All those budget cuts from shitty bloated government services were a good thing, but why blow it all on the camo welfare queens? We should be using it to pay off our trillions in debt
Fucking why though?
Other urls found in this thread:
don't you want crazy top secret flying saucers again?
>3% more than Obamshit's last allocation
Oh, it's fucking nothing.
Oh hey look, it's another worry thread by someone acting like they didn't fucking listen to presser yesterday where it was all fucking explained on a first grade level why this is.
Fucking faggot shills need to fuck off already.
If anything we should be cutting back a tad
Because fixing America is going to piss off over half the world. Shit will get ugly.
Here's an explanation:
Trump lost any sort of control of his situation after the GOP primary was over. Once he picked Mike Pence as VP instead of a serious independent person, it was over.
Now he's just a puppet for the neocons like GWB was. He'll cut taxes, increase military spending and start another pre-emptive war.
I don't know if you guys remember the stories back then but North Korea and China were Cheney's initial targets for offensive, before 9/11 happened and changed their entire foreign policy course.
He's making sure that the military backs him up; in case the shit hits the fan.
sage it
Trump is a ZOG puppet and you fucks fell for it.
People on here think the public are ''woke'' but in reality, they got half woke, then ended up in a trump worshipping cloud.
This is EXACTLY what ((they)) intended.
This british man with clear, white teeth, reached his conclusion by seeing a 3% increase in military budgets. Clearly a brain worth the incest.
Bankers wars
is it even possible to have a good president anymore? is there no way to avoid the totalitarian new world order? are we doomed?
Trump will also(already is) make the american right look immoral. Wait until he's also dragging Americans to die for israel in the middle east. He's a kike dick sucker.
Anybody noticing how all british posters are now garbage?
stfu brazil feg
GTFO here, fucking mulatto shit.
Your posting is autism.
>'We have to Start Winning Wars Again'
Maybe because we are about to go to war and we need to amp up? Is that too mind blowing? Look at Europe and N Korea.
ur flag is ugly
Fuck off, OP
I voted for trump so he can start WW3
>I don't know if you guys remember the stories back then but North Korea and China were Cheney's initial targets for offensive, before 9/11 happened and changed their entire foreign policy course.
Iraq was already in the radar.
Proofs? John Tidor logs.
Yes he was a LARPer, but it all took place pre-911 and he talks about the ramp up to war.
Also, Afghanistan was too.
Stuff magazine in 2000 (pre election) had a "most dangerous person" article.
Number one was a bullshit "you" copout, number 2 was George W Bush, 3 was Al Gore, and 4? Osama bin Laden.
Oh and that summer, right before the attacks, the Buddha statues were destroyed. The news of this worked well to enrage the center leftists.
It's almost like they might not be actual britons at all.
Yet American bridges and roads are filing to pieces.
anyone that thinks we need to make our military stronger through even more funding is a fucking idiot. Trump always mentions fucking china but the only thing they have over us is man power.
It''s a fine choice, they need to get rid of all the chapo bullshit in mexico and it will only happen with heavy weaponry.
Because we are literally the world police that keeps every country in check.
>$54 BILLION (54,000,000,000 US Dollars) that could have gone to the people and infrastructure of USA
>spends it on world's largest military
But hey, $54 billion is ONLY 3% after all
Keynesian economics
American debts are worth more on the global market than any other country in the world. Countries all over actually need and often times prefer our debt to actual payment for two reasons. The first reason is that debt can be potential more valuable in the future depending on deflation/ inflation rates. Secondly our debt is so stable that other countries can borrow against our debt meaning that they can have their cake and eat it too. These Countries we are in debt to have all the liquidity of what they should be payed at the time by a loan from an institution such as the I.M.F.; however they don't loose out on the potential increase in value of our debt to them. "But user" you say, "what if inflation decreases the value of our debt?" Well fret not Because We are almost always willing to borrow more to increase the value of your debt again. "But user" you ask," how is this not a ponzi scheme?"
Well you see we use our loans (typically) to invest in critical infrastructures such as, schools, Roads, subsidies, and anything else that will expand the labor market, and increase gdp. This causes our currency to deflate and the value of our debt to increase. Keynesian is by far the most efficient, and stable economic model that allows for the fastest growth; however this system is not foolproof, you must invest wisely in products that will not stagnate in value. This is where investing more heavily in the military police state becomes fiscally irresponsible. You see the United states still has an enormous surplus of arms developed for use in our most recent wars. That means increasing the surplus decreases the value of every currently existing item in the surplus. I realize that sometimes spics and nigger must be curb stomped, or tasered mercilessly in the cock, but I think our police force has more than enough to get the job done already. So now we are spending money to decrease the value of the goods we already own, furthermore we're...
>Said the Inbred islander whose national culture is basically France's Tsundere waifu.
Kekles Jekles
That's because they're Muslims and spooks.
>wants ww3
>didn't vote for hillary
I didn't pay that much attention to it until now, but his english fucking sucks.
Fucking gross, I replied to a muslim fuuuuck.
Because defense contractors are among the richest pieces of shit on Earth and they want more money. It never fails to annoy me what lengths people go to to deny the blatantly obvious.
>3% more
>54 billion dollars
1 Russian hacker
Who wins?
You are a war-based economy, you can't survive without it. Through it come's produce, crap, witch you can sell to retarded Europeans for schekels. I do not know who is more retarded.
Every great American invention has come from the military. Internet, computers, GPS etc.
Who cares if we cut npr or muh after school programs that don't do shit.
because defence industry == american economy
No source means OP is lying. Otherwise he would've posted a link.
Because we aren't doing it illegal anymore. We're declaring wars before invading.
Turkey will die.
trump is a fucking cuck for Israel and Goldman. He's no hero for you. He's gonna create a bunch of new debt and make you and your kids pay it off. The only thing good about trump is the butthurt it causes.
because winning wars is what allows your troops to come back from deployments and significantly decrease spending in the long run.
Obama has not finished any wars and instead joined several more military conflicts, non of which are anywhere near ending either.
It's time to define goals and victory conditions, achieve them and go back.
To be fair, your whole culture started last weekend, and consists of coalburning, niggers/hiphop, feminism/slut culture, and being start up sperm from England, and has it's boys circumcised like cucks. American Christianity also promotes being a cuck in life.
Enjoy blowing your face off for your kike overlord in Israel. At least you won't witness being Brazil 2.0 within the next 15 years.
>hurr durr obama
Your dad must have been a serious cuck to raise a little bitch son who grovels and worships at the feet of another man like Trump. Sad!
every little bit counts and if you decrease illegals' social benefits -- that saves money too.
Why the fuck do they even have EBT Cards if they are illegal?!
But who will start those wars Trump has to win?
well, at least he's not evil warmongering obama so the wars are a good thing now.
>is it even possible to have a good president
No, We need rise up and mingle with the antifa and feminist movements to topple the current gov. After that is done we turn on celebrating (((brothers))) and usher in a dictator
> wants to decrease the debt
> cuts taxes and increases military spending
Really makes you think
Hmmm, how can we make niggers do this?
>live an an age where their are more dynamic threats to our national security than in any other time period
>hurr welfare queens
>But who will start those wars Trump has to win?
thinking anyone is ever paying off the debt. check out this guy.
identity fraud
over on the syria twillter, the trumpanzees are finding it difficult to realize it wasn't just obama and hillary.
It makes you think as you remember the US takes care of Europe too and Europe is continually spending less and less on defense as it turns to shit.
the US has to spend more to keep up with-- what looks to be-- an oncoming holy war.
oh shit.. you're right... Goddammit!
stripping funds from vital gdp increasing infrastructure, such as healthcare, education, and a vast array of vital humans services. Also nations that are perceived to be militarizing are more likely to have stricter economic sanctions, and tariffs. Also for the " law and order candidate should know that around 25% of all legally manufactured weapons eventually proliferate onto the black market.
T.L.D.R. The guy who ran on fixing healthcare misallocates funds so we can make some gadgets that kill people more better, Inadvertantly increases available to spics and niggers, no wall, nigger-faggot-shit-tier immigrtion muslim ban fails.
Do i think donald trump will start ww3. Hell no thats another shit meme, but some people will meme it as so maybe 80 or so years from now. Wars don't begin or end they just move arenas.
Can't wait to rape some obscure qts somewhere
IQ over 9000 i'm sure
Man there are niggers that have been on food stamps or some similar program for 3+ generations.
When you find the answer-- let us all know. Other than just getting rid of EBT all together.. who knows..
anyone else notice trump starting to sound like a typical poster on Sup Forums?
oh also paying of our debt is mutally disadvantageous,and vice a versa.
Trump is a military supporter above all else I think. I don't give a FUCK about that healthcare shit so long as the country is safe.
I think war is probably happen. The way things are looking it very well could. Besides that I always saw illegal arms sales as a CIA game. I wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of CIA officials get fired and replaces soon.
Yeah the $54b is only a slight increase to the overall budget.
Digits If the OP is a beta cuck.
Defunding the Public Broadcasting Service is extremely brutal. This will not go well with many a middle-class american, am I wrong?
He probably just doesn't understand how corrupt the military contracting system is yet. I expect the budget to change drastically once he has a chance to really dig into it (after he's done draining the swamp).
Oh yeah we all tune in for some of that Antique Roadshow on the PBS....
President doesn't control the budget. OMB's budget proposal is just that, a proposal.
House republicans won't cut things stuff like the EPA, and the State Department (Mitch already said he's not cutting state), while increasing military spending even more than Trump produced.
tl;dr his budget is just for show, the real budget passed will be vastly different.
Thats what Obama gave us... race wars. Its like HIV/AIDS but worse.
That is not a bad assumption. It's been a very long time since the government was this divided.
Been a citizen my whole life but I support boosting funding to military defense and vet programs. Those who give their lives serving our country deserve a decent retirement.
Because we're still using 70 year old technology while other countries are blowing their load and making cheaper reverse-engineered versions of our more modern tech
This. It's not even that Trump wants to do all these things. It's that he doesn't really know what he's doing and he blindly trusts the people he surrounds himself with. You should trust your cabinet, but at the same time, you're the chief executive and should be fully informed of what's going on and the ramifications of your decisions.
Thankfully, Mad Dog Mattis is at the helm of the DoD, so I'm sure he'll stop the other niggers in his cabinet from convincing Trump to do something really stupid like attacking Iran, which he has a hardon for, but knows starting a war is too much trouble and would end up fucking everything up for everyone involved.
However, I wouldn't be surprised if Trump goes full retard/Obama and expands the use of drone strikes in other countries or starts destabilizing countries. It's something he campaigned against, but much of his cabinet might convince him to do it anyway.
Because trump is planning to take us into a war. Everyone knows it. Most likely candidate: Best Korea. Iran is a close second.
>Those who give their lives serving our country
is that what they're doing?
>serving our country
You don't seriously believe that horseshit, do you? Do you also think Iran hates us for our freedom?
I don't think it'll be korea. remember how that worked out last time?
it almost seem like russia/china are trying to drag trump into something. and he's dumb enough to do it
Well debt isn't exactly something we just pay to someone. A great majority of our debt comes from one federal depart running short on funds and another having surplus. Rather than rewrite the budget every time this happens, the loaning department can receive bonds saying the government will pay them back in 20 years. These bonds accumulate and generate interest and now the government owes that much more.
It's a retarded system. So cutting from bloated departments simply means "we're not going to let you loan out money inside the government anymore".
Spending it afterwards is a different issue, but military is a decent bet. If the us can be strong armed even a little with regards to military strength, we lose a lot of status worldwide.
why doesn't anyone in the us bitch about the tax cuts/give a ways to some of the richest ppl in history?
I think the military spending is just another welfare program for the rich. corporate war for profit. you get the bill they get the profit.
>Those who give their lives serving (((our))) country
jesus. and ppl believe this shit