women are that tall here.
Goddamn leaf, this is a top-tier shitpost. Maybe someday a Canadian will discover how genes operate.
It's true though. I don't know about Chile specfically but I've spent a lot of time in Central America. I'm 5-11(180-181 cm) and you feel like a god damn NBA player there.
that is 5'11 or so
>tfw 186 cm
>tfw I've seen only 10 people taller than me in my entire life
Now I just have to get rid of this beer belly and get /fit/ and I'll be getting pussy in no time. R-right guys?
Sorry did your brain do a beta biofeedback to teach you your place? Funny because it's not me
Genetics do exist but they don't operate the way you think. The shortest person in my family is my mom, she is 5'7 and some female cousins who are like 5'8 - 5'9. All of my male family members are at least 6'0. But somehow I'm 5'4 even tho I was training a lot of sports when I was young + I never smoked or did drugs. I guess some ancestor was short and I got unlucky when I was fishing in the gene pool.
You're 10cm taller than me but still
Speaking of genetics if being a short height is so disadvantageous why has evolution not weeded out mantlets over the course of human history?
Now try converting 182 cm and 183 cm respectively you fucking retard.
>always feel like I'm looked down on
If you are under 6'2" might as well kill yourself
Above average (188 cm)in the tallest country in the world, feels good. Manlets are entertaining but should ultimately be gassed.
>tfw 6ft 4 but have 5 1/2 inch penis......
Kill me.......
There is anything worse than being a manlet pajeet?
Easier to fight the manlets than the muslims flooding your country huh?
This, especially not white men.
nope. Even if you are tall (I doubt it) you still have to deal with the ugly skin tone, ugly average indian face, ugly smell and annoying accent.
There is no worse curse that born indian tb.h
Let's see where Le Pen ends up before shittalking shall we Pierre?
>girl takes off 6 inch heels
>turns out shes only 5'5"
I see my mistake. I feel dumb now.
Hehe, hopefully m8
learn what?
is there consensus on what we should learn?
>American education
Maybe just make "feeling dumb" your default position
That feel when Putin is the richest guy on the entire planet and he is a dwarf
I swear heightism would be a real thing if it wasnt only a man problem
Literally arguing with the California of Europe
Not surprised its from SK, everything is superficial in their culture.
you're in for a long and boring but useful ride
Manlet pls
Girl in the blue wearing 4 inch + heels on the beach, BTFO a manlet.
Silly chinkys
>You need to be this tall to fuck this slut
Still, if the guy is short you might risk getting manlet children. The tall guy obviously has genes for tallness in his family.
he is like 160 jesus. or she is tall but still horse face with fat arms. Also ring on finger and clubbing, total trash.
Should have lowered her head to his crotch level.
does anyone have the ben shapiro edit of this?
I see this pic and laugh at the slenderman-tier woman to be honest.
shut up you fucking lanklets
i'm going to castrate you and rape your anuses how's that for a lesson
lol at this pathetic manlet cope
>be german
>6'1/185cm of height
>walk in uni or super market
>suddenly giant dutchies come out of nowhere
I seriously can't imagine being a real manlet here.I feel like a manlet here sometimes.
i'll cope you by cutting off your dick you tall bastard
i am average global height, i am middle height you piece of shit
>being a manlet gook with a small willy
Have you ever considered suicide?
Although i'm a 5'8 spic that's bullshit. Anything over 6'3 is a disadvantage but around 6ftish you stand out more in crowds and are looked up upon which is a huge advantage in social situations, human beings instinctually have a problem disagreeing while looking up to someone, it reduces you to a child like state and its a hostility issue. And can even so is everything under 5'7 is a social dead end. You don't make women feel protected and women will eliminate you in a room full of guys unless you're charismatic as fuck (which is rare for manlets despite bullshit) and men will feel superior to you, which is where the "compensation" comes in but that's not always the case even then, most manlets are passive as fuck and let people walk all over them, they will avoid conflict while manlets with ambition is not rare it is uncommon and even then most have a deepseeded insecurity that can be triggered under the right conditions. Also manlets literally have smaller brains that have stuble effects on their psyche.
Manlet wrath is just as common as dumb, brutish tall people, they exist but its mostly uncommon and a meme.
5'6 and under. You're a dead end.
Nobody will notice you're a manlet at 5'8 but it depends at 5'7
Dutch people are freakishly big. The women too. Good thing they're also giant pussies
I want a tall woman, I'm 178cm tall.
the average man is a manlet you fuck
>i'm a 5'8 spic
>everything under 5'7 is a social dead end
interesting that you chose that cutoff point lmao
>a huge advantage in social situations
that's why you need to kill all the tall people
>Nobody will notice you're a manlet at 5'8
the delusion
>tfw 5'9"
>tfw dick 21 cm
at first she makes fun of me and then when I fuck her she start making fun of her ex
Are you me?
Manlets live longer and build muscle easier. I also laugh when i see 6 foot tall and + ectos cry because they are all bones and can't put on weight. No women want to lay in bed and have children with a skeleton.