I love denmark, actually its the only neighbour country i like. I'm planning to study a year or so over there, redpill me on your cites, regions traditions and mentality.
I'm looking for a decent sized city with preferably few muzzies, an acceptable night life and good food. The university should be at least halfway decent.
Also im curious about women on demarks campuses are they as degenerate as germans?
Dominic Wright
Jeg er Dansk currently on a trip to Spain and trust me when I say that this country is way better than Shitmark. I take no pride in my homeland and never will. I wish I would had learned Spanish instead too.
Wyatt Williams
Oh god not another thread like this.
The women here are very superficial. So having confidence or a good personality won't necessarily help you. They only care about looks and how you talk. Never what you say.
Jonathan Gomez
actually i think dannish sounds sick ,where does this hatred for you home country comes from ?
Andrew Hall
Denmark is pretty boring tbqh
Jacob Nelson
Denmark wouldn't even exist without the dutch. The swedes had them surrounded and we were starving them out in Copenhagen, but luckily for them the Dutch came to their rescue. Without Netherlands Denmark wouldn't exist and would be a part of Sweden
Logan Hill
elaborate? you have good beaches good winds for watersports and a nice countryside. Are the cities dead at night or what?
Isaac Green
Netherlands were oour greatest ally until the eternal anglo made them a vassal state.
I like swedish girls and they seem to like me. But how bad an idea is this 2bh?
Asher Sanders
>when your closest friend is slowly killing himself thru his destructive behavior, and he gets aggressive with you and talks shit and you just smile and take it, because you know he is going to die soon and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop him.
Matthew Richardson
Goddamnit Germany show me some fucking love for once
NetherGerMark when?
Justin Davis
you guys are boring all you guys care about is sex.
John Mitchell
Oh I'm sorry, it would seem you are offended by my superiority. Would you perhaps like some big anglo freedom?
Caleb Sanders
t. retard who never goes to any danish sites or activities
Nathan Brooks
cuck'd culture
Kevin Green
Bin those sharp words my friend or the local bobby will drag you off to jail
Alexander Miller
>dannish sounds sick Indeed, we sound like sick people puking all the time.
We are going directly towards wrong right wing policies instead of correct right wing policies, our women are utterly insufferable and whorish, our elders are usually lunatics who vote ultra left wing all the time and do not get me started on international relationships.
Shit place.
Colton Brooks
You aren't even remotely related to the Swedes that existed back then. If you were you wouldn't be talking shit online to your closest allies. You, your father and your grandfather have let your country turn into the shithole it is now and you won't ever do anything about it.
Modern day Swedes are nothing but human detritus. Scum on the boot of European heritage and culture.
Go for it with the Swedish girls, man. They won't find any real native men left in Sweden so you can pick up the slack and save some of those genetics.
Cooper Phillips
Top kek, please just stay in Spain implying that you are even danish to begin with, we dont need blackpilled cucks here.
Parker Fisher
Strong words coming from a potatonigger, basically the niggers of Europe, used as slaves by the brits and then the americans. Even the swedes sold Irish slaves during their raids. Your people are worthless and pathetic, the turks had to give you food so you wouldn't starve lmao.
I can trace my lineage back to the 1600, I know very well where I came from. Sweden all the way. Denmark has never been Sweden's closest ally, in fact Sweden and Denmark has been in more wars with each other than any other countries on earth. You know nothing about Scandinavian history
Ethan Reed
Do Scandinavians have these steel-concrete skyscrapers? If not, then why?
Dominic Ward
Best timeline map. Should drag Norway into it too.
Alexander Brown
For real, just come to Norway instead. Everything here is slightly better than in Denmark. I love Sweden, but I can't stand Denmark.
Adam Jackson
they don't like trolls, hans.
Juan Murphy
>blackpilled Define what does it mean.
Also quit with the shitty Dansk nationalism, ven.
Grayson Ward
Liam Phillips
>Loving your country >Bad
Just end yourself, and stop posting Metro screenshots you spergy fuck
Jaxson Thomas
You really think I give a shit about the muck savages that were sold as slaves or couldn't feed themselves? My family and people ate quite well, hence why I exist and I am not an American. I thought Swedes were supposed to be well educated?
Even still, the bog monkeys are far superior to modern day Swedes. There isn't a chance in hell one of them would allow sand niggers rape their women or destroy their country. They also have at least remained mostly genetically pure unlike Swedes who are some awful mongrel nigger mix of white, Arab and sub Saharan African.
You might live in Sweden. You might be able to trace some of your genetic heritage but you are doing nothing but lamenting for the past. Nothing changes the fact you are a nu-Swede nigger mongrel.
I'm not even talking about the past history with Denmark. I'm saying now, today, Danes should be considered your allies but no, you'd rather make allies with the subhumans. Whites hating each other needs to stop if we are going to have a chance to turn things around, I feel that Swedes are the most divisive among us all and the sooner they are replaced the better.
Juan Sanders
If another democrat wins in 2020 I want to move to Denmark.
My great grandfather emigrated from there, could I get birthright citizenship?
Nicholas Morgan
>Whites hating each other needs to stop This potatonigger knows whats up
Hunter Sanders
looking for actual advice not your bluepilled bs, fuck off shit up some other thread u self hating faggot
Leo Nelson
I dont know much about the situation in alot of cities besides my own, but if you want a decent sized city then the obvious 3 to pick from are Århus, Ålborg, and Odense. All have quite alot of shitskins, but its liveable. Århus and Ålborg both have some good nightlife, not sure about Odense but it probably does too.
The best university of the 3 is the one in Århus.
Have you done some research yourself perhaps?
Thomas Carter
Stop talking about whiteness when you're fucking irish. Irish are subhumans, everyone knows that. Your people were too dumb to even grow food. Fuck outta here potatonigger and go back to licking the asscrack of your master like your people were born to do.
Noah Baker
You could also go for Copenhagen, its not that bad and I imagine its better than large german cities
Julian Gray
Ye was looking up Odense already, gonna check out arhus now. Alborg looks kinda nice too. Was also thinking about Esbjerg have u ever been there?
Connor Reyes
Mostly saw danes here shitting on copenhagen thats why i havent considerd it yet. Isnt it expensive af?
Blake Russell
Its expensive AF but from my experience, (stayed there for a week recently) its not that bad, and the center of the city actually seemed less diverse than the center of Århus.
You could also go for smaller cities/towns if youd like, but then there would be a commute to a university
Isaac Adams
>Esbjerg have u ever been there? Ive been there a few times but it was years ago. I remember it as a decent place but i have very limited experience with it.
Camden Butler
fuck off we're full
Justin Gonzalez
Stay out
Jacob Mitchell
Yeah fuck off "freedom" nigger.
Anthony Barnes
Can confirm, have been to denmark many times. Never had it that easy getting pussy
Benjamin Jones
Again you don't know what you are talking about. A large proportion of Irish have Scandinavian genetics due to large viking settlements (thankfully the Danes and Norwegians, if it was the Swedes we might be as cucked as you).
So what if there was a famine in Ireland? Why is it so hard for you to understand that if it was that bad I wouldn't exist or I would be American? Also if you were educated on the topic you'd know that growing food wasn't the problem for them.
What are you doing to save your country? You can't have a lot of time left in your day between shitposting here and prepping your wifes bull, Jamal, to breed with her again.
Logan Clark
Just avoid the main points of traffic. Noerreport, Noerrobro anything with noerre is just a no go really.
Connor Thompson
Everything is a joke here but what can you expect for a country that looks like this half of the year
Caleb Gomez
Is it really that bleak looking? I always thought it was supposed to be sort of majestic scenery in Denmark.
I though we had it bad here with the dull weather but at least the land is nice to look at in most parts of the country.
David Hernandez
We have rolling hills that are green year round too that look quite nice, no mountains though.
David Anderson
I want to move to Denmark because im tired of my shithole of a country. Is it worth it? Im only afraid that there will be more shitskins and mudslimes that there are here.
Im white, orthodox christian, blue eyes and brownish hair
Jordan Rivera
You'll probably never be concidered Danish by everyone, but your children might if you play your cards right
Hudson Howard
haha i know i wouldn't, that wasn't my point i just wanna be accepted. btw im going to Odense, how's life there?
Liam Sanchez
Probably the worst big city in Denmark. If not the worst overall
Noah Collins
David Richardson
It's literally full of shitskin, and nobody likes Fyn (the island)
Christian Lewis
is there any bigger city that has like a minimum amount of shitskins?
Jaxon Young
Like every other capital in Western Eu there will be a lot of shitskins and fags. Copenhagen is a beautiful city when you see it from a distance but close up not so much.
Asher Barnes
Aarhus. Best big city in Denmark. If you need a smaller one, I suggest Silkeborg.
But I know nothing about Zealand except for Copenhagen
Jordan Harris
i killed myself in denmark
Brayden Reed
And then you woke up in hell?
Thomas Walker
>I love denmark, actually its the only neighbour country i like. I'm planning to study a year or so over there, redpill me on your cites, regions traditions and mentality. We are redneck germans. Our laungage is just german with a very thick accent. Our traditions and mentality are red neck german. >Also im curious about women on demarks campuses are they as degenerate as germans? Yes Danes are germans with a really weird accent and farmer culture.
James Moore
thank you very much for providing this info kind citizen
William Howard
This so much. Was about to write something along those lines. Skåne will return to Denmark at latest 2050
Nolan Gomez
kronoberg, blekinge, halland and danelaw too pls
Juan Fisher
Because we are 5,5 million people. Cophenhagen has like half a million people. Where would we put a skyscraper and to what use?