Watch out for the snipers

...that's where the real danger is.

>armed revolution

>make up no more than 1% of the population


I wish they would

King Larp has spoken, heed his word.

I pledge to masturbate on every dead Antifa corpse I find.

>Trump got elected
>Leftists resort to terrorism
>end up getting culled and lose popularity
that's quite preferable actually

Commies should watch out for snipers themselves

>we're going to destroy infrastructure and actually kill people
>reddit admins: mmkay

>white people shouldn't be ethnically displaced in their home countries
>reddit admins: this type of hate speech clearly violates our TOS

really makes you ponder

Come at me faggots


Now power lines are symbolic of the enemy???

Also these people always think sniping is like a videogame where you just line up the reticle and boom. They don't get the fact that it's an extremely specialized combat skill that takes years of training and mastery of physics, ability to read the wind, ridiculous amounts of patience and perfect reaction time etc.

user, where have you even been?

Ahem... Ahhh hem...

"EVERYTHING is racist, EVERYTHING is homophobic, EVERYTHING is sexist, and we have to point IT ALL out".

t. The Left

So I can't just mothbreathe and 360 headshot my problems away?

cover the perimeter in caltrops as well to immobilize the fleeing fascists!!

Obama and Hillary were trying to disarm America. It aint gonna happen.

If I see anyone fucking around with infrastructure I will shoot first, ask questions later.

The important thing to take away from that is "disarming our enemies", which is exactly how the left has fought and won before.
>our cause is just therefore only we are allowed to be armed

The problem is that Antifa stopped being about repressing facism but promoting it.

I associate antifa with daesh / isil.

Timestamp dumbass

>censoring the user name

Why? Post a link so we can read the responses.


You mean I get to use my ar for something just?

I can almost that this is a shill and is on our side. 'Armed revolution' will lead to their death and the more liberals die, the better it is for us.

Wish a nigga would.

A whole generation of communists could be wiped out in a single weekend.

Fuuuaaarkk, I wish a migga WOULD!

Start something commie, please! Kek make it happen, I urge you. I cant wait anymore.

Migga? Fucking autocorrect faggotry. Nigga!

i lurked on revleft for like three years, commie larpers unironically believe in pursuing and escalating violence they are wholly unprepared for

>lefties are free to organize terrorist groups on reddit

leaked image of the new revolutionaries

really scary bunch of guys!

>jobless commies think their "mass strikes" will affect anything
>Commies think with their numbers that they have any chance in an uprising
>Commies think they can get away with bombing and sniping protests in this day and age where cameras and inside agents are everywhere
>Goys think they can get away with grassy knolling people like the CIA can
Nazis watch out

How does this subreddit not get banned but the alt right one does? Don't even answer Sup Forums I already know. Also why did you blur out the scum's name.

>Hurr antifa are da REAL fascists
Please stop this it doesn't make any sense. They'e just terrorist commie fucks using the same tactics to try to get in power