Do you participate in St Patricks Day?
Do you participate in St Patricks Day?
I don't participate because it's a boring shitty event with gross coloured beer.
I have Irish ancestry, but have no interest in this crap.
It's 10 am and I'm debating if it's to early to drink yet.
so Yes.
Have a couple of ex girlfriends coming over this afternoon.I want to be drunk enough where I won't cum for a while but not to drunk to get it up.
Image random
>needing an excuse to get shitfaced
psshh step aside kiddos
Do be fair you have Austrailia day as your white pride day.
Saint Patrick was fuggin English
I will never participate in these american "traditions"
I will now!
Looking at your image
I think Muslims love this day lots (sarcasm)
1. Muslims not supposed to drink
2. The celebration of a saint
(more sarcasm)
3. Plenty of drunk girls running around "asking for it"
What is there to celebrate about being Irish?
Actually thinking about it
I almost want to take to twitter and redit and see if I can't start a shitstorm
Tweets like
>This Holiday is so offensive
>This is akin to White pride day!!
>Have white people no respect other cultures? Their drinking and worshiping a saint!!
think up more good tweets to get the SJW and muzzies triggered
He was a Briton not an Anglo Saxon
I'd ram her with a sequoia trunk until she explodes
crazy bitch
I don't know, some of their books and music and Gaelic and castles and shit like that?
No, I really don't know. Plenty of other European countries have those things.
Invasion Day*
>unintentionally reinforcing the Neanderthal genetic contribution by claiming the people with the most Neanderthal dna left are white
>even the tolerant left hates potato niggers
Does anyone like the Irish?
No because its not a real holiday and most americans/canadians that celebrate it are retarded mulattos who cling to muh 1/98th chevrolet indian or muh 5/29ths irish
so irish confirmed white?
Irish immigrants were treated like crap back in the day. They weren't white enough.
People who equate Irish with white are ignorant.
Drinking is degenerate
No, because I'm not Irish. But I like to see liberal tears though.
No. I'm neither Irish or Catholic.
What's this "irish aren't white" bullshit? What the fuck are you some tycoon from 1870? There's literally no culture whiter than them. A few as white, none whiter
that was a false flag from us, of course trs Mongoloids take it at face value and make a 9gag tier macro of it
Pinch me I'm dreaming.
This is some sort of Alt-right false flag, right?
Fuck no. Not cos of anti white pride though. I just hate the bog trotting ginger pubed cunts
I have grave doubts that their is anything Irish (or non degenerate) left in St. Patricks day, if ever was a legitimate cultural event to begin with.
A few exes? Are they just your hos now?
Also, start drinking.
Obvious parody account.
>implying the Irish are white
They are no better than a quadroon
What the fuck are you on about? Even if I didn't love Guinness and Irish whiskey, Even if potatoniggers didn't know how to have a good time, even if I didn't hate kikes, I would still celebrate st. Patrick's day, because if the kikes are trying to shut it down, then it is worth celebrating
I normally do, pisses me off how st.Georges day is "racist" though
Didn't before but I will now that I know what it's all about
I'm heading out to an irish bar for some great irish exchange student poon in a few hours