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Sargon is raping him
>giving this manbaby faggot any views
Kys op, sage, report, hide all destiny threads
There's anyone here honestly who likes Sargon?
Is it time for some more Gish Gallop from the liberals?
This is what this debate will degenerate to.
Disgusting cuck.
How can anyone take destiny seriously after he got underage pics from a 15 yo and almost fucked her and after he suggested its ok to fuck your daughter
> He wouldn't even rape him
What's wrong with communism ?!" "It's just an economical thing!!"
>look at me I am 12 and watched that one nakedape video and simply repeat his talking points to sound cool on the internet!
Ecelebs should get their own board t bh
>Naked Ape has a youtube channel so everything he says is wrong.
As if you are better Achmed
t. 12 year old memer from t_d
t_d ? Enlighten me Muhammed
so what's going on you guys? I don't follow these dick wagging contests very closley.
Who is winning battle of the cucks?
it lasted less than 9 min and he stil lthinks jontron is a real closet nazi. fucking lel. Destiny is really idiot.
>new stream
In case anyone's wondering why all this drama
Destiny is a known pedophile
The jews have forced him to start conflict with other famous youtubers or else his pedophilia will be known to the public.
Like I'd want to watch anybody debate an autist
I actually like that Destiny is BTFO'ing Sargon right now.
These normie alt-lite fags want to advocate our beliefs but also claim its not about race and genetics and identity - and they are wrong.
Like no faggot, this is about race, just admit it and argue on those grounds and you'll BTFO this leftie cuck streamer.
>Nobody here actually talks like that.
Get your mouth back on Destiny's dick you faggot shill.
wait you mind linking anything to the pedo thing?
The fuck are they even babbling about right now? Something to do with women versus men in occupational representation, but what exactly is the importance.
Destiny is probably the most annoying human being I have ever had the displeasure of hearing speak.
Destiny getting destroyed here. Sargon won't allow him to make a ton of assumptions and he doesn't have enough knowledge to back up what he's saying. I don't know why anyone takes this uneducated college music dropout seriously.
Destiny is pro affirmitive action, probably thats why
Isn't Sargon an ex-McDonald's employee?
JonTron had the right spirit and the right idea, but lacked the needed Autism that Sargon has to put it all together to go up against a cunt like Destiny. Sargon's got this easily.
I don't know. I'd prefer ex-McDonald's employee over a 30 year old video game streamer anyways. Anyone that still plays games like League of Legends at 30 is the lowest of the low.
>not fucking your daughter
So it's just two autists going extremely off-topic and then arguing with each other over some irrelevant semantic quibble?
Cool. Why do we care?
>Destiny saying women and men are literally the same but muh patriarchy culture
>i don't want to talk about dirty jobs because i don't think anyone should be doing dirty jobs
how much of a faggot even is this kid?
>I don't want people to do dirty jobs, so males can do them
I don't hate Sargon and hate Destiny for the cuck he is, so i enjoy him cucking Destiny further.
sargon is a nigger loving cuck
stop wasting our time with reddit tier faggotry
anyone that plays video games for a career need to be gassed
>Destiny: I don't want anyone to ever work a dirty job
Lol this guy is a fucking joke.
>muh X-files.
still better then a psychopathic pedophile that is Destiny
Why the fuck are they talking about the x-files?
God I fucking hate both of these cucks
It's a very well researched effect x-files had on society.
Scully inspired women to enter law-enforcement, high medical, and FBI fields, and you can see a direct increase in all these fields after X-files.
because destiny is trying to make a point about muh feminist and sargon is laughing at him. I'm laughing none stop and sargon isn't trying hard. Destifag will probably stop streaming debates after that.
Start spamming how destiny said incest was ok in his chat
Sargon is so fucking boring when he goes off track makes me wish ape was debating
Really? Because the only academic reference to it basically just obliquely references that people think it might have happened. As far as I can find, "the Scully effect" is just a meme that ignores the multitude of other possible causes.
>Up next, Destiny debates Mike Rowe
Is there a particular reason this Destiny guy keeps pulling faces at the camera, throwing his arms every which way, and just generally acting like a fucking woman.
muh slavery
muh feminism
To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out he legitimately supports affirmative action.
>slavery was a natural occurrence
What did Destiny mean by this?
muh slavery
>starts shaking on the mic
get a d3m0n 0n th3 l1ne plz.
>To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out he legitimately supports affirmative action.
He does. I think he said it in the Streamdeb...rape with Jim (Mister Metokur)
This has to be an attempt at advertising at this point.
Fuck off.
>On destiny's stream
>Not on Sargon's where he doesn't have video and its on superior Youtube
Regardless this debate suck balls, I just need noise to work.
Really how I'm seeing the argument is whether free will exists and if it doesn't, should the government control it to encourage feminism?
huu man rights yee?
Destiny keeps losing his shit.
part of the character. :-)
>Government not part of the culture
Fucking hell, I hate this guy.
the government is not part of the cult. it's like soo silly.
It's certainty not the government's job to push culture into one side or another.
its g0ds j0b.
"That droply sharped off" Destiny 2017
>i read an article it must be true !111 reeeee
He's low test. He's had it tested and talked about it on stream. The average female has more testosterone than him.
He's part nigger though.
Boring af "debate"
This dude destiny can't have a normal conversation, it's almost like the only thing he wants is to win, win win, no matter what.
>Private companies marketing their toys for profit and not thinking about the future of enrolment STEM fields should be held responsible
How does anyone take Destiny seriously?
>How does anyone take Destiny seriously?
Just some cucks in his stream
Why do people even watch these things? The guy has the emotional control of a five year old, can't have any sort of fun, free-flowing debate.
"I'm a free market capitalist guy"
Now that we're in immigration watch that go out the window.
What are you faggots on about?
What the hell is going on?
Who are these people?
Sargon will kill him on immigration..
Wtf I got banned for spamming immigration = holocaust rude.
>Jontron is an idiot
>calling JonTron an idiot
They both agree Jontron is an idiot
being called an idiot is better than being called a racist.
Think Jontron was doing better then this.
You can hear the cuck in Destiny's voice.
Also, Jontron =/= an idiot. Just a bad debater.
Destiny can't stop talking about the penile system
Alex Jones needs to send his apprentice Owen Shroyer to destroy Destiny at debating
Nice debate.
>Fuck you, you communist.
>Fuck you, you fat fuck
>Oh yeah? Well you're a fucking pedo
>And you're fucking fat
Is that actually what's going on?
Honestly, there's so much controlled opposition everywhere it looks like a Christian schism.
>Sargon doing a class argument to crime
>Still can't explain why more rich black people commit more homicides than poor white people.
Will Destiny debate Andrew Anglin or Mike Enoch next please?
Nah, it's still entry level debate, though
These are terrible debaters.
Holy shit, stay on point.
>black crime statistics
Sargon truly is redpilled.
Holy shit he literally knows nothing about how welfare killed the black family. He's fucked.
i dont know
what a great debate