It's just an observation. I don't ever see blacks or mexicans being in these smug childfree memes, proudly announcing their failure to procreate.
Why Is this Childfree Meme Exclusively Promoted to White People?
Obvious answer is obvious
Praise KEK
I dunno it's an American thing. Young people like to pretend they'll never will. But they are wrong. Videogames and tv helps the illusion. Eventually everyone realizes that they actually want children.
goy vey oyim
They want to get rid of us
It's because whites are usually better off so they live less hand to mouth and can think about quality of life more.
Also a lot of people feel less pressure into just pumping out kids when we can bring in immigrants to do that menial work for us as we are already facing overpopulation issues coming up.
>Eventually everyone realizes that they actually want children.
Not everyone wants kids.
Not pictured:
>5 years from now, an unfulfilled life
>10 years from now, a divorce
>20 years from now, realizing you aren't dateable.
>30 years from now, parents die. You have no family anymore.
>60 years from now, you die alone.
Mostly because it's whites promoting it. I used to be like the "eww kids are obnoxious I don't like em" people (until I became an adult lel) it's just a phase people go through really. Once you realize that the obnoxious kids that piss you off are basically just retarded animals high on sugar and possibly some prescriptions you get past the "I don't wanna have kids" phase. It's basically for people who haven't realized just how easy it is to raise your kid to not be a piece of shit.
>5 years from now, an unfulfilled life
>6 years from now, your first kid
Wew, that was hard. Its almost like you can choose to have kids anytime.
They're one of the few groups who could probably think about it to not have kids anyway. Niggers and beaners on the whole overwhelmingly aren't going to stop having kids, hell they have them most often when they know they shouldn't when their teens in high school or so.
Not really, especially if you are a woman who wants to avoid giving birth to a potato.
>unfulfilled life
Being redpilled and starting a family is the ultimate bluepill. Your insight is incredibly rare and you therefore have a responsibility to spend every waking second at the front lines defending the rest of your race.
Removing yourself from the fight and wasting all of your remaining time and potential caring about some shrieking crotch goblins is the worst and most cowardly thing you could possibly do.
If everyone larps as a family man and no one bothers defending the village, then the village will be conquered and destroyed.
MUH FAMILY is a triple bluff shill tactic, unfortunately many of you are too low IQ to perceive it so it never gets called out.
inb4 I get called an anti-white Jewish shill by people who completely ignore my argument.
Imagine VOLUNTARILY entering middle age as a woman without children hahahahahahahaha
>If everyone larps as a family man and no one bothers defending the village
People aren't compelled to defend something If they have no future (children) invested in it.
>MUH FAMILY is a triple bluff shill tactic
Yes, goy... have a strong family with many children, hehehe...
Where exactly are YOU fighting right now tough guy? Oh right, you're just a keyboard warrior. Unless you're enlisted you can fuck right off.
>don't raise a family goyim go out and die for israel
>btw I'm totally not a shill
Kikes like you need to hang
We don't need to change our birthrates. We merely need to get rid of welfare. 95% of the brown people will automatically die after two weeks.
We can't influence policy changes like that if the 0.1% of us who are aware of the situation remove ourselves from the equation to play house with Stacy and throw two more kids at the speeding train of white genocide as if that's going to change anything. The only solution is to board the train, plant bombs, and die so that others may live.
If you disagree, you're wrong and you're a coward. You're just suppressing your own strategic insight to instead indulge in SJW-tier feelie-weelies about muh family.
If you have a family or plan to start one, don't pat yourself on the back, don't come here thirsty for upvotes and looking for people to suck you off with (You)s. You're a coward and you know it
It is interesting to see the morals of those people.
They don't care about society. All they care is money. Life to them is all about money and nothing else has value.
Because it's true. Yes, it is a fucking problem and we should do something about it, but you can't deny that it is fucking true. Admit it, you'd prefer to live free of children, and have all the money for yourself, have a fucking blast, and live worry free. You wouldn't want to bring children into this degenerate world. But it doesn't matter, because we have a duty to not let our people die out. Because it is our duty to live for greater things than ourselves.
I dunno my dudes I feel as if its' mainly peddled to white women but if you're a guy you either get called selfish or people just go 'lmao neet'
I don't get how its relevant but I will consider the plug.
because blacks don't work and get MORE money from having kids. Whites get LESS money after kids
Translated: All my friends are having children and are happier than I've ever been but I spent the last 5 years whoring around instead of building a marriage so I paint all my friends out to be mindless broodmares to hide my jealousy.
normally but the artist is a cat lady and has no friends other than her cats
This the longer she waits the greater the autism in the kids she has. Im beginning to think that young wife successful middle-aged husband is the ultimate red pill.
your can fight for what's right yourself.. or you can breed yourself an army of children that you raise to be great and follow in your footsteps to fight for what's right?
The kind that doesn't even have sex, that's the worst kind of whore.
I'm pretty sure every man "defending the village" was a father, dickhead.
The only ones that didn't have kids were probably 14 years old.
You can also multitask.
>riding jetskis with money bags
>implying you can afford this after 50 percent of your income is stolen through taxes to pay for jamal's or juanita's 8 kids
>20 years from now, realizing you aren't dateable.
Only if you're a woman or a failure of a man with no income
Because whites are the only ones who are productive enough on average to make that scam worth it.
When whites don't have children, they have a lot of disposable income you can pull out of their pockets.
yup. if you're not having kids, then you're just subsidizing other people's kids (i.e. Ahmed's 8th child soldier). exactly what (((they))) want.
take care of your health and economy as a man and you will age like fine wine. Being able to date even above age 60+
It's women who have to worry about becoming undateable by age 30+
There was a very narrow window where
>I won't have kids because then I have more disposable income
was a valid line of thought.
Politicians quickly caught up on that though and figured that if you have lots of disposable income, you can also be taxed to shit.
Now for most people it's more of a
>I don't want to have children because I cannot afford it
Which is not entirely correct, they totally could. But their quality of life even without kids is now at best similar to the quality of life from people in the first group with kids.
>sassy black women meme
>Aww hell naw, I didn't raise no fool child fo this shit! gitchyo ass a nice girl and gimme some grandchildren! An move out the damn basement.
because that would be raycist
Having Children before making a bare minimum of at least 60k a year is retard either way
>60 years from now, you die alone.
kids grow up and they are forced by society to move out of their parents house and start a family of their own. hell some parents even have the nerve to kick them out.
>heh but i still have my wife/husband right?
unfortunately one of you will pass away at some point which means that the other will be left to die alone.
because just die already. literally everybody hates you. can't you tell?
121,000 of them, fucking disgusting
Wise words
Why would I ever want to bring a child into this fucked up world?
Because they want to control overpopulation, but the idea of forcing people to not breed hurts their fee fees.
only pre-thirties. After that it Down syndrome or infertility time.
The problem is
>user decides he needs 60k to raise a child properly
>user makes 50k per year
>state goes "he doesn't have children to take care of so he clearly doesn't need it, we will just tax him more"
>user now decides he needs 65k
>makes 55k per year
>state goes "wow, user has a lot of disposable income he doesn't actually need again, lets tax him more"
>user now decides he needs 70k
>repeat ad infinitum
With our current welfare state system the state will never stop being greedy and dispossessing you. If there's one thing it hates, it's people who don't live paycheck to paycheck because saving up money doesn't line their tax coffers.
They hate us cause they aint us
I'm sorry Thailand, but we have a right to exist
the nose
Ma statte zitto , la gente li vuole i figli mA mancano i soldi
I terroni di merda cagano fuori 6 figli mentre su al nord la gente non se lo puo permettere perche non sono dei trogloditi
The vast majority do. You're biologically programmed to.
This is part of the reason I'm pursuing and engineering masters instead of a phd. I want to start a family before I'm 30 and need to provide.
Do y'all really have trouble finding women to date that aren't interested in having kids? The majority of girls I've dated all want to start a family around age 25-30 and generally want 3-4.
I'm not even in a religious or conservative area.
When people refer to childless adults as having an 'unfulfilled life', what they're actually doing is rationalizing and glorifying their position.
For one, women (and men too) get so hopped up on endorphins through biological programming that they absolutely REFUSE to see their child as an irrelevant cumstain. This ties into their inability to see THEMSELVES as an irrelevant cumstain.
As they continue down the path of "I'm doing the right thing" with their cumstain, they will naturally gravitate toward situations and interactions that further reinforce their cumstain-worship. They will attract friends with cumstains, who will reinforce the behaviors/perceptions in eachother to attempt to further distance themselves from the realization (the cumstain).
The dynamic expands outward, but I've said my bit.
They don't want to work for it. They see how stressful it is. They don't want to lose their entire life. But everyone – no exception – wants a legacy. Also raising children is expensive. The government should encourage couples to breed more. But welfare is not the solution.
Unfortunately unchecked welfare promotes behaviour that goes against natural evolution. People who normally would not breed start to have babies like rabbits. This is a global behaviour.
chidless adults are sad to watch. Like fat people. You're free to have your chidless life, but it's not a source of pride.
>But everyone – no exception – wants a legacy.
Nonsense. I'd prefer to leave absolutely nothing after I die. Why should others profit from fruits of my labor?
Gee I wonder who could be behind these posts.
Nice try Shlomo!
I don't see how people can be upset with their race declining and then go on to say "I don't want kids".
Freud would say that you are repressed – you can't even imagine it right now. Because society told you so. Or because you fear you are not going to meet the expectations of a 'true man'. So you make a child out of yourself to avoid the burdens and responsibility of adulthood. Nihilism is the philosophy of a child.
Generation Z will make the world less degenerate, I hope my fellow burgeranons listen and have children of their own. We must do our duty to keep America majority white and keep it great.
This is not about race. I don't get why Sup Forums is so obsessed by race. This is about your individual legacy. And about having a say in the education of future generations.
Like voting, if you're not doing it, someone else will. And the result won't be nice.
It's disgusting, But then again they will become hermits once their money runs out. Narcissists always lose their battles, Childfree people are noting but that.
People with children care about other lives, While Childfree people are on par with Jews in terms of greed.
You can always come to burgerland if it gets out of hand, My grandfather is fully Italian. Both his parents where Italian and their parents were immigrants from Italy.
It's a really beautiful country, But my Grandfather after visiting it didn't really find it interesting sadly.
>Because society told you so
Told me what? Not to have kids? Society doesn't tell me anything, it doesn't care.
>meet the expectations of a 'true man'.
See above.
>So you make a child out of yourself to avoid the burdens and responsibility of adulthood.
Sounds like a good thing. You get all the pros and ignore the cons.
>Nihilism is the philosophy of a child.
What makes you think I'm a nihilist? I simply believe that everything that is mine should pass with me. That's justice.
i think the only people with lower birthrates than whites are secular american jews(and possibly asians)
>defend your race by choosing not to procreate
thanks rabbi, your concern has been noted
Blacks have a birth rate about the same as whites, They aren't breeding much either because they often have abortions.
It's stupid but it's a rationalization for people who have all sorts of problems, from not getting the sex they want so they say they "dont want kids" to basically wanting to have sex but not wanting long term commitment but masking that off as not wanting to "have kids."
There is a lot of ulterior motive/rationalizing with the idea. And I can see why people genuinely don't want kids too, but again I think that's being pushed onto people as an easy way out.
I think it should be okay for individuals to not want to have kids, like people staying single for most of their lives. But I think married couples pulling this shit are retarded and redundant.
praise kek
>unironically believing Freud
He was wrong
This. Havings kids is actually a smart investment if you raise them right. They'll turn around and help you out later in life when you get old and need people who really care about you to help your old cranky, senile ass out.
This is one of my biggest fears with not having kids and a family.
You know if you have a decent wife, you can do things AND be a father?
stupid motherfucker my daughter is why id slaughter every one who meant us harm
Me too. I honestly don't care much about sex. It's nice, but I don't obsess over it. But I really, really want a legacy. Hopefully 3 kids.
Thank you I'll keep that in mind.
To the contrary, it IS a source of pride! Ppl may get all 'muh feels' because they don't identify with the discipline or mentality involved in avoiding kids, but Ppl get feelsy about all kinds of false pretenses and ideas. The holocaust, for example,....
>This is one of my biggest fears with not having kids and a family
This is my fear as well.
I'm the only child now and I stick around to help my ageing parents. My friends have all gone off and moved away and their parents are home getting older every day. I stop by once in a while to check in, help them out moving stuff and after storms. I can see it in their unspoken words, I wish my kid visited more often
bitch the most honorable cause to die and kill for is one you see fit. being wnlisted means you will kill who they tell you, so you can fuck right off. a real warrior chooses the lives he takes
You've killed no one and you don't have the balls to. Kill yourself.
Fucking insert those medi seeds and continue the white race.
this is just jewish propaganda to stop white people from producing after their 30s
Numbers are the only thing shitskins have on us
If they lose that we will smoke them
>If you don't have children your life isn't fulfilling
for having kids requires a willing female
And here we are, shitposting
girls do not want shitposters
Genetic dead end.
Is this what your forefathers braved cold winters, diseased waters and endless struggle for? So their progany could shrug his shoulders and end his family line?
You are a failure to your family and everyone who fought life to bring you in to existence.
I'm MGTOW so I can't say shit but if you don't have kids all that materialism stuff won't make you happy.
In my classes theres only a handful of girls my age (30+) and while a few of them have kids, the rest are either married and kidless without any intention of having kids or have been dating their boyfriend for like 8 years and are too afraid to tie the knot.
They say "I don't want to be identified by my ability to have children, like everyone pushes it on me but I just want to be me!" They also identify people as "Trump voters" and shill the normal democrat bullshit. .
So leftists want open borders, want to allow minorities to have all the kids they want and have the government support them, but don't want to have kids or be supported themselves, like they feel guilty for being white and not poor.
It bottles my mind.
Hi welcome newfag. The Jew; is in the process of killing us off.
Ummm retard, even if i never have kids my cousins will and my cousins cousins so no the family tree won't end MORON.
35 is when shit like autism and downs start to get more prevalent, but still fairly low. Each year after that the risk gets higher and higher. At 40 your kid has a good chance of being fucked up. You should basically be banned from having kids once you hit 38-40.
>muh hedonism
>muh greed
>muh "I got bullied fuck the world"
Grow up.
Don't worry Puerto Rico, we'd prefer if you had no kids
>I got bullied fuck the world
Completely untrue. I was never bullied, have quite a few long term friends, make plenty of money. Life is good and so is the world.
>muh hedonism
>muh greed
What is wrong with those? They can lead to a lot of new experiences.
>Grow up.
>get a job
>pay taxes
>find wife
>have kids
>ignore that everything is bad, at least you have family
>achieve nothing
because theyre still poor as shit even without kids.
non-whites actually become wealthier when they have kids. the game is rigged.
>when you're trying to jew but Sup Forums blows you the fuck out
>Why Is this Childfree Meme Exclusively Promoted to White People?