does Sup Forums like me? i want to have friends here
i spend allot of time on this board!
but i have the right to be here because of freedom of speech. and the internet!
Does Sup Forums like me? i want to have friends here
Other urls found in this thread:
> is french
> is commie
why? kill my self
im not a communist. i consider myself as a lefty
pizza man youre country has such a dark history considering right wing leaders
What exactly is a friend to you though?
If you stop caring what other people think, you might be able to get closer to the libertarian label.
Go to Church faggot
Not a kike like you.
What about me
a friend? my neigboir hassan who has hes own kebab shop
i dont care what people think
i just know society today has to be more lefty liberal in order to be more healthy
Lurk moar and take your redpill, frog.
we can be friends and eat a cake together
while we discuss global politics it can be quite interesting
A good kike. Well I'll be damned.
Gwan an git offa muh lawn
i introduce you to some good french food and good wine
and you bring some israeli good food
think we will be fine
that youre opinion
we can still be friends
that okay
you know nothing about our history, we have been ruined by communists.
> "lefty"
> literally sticked on the left border
How popular is Del Noce still in Italy ?
>not in the top left quadrant
He's probably a libertarian socialist or anarchist, more properly.
Almost on the same boat there buddy
ok yes im sorry im checking it
sorry for my ignorance
just btw OP, there's lots of Sup Forumsacks in your quadrant shown here.
I don't think the political compass and the modern day has the same opinions on what being liberal is.
You are literally in the one quadrant that cannot exist as a government in real life.
Tread carefully, and don't get in any arguments here or you will find yourself on the slippery slope to red.
No shit. American liberals think they are actual liberals and leftist. They are cancer, and they get the fucking bullet.
fuck off newfag
Read Bordiga and do fuck-all.
Hello bubs
Daily reminder that if you are not in the blue you shouldn't be on this board
what flag is that?
never seen it before
Aww, I remember my first day on Sup Forums too
>voted for President Trump anyway
feels good man
forgot the compass
Good luck kicking me off when you have no guns Mr Pinochet.
but one thing i agree with is that i dont like jews
Kill yourself you embarassment to your ancestors.
I want to say Bosnia.
says the american whos ancestors where refugee's and migrants
Purple is semi-acceptable I guess.
If you ain't in the bottom right, you're a faggot.
You have to go back.
I'm not communist because it always leads to state capitalism but I am still against private property and plutocracy. Thanks for the vid.
Fucking commie
omg taiwan? Soldat du Kuomintang
Fuck off, commie faggot. Get your fucking white flag and muslim immigrants away from me.
Showing off my mad paint skills
well there wont bother you i guess
since you are in ching chong country
But seriously who the fuck is Bordiga now?
Why does communism have to have "left" in front, like something called "right communism" exists?
Right communsim does exist. It's called Strasserism.
Because Leninism and Stalinism are actually quite socially conservative and authoritarian.
There's a very good reason there was a "thaw" with Khrushchev.
On a personal level, you disgust me. But as a fellow libertarian, I will respect your right to be disgusting.
There is nothing socially conservative about Leninism dude
roast me, faggots
I suppose he did decriminalize homosexuality. Before Stalin criminalized it again.
Something called "Night of the Long Knives" exists too.
Filthy traitors.
there's a function called "on mouse hoover", try that.
haha, very funny.
Who were the traitors?
Too bad the plutocrats Hitler supported did everything they could to sabotage him. I don't tolerate members of my folk being exploited by other members.
They did what?
Strasser bros.
You make papa Tito sad.
this is where i'm at on the compass
Strasser spoke out against privatization, but also the bad outcome of bureaucracy which replaced the capitalist class. Hitler was basically a state capitalist.
>wanted the Germans to rule thier nation and not plutocrats or bureaucrats.
Pick one.
How can he be a state capitalist when he sold off most of state owned business?
Freedom of speech doesn't guarantee you access to this board doe
Hitler betrayed the leftists technically, but they were going to betray Germany. The NSDAP was funded by wall street the same way the revolution in Russia was. Hitler's purge of the strasserists was him going rogue against foreign banker influence
Your alright ghandi
There was still private property thus the Germans still didn't own thier nation.
Your women are hot and I like your politics.
Nuke Tele Aviv and find me a Jewess and we can be friends for life.
Quite the opposite, actually.
Why is the red square always so underrepresented?
>claim Jews helped put Hitler into power
>posts pic proving me right
What's your endgame?
>leftypol memes
Pls go back.
You said that purge of strasserites was him going rogue, when it was the strasserites who were going rogue against the bankers.
Most people don't believe that the government MUST force your children to be changed into the opposite sex via hormones else you be CHARGED and DETAINED on charges of sexism.
See no problem here
If you believe this communist drivel you are figuratively braindead.
Hitler basically borrowed all the fucking money he could to finance his war. The plan was to subsequently kill all debtors off through military defeat. Based on his propositions that was a sound plan and could have worked out quite well.
i used to be an ancap
No, the Stasserists were following the NSDAP party platform. They were being true to the ideology of national socialism being funded by wall street. Hitler went against that. You agree with me that that he rose to power on Jewish money and that he wasn't a socialist, but refuse to connect the two because you're clouded by ideology
Probably because Sup Forums loves freedom. Also, even people in the green square(ie. me) Fucking hate communists.
on this side when i have some guilt & privilege feels
That's not what the red square is about. It's actually social conservatism and left-wing economics aka old-school communism and national socialism.
>ideology of national socialism being funded by wall street
>wanted to nationalize all industry and banks and ally with Soviet Union
>funded by wall street
Israel should be banned form Sup Forums
The NSDAP and the Red Revolution were funded by Wall Street. Hitler was the premature end to communism in Germany that would have existed if the strasserites had maintained control of the party. Stalin was the end of communism in Russia. It's historically attested fact. Not tinfoil conspiracy
Get out CIA hippie motherfucker.
brb getting hanged by mccarthy
Let's play troll or newfag. Vote here