Market genius or Jew's puppet?

Can he be a music market genius or is this an evil plot by the Jews to faggotify the population through lame music with hidden message?

Ed Sheeran is on top in all the spotify charts and he's being broadcasted constantly, in eng speking countries and Italy as far as I know.

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It's honestly not as a lot of music i hear on the radio. Many songs sound worse even though they aren't played as much.

But it is kind of scary to see such success. It's like Soros started transmitting the normie brainwashing radio waves and somehow I'm not affected.

This is the kind of music that cucks listen to.

I don't get why people go crazy for it. Sounds pretty bland to me

>Literally who shilling everywhere
>Panned hard by critics (some of which are from cuckfork)
>Still on the Top Billboard
Yeah he's a puppet.
Would be harder to answer if it was Psy but this is just pretty obvious

Nothin but a singah songwritah

I often wonder who guys like him, Chance the Raper, Macklemore etc get so popular while maintaining independence.

Fuck Twenty Pilots has songs riddled with Christianity and we all know how the industry feels about religion.

Maybe the musicc scene aint dead boys


He's with a black chick in one of his videos

He's part of jewish plot to get more women to find red-haired men attractive.

He looks like such a fucking beta. The kinda guy that's content being in the friendzone.

Not sure your opinion one way or the other, but I just wanted to stop in and say that 21 pilots is straight garbage. Somewhat unrelated, but I have seemed to notice that most male vocalists/lead singers are all sounding like the same generic shit lately. Like everyone of them want to sound like that foster the people fag. Is it just me?

I once said that I enjoyed his music. I feel like I should seppuku myself whenever I think about it.

Stop overthinking random vacuous celebtities. Its not healthy.

Do you mean that a lot of male artists have that high pitched indy-like melody?

I like top but thats mostly because of the lyrics and music style. My younger brothers also turned me onto them before Stressed Out blew the fuck up so its our family band.

My opinion is that these artists are fairly talented and seem to have made it on their own. No media jew forced repitition required.

Fuck your objectively invalid opinion and fuck your reddit spacing. Commit suicide.

gtfo with this retarded looking animal.

He is playing towards trends. He hits the beta hip hop / 90s RnB sounds while promoting sjw lyrics.
He is a designed music missle on course to sell records to preteens.

I call him ginger beaver.


He's the face of radio-friendly nu-maleism

His first album was great. I think he's the real deal that got pressured into singing poppy/crappy shit.

It's literal torture to have to listen to his fruitcake wails at a store or in a car. In any other time period in history, if you heard another male making such cringey sounds, he was in the same room and you could silence him with your fists. Now you are unnaturally forced to endure it

So the British DBSK?

He isn't a bad guy, just sticks to singing and doesn't make retarded political speeches.... I haven't got a problem with him.

>just sticks to singing and doesn't make retarded political speeches

This. He seems like a nice guy, even a bit autistic. Hell, he plays with lego.

Need I say more?

He got a nu male cuck pair of glasses tatood on his right arm? Fuck is wrong with this guy

He's a good guy, he's just bluepilled

wtf I love jews now

id love to be that fucking heli

Literally who?

By the looks of it, he appears to be another ginger without a soul

you can see on his nu male face that he puts that circumcised cock in his mouth with celtic pride

He's allright I guess, but its clearly marketed towards 20-30 something women

This guy does not represent Australia
Ed Sheehan is fucking terrible and anyone with slight music sense agrees

>tfw your a ginger and people often tell you that you look like ed sheeran

looks like everything in the world is going all according to plan