>There are non-whites on this board rite now
Why are you here?
>There are non-whites on this board rite now
Why are you here?
nothing better to do atm
i'm from uganda brother, i'm here because nothing better to do
I'm posting here to hopefully save people from this board's racist ecochamber.
You fucking scum you're part of the problem!
You can be nonwhite and want to prevent white genocide fampai
also you can browse pol and don't want to prevent white genocide
Fuck off nigger uncle tom is just a well trained animal
Him and his genes will bite the hand that feeds him eventually.
...slow clap,
tears in eyes....
Shit post and troll white people. Sup Forums is pretty funny sometimes
Fuck off coon
Almost got it
To see how the devil thinks
The devil does not think, he merely is.
The blackies are here because they have nothing better to do.
I am here because I like to shitpost while I shit @ work.
>tfw 1/64 of me is black
>tfw practically a nigger
Because ethno-nationalism is a failed idiology.
I want to die for something
>There are black people reading this thread RIGHT NOW
Wh-what do you want?
To laugh at your failures
>German fagboy larping as black online so he feels more comfy when he walks outside next week
ayo nigga we wanna laugh at yo jokes n shiet nigga, u funny as fuck
I'm American
As a child I've always hated niggers and nigger culture, where its cool to disobey laws, live in filth and talk like a savage.
NY fucking sucks
Because I have nothing better to do.
And being a nazi anywhere else isn't socially acceptable
Are Frankish people white?
Because I want to be white
mostly because you can't stop me
>do you feel in charge?
Europe should be white.
Africa should be black.
South America should be nuked.
We are a huge mistake in human history and we deserve it.
A plan every nation can get behind.
We'll join Antifa and kill you all. Jews turned you into racists only to create a narrative where your death would be cheared on by the whole World.
Jews always win, White genocide will happen
You should go to Africa as well.
>Checks Brazilian porn . . . huge ass'ed bitches
this is the only place on the internet where you are treated equally regardless of race, creed, sex or sexual orientation, all that matters are what you type out
I'm a civic nationalist who has been polarized by lefties. Who woulda thunk the dark kid would turn out to be a nazi.
Post pic and time stamp or gtfo
>Jews always win
Because I identify more as a Texan then anything else.
The whole race thing is just stupid shit invented by the rich to keep us all angry at each other while they get richer off of us.
Your woman with the DFC and a tight round butt.
I like nazi jokes and I love white people
>inb4 butthurt nazis
I love you
Better than being in your mum
doggo smells lefty
going by Sup Forumss love of the one drop rule, the vast majority here would be considered nonwhite because they have 2% african blood from a great great great great ancestor or some shit.
In which case, knowing that the chances are theres something in that line, and knowing full well Sup Forums is full of mongrels anyway (ala HWNDU), id have to say because you're a faggot.
Bored brown spic here.
Everyone deserves to be red pilled
>being mad online
We here for the white women, cuccboi
I want your sister
Well I am a left leaning Libertarian who can actually support Trump on most of his issues except some of the social ones. Though so far he hasn't been bad at all since he took office.
My household and family is all mixed races and we just want a president who can get shit done and now that it's happening we just hope for the best.
Here leaf have .05 due to the fact isn't not going to happen.
To think we got Trump in the "white" house.
Soon you and the rest of the subs will be in camps.
/Pol will be right again.
He could be a Asian
To piss you off
I come here to read russian troll propaganda
You don't have to be white to meme about politics.
Non white here. Why? Because I hate Jews more than the average white person and I love a good meme. Also, I'm a female and it's not like I can bring up Holocaust revisionism to the gals in my gardening club.
To make fun of Swedes and Leafs.
I like politics, also this place made me unironically like israelis.
At first i thought nazis didnt pose a threat to them but all this time ive been missinterpreting dogwhistling as memes.
Pol hates jews and israelis.
I hate pol(memes) so now i love jews and israelis.
Yes....Donald Trump and his Jew son in law and Omarosa are going to oven us all.
I'm not showing my face on this board
Its actually good to spread race realism to non-whites, eventually they realize what's going on and slowly get their shit together.
Im not a nigger
why are YOU here faggot?
To have someone else you never met but u can talk bad about only to feel better? Ur pathetic.
Because this board is great at displaying how weak whites have become. Its cuck central
No sister only brother
Sounds frighteningly reasonable for Sup Forums
Can't we all just get along?
To openly hate the behavior of my peers without feeling like I have to walk on eggshells on other sites.
>Why are you here?
to laugh at you and shitpost every now and then.
Nothing, I enjoy some of the conversations here
Pol is a Christian national socialist board faggot
because Sup Forums is the largest gathering of niggers and non whites on Sup Forums
I might not be white, but I am genetically superior to any of you.
I wish my country was more like the west
Fuck niggers
To keep you cum skins grounded to reality and dismiss your circle jerk theories
dont like it? fuck off
Jews are white tho
nice b8 you raging faggot you
Studying my enemy for WWMeme.
By the way Berber Muslim here, New-Algeria is really a nice country!
Pinche mestizo
This isn't stormfront. Sup Forums can appeal to conspiracy nuts, conservatives, people annoyed by the SJW and overall politically incorrect people. All of those can be non-white, though just not as often.
The funny thing is that I always thought I was white until I came here and people told me I wasn't. I wonder how many Persians, "white Hispanics", 1/64 nig nog, and other exotic light skinned individuals this has happened to.
I'm bored and I want to be the biggest guy.
Thanks buddy that means a lot
Know thy enemy
messing with you and making you rage obviously
btfo faggot
I like Pakistan, but y'all gotta slow down marriage between cousins
Lol. National Socialist. How is your movement doing exactly? Pol supports Trump and his Jew son in law.
>Why are you here?
because everyone hates niggers and slimes. even niggers and slimes.
I'm here because I hate niggers! FUCK EM
lol is that all you can say I'm conservative you subhuman
just bored m8
Make me go away nigger