>What is this thread about ?
We show our support for Marine Le Pen, here we're gonna meme her to presidency, french-anons who can't meme will help you translate your fresh memes
We share our views and goes on redpilling strikes

>How does french elections works ?
There are two rounds, in the first round everyone participate, and the two candidates who have the best score goes on the 2nd round, except if one candidate have 51% in the first round
It is actually 100% that we are gonna make it to the 2nd turn, our opponent will be either Fillon or Macron
Macron is the french Merkel/Schulz
Fillon is "far-right" but untrustworthy

This election is historically our best opportunity, the FN scores will be higher than ever before

Front National

>Marine Le Pen - Moments mémorables...
>Marine Le Pen en pleine forme !
>Discours de Marion Maréchal Le Pen contre le Délit d'Entrave à l'IVG
>Marion Maréchal Le Pen face à une journaliste d'iTélé
>Marine Le Pen face à un musulman

>Jack Land est un pedophile
>Les chambres à gaz sont un détail de l'histoire
>Jean-Marie Le Pen contre les féministes


Other urls found in this thread:


Stop making white trash threads, frog.

eat shit turkish rape baby

If Pen doesn't win it'll be "la France, oui" and you'll get to join Sweden and Weedland in the cuck championship.

I heard Sweden is training hard for the anal gape circumference competition.

Any cultural icons that could be used in memes which would help Lepen or hurt her rival?

Don't you have some copper to steal before returning to your trailer ?

Jeanne d'Arc
Sainte Geneviève
Charles Martel

Don't bother.

Don Fillon will update things on Monday evening.

Tv debate 9pm. Prepare yourselves.

Already said this in another thread, but I think it is important to use french in our memes.

Should I try to translate some of her interview?

Praise Kek for Marine !

I got my Carte électorale. My only weapon against leftist wankers.


Yeah, that's why french anons are here to translate english memes


Don Fillon ftw

we need an image of Jeanne d'Arc with Le Pen shopped in.

je m'appelle user, je t'adore les escargots et s'ur Le oceanne di fer LOL Alcest >>>

Jeanne d'Arc is probably a good basis, as both represent the battle against invaders trying to conquer france


>je t'adore les escargots
Kek'd hard.

Thanks for bumping this thread ^^

Charles Martel represent the BTFOing of muslims invaders
And Sainte Geneviève motivated the parisians to defend themselves against Attila

We haven't seen nothing yet


These will never be as high energy as our /polder/ threads.

Give up baguettes

>Fillon is far right

Don Fillon is the boss of France.

That's it.

i didn't said far-right, i said "far-right"

He's a cuckservative

You men are doing God's work. The EU will likely collapse if Le Pen is elected and withdraws France. Christendom and heritage in Europe will be saved and the Eurocucks won't be able to do anything about it. Save our civilization lads.

>Ignore shills
>This whole thread is nothing but shilling.
O' Sup Forums, your hypocrisy is boundless.


arrête de faire peine, espèce de beauf
rien à foutre de la grosse pute
c'est une traitresse, ell aime les russes plus que les français
c'est pas une nationaliste mais une crypto-communiste
elle n'a pas de plan, pas de strategie, à part donner son cul et ruiner le pays
son électorat est sous-éduqué, obèse et raciste
on ne crée pas un pays avec des gens comme ça, on les tolèrent même s'ils sont une partie du Problème
Macron va gagner, et c'est pour le mieux

Pepe the French

stealing historical figures who don't even know what far right is
OMG you're retarded

>Ceci est un appât.

>ignore the shills in the OP
>not ignoring the shills

Where do you nazi cucks all come from? fucking spacetravel from planet ape?

No wonder you fear the blacks and browns, your small dicks are a shame for the white race.

You think ,electing some stupid ugly nazi Bitch will do you some favor? because you are always dominated by them hoes.

But ignorant french people are just too dumb to get this. They are not even bilingual, similiar to this shithole of a country, Burgerland of the maggot people with their King (the guy with the tiny hands
Go keep on sucking populists dicks, they are the same as you, they have zero existing knowledge about actual politics.
fucking jealous nationalist megacucks.

Ok. Some one educate me. I keep hearing she will get through first round no problem but will get fucked in the second. Can anyone clear this up for me?

She won't get more than 50% of french voters on round 2 it's impossible. Communists, muslims, jews, any other minority, socialists, centrists and republicans will all vote for the alternative. Only a dreamer would believe she can beat that. France has fallen already.

First round : almost ten leftist parties. Tow winners
Second round : all lefty cucks won't vote for the only right-wing party.

Call me a dreamer than, faggot.

Too many happenings lately. The French are waking up.

Basically this, in the second round every other party endorse one of the two last candidates and nobody will ever endorse the FN.
The 2 rounds system is in part designed to avoid a victory from the extreme candidates

Résumons :

Le pen : difficile de gagner, entre les accusations de diffusion de fausses infos, l'histoire du type qui a été embauché au black, tout est fait pour faire dégringoler le nom et donc le parti. On peut rajouter le fait qu'à chaque fois que l'extreme est au second tour, une levée de bouclier empeche toute chance de gagner, quelque soit le candidat en face
Le débat à toutes les chance de tourner à son désavantage si on prends en plus la fusillade perpetrée par un autiste.
Chances de gagner : très peu probable

Fillon : Affaires de corruption, evasion fiscale, et autres..
Chances de gagner : très peu probable

Macron : si marine au deuxieme tour, victoire assurée, il a beaucoup de chances de gagner à mon sens. Et le pire c'est que je ne connais même pas son programme

we gotta meme harder Sup Forums

Finally some sense! I wish she would win and bring some change, but in fact, your system makes it impossible. Fillon seems cucked but way less cucked than the leftists.

Shit... Macron is just another Trudeau aint' he?

Basically, there are 3 big candidates, Fillon, Macron and Le Pen

Macron is the establishment candidate, all the medias shill for him, but pretty much everyone in France, even lefties, had enough of their shit

Fillon is being shot down by the medias (and also by himself) after a taxe fraud, he is seen by the medias and the normies as "far-right"

And Le Pen is constantly shot down by the medias since years, but she is now in the first position

So she is sure to get into the 2nd turn

Now her opponent will be either Fillon or Macron

If Macron get in the 2nd turn, most Fillon voters will turn to Le Pen, and most people will not even vote, right and left, but also a lot of people will vote Macron just to counter Le Pen since the medias will tell them so

If Fillon get in the 2nd turn against Le Pen, it's basically a "who is the less evil" game, lefties will either not vote or vote for the "less evil", they hate Le Pen a fucking lot, but since the medias shill against Fillon, there is a little chance they will hate Fillon even more

we are mostly sure to reach at least 41% for Le Pen in the 2nd turn, it's gonna be close af

Marine wins with 52% at first turn.

Keep memeing bro anything is possible even that Dutch dipshit almost pulled it off

in fact our only chance to win is if the lefties had enough of the politicians, Macron included, all this youtube generation who support no one, all the abstentionists who always vote to counter Le Pen, our chance is if they just don't vote at all

When Don Fillon arrives in power we will see if you coward pricks accuse him of this and that; singing in choral with judges named by Hollande.

She wins with 60% and wins the second with 51%

If she has over 50% in the first turn, there is no second turn.


at this rate this is just parties shooting in the legs of other parties. It's quite obvious. I do not wish for that but only an attack would make Le pen a chance. People tend to forget and do not forget also how people are prone to make a strong and solid blockade against far right.

Macron has also, and I'm not kidding, a " nice face ". Yes, I've heard grandmas saying that. For me he has a lot of chance to win.

Fillon with the wife money case president would be considered as a joke for a lot of frenchies because that would definitely make them cucks and close to italy when they elect people with multiple corruption cases.

There was an old pic that I saved with a zepplin burning and elmo laughing, the dude said ; at this point, just ride along and smile.. Perfectly related now

Fillon was supposed to have a really good opportunity but he kinda blew it when he has been indicted earlier in the month for a tax fraud, the medias were awful with him but tbqh he also handeled it like a pussy, he's in a rough patch right now but yes his program looks pretty coherant afaik

is there any decebt merchandise available for Le Pen supporters? tried to come up with something, but i feel dubious about it. thoughts?

The butt hurt and suicides this would provoke is a nice thought

checked and yes, these fucking grandmas all vote for Macron, it fucking anger me how much our people are stupid

Yes there are on their website but it's disgusting
www .boutique-fn. net/22-textiles

as I mentioned before I don't even know the guy ! or whatever his ideas are, where he comes from ! Never heard of the guy until now !

(and yes I know I'm probably gonna be roasted as a NEET for that but it's just that I don't care about politics)

He's got a program on his site now, iirc it is about women-men parity, european army and good stuff like that

Joan of arc is definitely more universal.

If you want to connect with people in other countries I would use her.

After reading this thread i'm starting to think Le Pen has zero chance.
Is this the case frogbros?

His program sucks. But worst of all, he wants to stay in UE and bring in MORE migrants. Basically, he's a Hollande 2.0.



>www .boutique-fn. net/22-textiles

Here's the scandal that's got to come back to haunt Macron.

Styx did a video on Le Pen:

I hardly see a chance. Remember le pen 2002.

People just went on strike, put up a big NOPE, media was shilling hardcore, people said it was to save "democracy", and even mentioning the name lepen was making you appear as a huge trash.

like an user said >The 2 rounds system is in part designed to avoid a victory from the extreme candidates

And For all LePen enthusiasts, I don't think I can't be proven wrong

Correct analysis. Macron will be the next President.

And so France is doomed, more liberal and leftist progressive cuck on the way, meal is served

I should start training to prolapse my anus with the events that are coming

NOT A SINGLE SUBTITLE !!!!!! come on french we are trying to help here.
since the french are too lazy to make subtiltles in english lets learn french :

I hope this means what i think it does...

Alright so here's my first cut of information needed to influence the French election. I'll keep updating this and posting it so if anyone wants to help me out and add links or things to attack Macron on etc. that would be good.


Most important link


Emmanuelle Macron (The final boss of the globalists and literally one of the world's biggest cucks)

Twitter : twitter.com/EmmanuelMacron
Facebook : fbook.com/EmmanuelMacron/
Youtube : youtube.com/channel/UCJw8np695wqWOaKVhFjkRyg

Marine Le Pen

Twitter : twitter.com/MLP_officiel
Facebook : fbook.com/MarineLePen
Youtube : youtube.com/channel/UCU3z3px1_RCqYBwrs8LJVWg

Marion facebook : fbook.com/MMLPen.officiel
Marion twitter : twitter.com/marion_m_le_pen

News outlets

Le Monde


Le Figaro




Info on the French election in English


Marine Le Pen English Unofficial

French Election News

Collection of French memes about Le Pen

can I get a quick rundown on this guy?


Basically, he is projecting a facade of being youthful and honest, he speaks well and this facade is very well polished, however it is complete bullshit. If the facade drops, so does Macron.

The French elections do not have mandatory voting, so the main thing each candidate must energise their base to get out and vote. Macron doesn't really have a base, it's more people who are voting for him because he's the safe option. If we make him look like dogshit and demoralise them, they will just stay home and not bother leading to a Le Pen victory seeing as her base is strong.

* He's the candidate of the corporations and bankers

* He is "center left", in other words a socialist. The socialists weren't going to win, so Macron split from them and created his own party which has a socialist platform. He's Hollande 2.0.

* Bercy Scandal

He spend 120000 Euros of money from the French region of Bercy, meant to be used for his role as Hollande's minister of finance on basically lobbing media and politicians for his coming presidential run. Then quit as Hollande's finance minister and ran for president.

* Did favours for Patrick Drahi in order to get favourable media coverage

In February Macron got 480 minutes of air time on BFMTV against ~80 for fillon, ~70 for Hamon and ~60 for Le Pen and Mélanchon, BFMTV is an info channel owned by Patrick Drahi a French Israeli billionaire that was allowed to purchase SFR, one of the main French telecom companies, by Macron when he was minister of economy despite the previous minister opposing the purchase. Patrick Drahi also owns the newspaper Le Monde which also shills for Macron.

* Sale of Alstrom

Macron helped Patrick Kron, to sold his company (Alstom) to General Electric for its own benefit when he was minister for economy. Despite fear of delocalisation. [ I don't understand this one that well if some French user wants to help ].

Oh, well in that case Rip France

>Voting for this socialist bitch
Better dead than red

nice meme.

>isn't a cuck
>understands economy and finance

wtf are macron's actual proposed policies and campaign promises? all i see is the usual cuck shit but nothing else.

desu all these candidates are fucking shit

really ?
one question : is he left oriented?
if the answer is : oui
pick another one.
its simple as that my friend.

>Says we must accept upcoming mass migration from Africa.

Rundown stops here

Nice summary. Make sure to create a pastebin so it is easier to keeop the OP text up. Also create a meme storage. Something like postimg org/gallery/13dw1v50q/
You should start with the memeing soon and focus on making the other candidates look as bad as they really are. Make these memes in french and english. Good luck french bros.

Sadly we don't have any other candidate that is rightist enough and that can win.

>Macron is the establishment candidate, all the medias shill for him, but pretty much everyone in France, even lefties, had enough of their shit

mabe we should post memes disregarding the stabilishment, and linking this fact with the USA election were the stablishment was also wrong :

"DO YOU BELIVE THE POOLS?" >> read it in french and see if it sounds nice.

Drahi and Bercy are good finds, user.

vote le pen bro. its the right thing to do. French has a history of greatness. its time to get that back. Drop the cultural marxism now.

Marine program is Socialism. It's fucking cancer. No way I I'll vote for her.

Hey you fake kangaroo cunt.

Why don't you note in your nice zealous presentation that he said:

-There is no French culture.

-Crime against humanity is the French colonisation.

-France will have to get used to mass immigration.

That's you Macron boi; wait for updates next week.

she is into frexit and EndEU. do it bro. Why is she a socialist ?

Good rundown user



I know you and your bois are nervous because of the Monday debate.

I would estimate that you are 5 or 6 here in this thread; even more.

Well done my friend.


I come to offer my high energy to you lot.