This desu. I thought we were going to be "tired of winning". More like tired of Trump lying amirite?

This desu. I thought we were going to be "tired of winning". More like tired of Trump lying amirite?

Other urls found in this thread:


fpbp, gas the kikes race war now

*Wilders party still won seats aND the labor party was absolutely btfo
*obamacare is imploding
*the Supreme Court will prevail

When does the left's denial end?

Evan McMullen is a terrorist.

We sage the shills, and away they go precious!

>this desu

You should really consider killing yourself. Seriously, just shove a gshoved your chin and end it. Fagot piece of shit.

>When does the left's denial end?

Jennifer Rubin is a right wing commentator, Trumpshill.

I can't take all this losing anymore

Well, he's still the president and a billionaire company owner. What's she ever done with her life

End Twitter posting on Sup Forums. Report and hide.

>Dutch election
Nothing to do with Trump

You mean Paul Ryan care

>Muslim ban
Not a Muslim ban, and the travel ban is pic related


Don't doubt the God Emperor user

She is a kike, by that she can never be right wing.

I swear to god I dont get this DUTCH PEOPLE BEAT FACISM.

The ruling goverment got destroyed seat wise, and Geert got 5 more seats. Along with that he pulled the CDA and VVD (3th biggest and biggest party) More rightwing and FvD, which is basically Geert lite but with acctual plans. Also gained two seats, that party was formed 6-7 months ago.

People may argue that some leftist parties got a boost, but that's mostly because the labour party crashed and burned hard. We're not the liberal tolerant country anymore, we didn't stop anything. It's just slowly shifting and that's what they dont realize.

Twittershit on Sup Forums is reaching spam levels now. Report and hide it.

>Implying that the system wouldn't fight back and let him do whatever he wants

I hate McMuffin so much.

in case you arent aware, this is called an ad hominem attack, its a falacious argumentative tactic.

It usually occurs when someone doesnt have a response to the content of an argument, so they attack the arguer instead, thinking that destroying the persons credibility will undermine their original argument. Its quite ironic to use on a site like Sup Forums thats anonymous, so the posters credibility is unknowable.
inb4 literally this from whoever responds

Lying about what, specifically?


Americans don't understand parliamentary democracy because they are retarded subhumans

>trump was invested in dutch election


When you live in an echo chamber filled with varying grades of lies, the truth begins to look like a lie

It's because my fellow Americans on,y care about the head of state so since Geert didn't want in its must mean the right lost

It's not just American, German/English newspapers also reported on it like the ressurection of Hitler has been prevented, it's fucking horrible.

Read a newspaper article as well where people got interviewed. One anti PVV person said "I'm glad he didn't win, we nearly had the brown boots marching through our streets again."

Why would we need to understand how irrelevant countries conduct political business?
It is completely useless information.

>retarded subhumans
>cuckservatives make coalitions with open Marxist parties in parliamentary systems to fuck over the nationalists trying to serve the people
>commies and neocons align against the people openly
We aren't the subhumans and we don't survive on a diet of semen like you do


>Dutch election
70% of Americans dont know Dutch = Netherlands
80% couldnt find it on a map
90% don't know or care about their election

>Trumpcare breaks down
But it passed out of committee

>Muslim Ban
How could Trump 'lose' a muslim ban when he never banned all muslims to begin with?

This is the state of the modern media journalist, total lies and distortion


Jennifer JEWBIN

Reminder she is literally insane

Just the power of the globalist propaganda machine, people have been told that and go on telling others. None of them really think for themselves, they're all programmed

I have never seen someone look so unconformable hold and M4

lel don't forget the GB govt told him to get fucking fucked, we dindu nothing

Fuck the dutch, besides we had a net win there anyways

>Trumpcare imploding

fake news.

>Muslim ban

I love this, even if it were true it's still a perfectly legal thing for the president to do.

Democrats and their ilk are just burning the forest down so enough of them can escape what's coming to not be completely impotent for decades.

>Trump has lost the Dutch election.
>Trump is the Dutch election.
>It all makes sense now.
>Healthcare vote hasn't taken place yet.
>Trump is healthcare.
>It all makes sense now.
>Trump's suspension of immigration from high risk nation's is a Muslim ban.
>Trump is Muslim.
>It all makes sense now.
>WTF I hate Trump now.

Are liberals not able to absorb oxygen in the same way as others? Is it a mental illbess? Has McMuffin turned into a pro-shitposter. Is he...../ourguy/?

These people know nothing about our elections. What a bunch of idiots.

In case you aren't aware, Jews are not to be believed

>literally named after a jewish roast beef sandwich

>day 60
>shills started to use the word "desu"


HEY! someone get this guy, i inb4'd and he still did it!

You shut your mouth goy! They are God's chosen!



implying Paul Ryan hasn't openly said that he's going to force it through even though Trump hates it

>Muslim ban
How is this not a win?
If we are to import ANY foreigners they need to be female.

>implying the legislative branch can enact laws not signed by the president


the new muslim ban was again blocked by a federal judge, thats why its on this list.


seems pretty 9th grade civics in here, you need to study harder too.

why do these people look like smiling is painful?

No, it isn't. Calling someone a Jew is not an ad hominem fallacy, because it is not an argument at all but an insult.

Saying that someone's argument is incorrect BECAUSE They are a Jew would be an ad-hominem argument and therefore fallacious--but that is not what is being done here. We are being reminded that, as always, the people undermining Trump are Jewish.


Is this board flooded with newfags every day or does everybody here just like replying to the same old twitter bait threads in a circle endlessly?

Oh do you know of some way that congress can enact a law without the president signing it?

The constitution specifically outlines the presidents Veto powers, so please enlighten me of how congress can bypass this


>>Dutch election
>70% of Americans dont know Dutch = Netherlands
>80% couldnt find it on a map
>90% don't know or care about their election

You know, this sort of thing doesn't really get to me.
It's the repeated healines everywhere that say "Wilders lost" despite making gains (no /fit/ memes).
I know it's a pretty fucked up electoral/parliamentary system but I expected at least a shred of honesty in it.
Then I remembered (((who))) I was talking about.

Well to be clear. Trump has not yet done anything. He plans to do things but as of now he achieved nothing except troll the left. Which for me is entertaining enough but in terms of real policies there is nothing yet.

Hello shariablue