Remaking, will repost the ones in the last thread as a compilation.
Hillary supporters on Nov.3-8. This is what they had to say
2 more I think then I can post new ones
Post election hillary supporters, posting new ones after this
Hillary clinton subreddit, the last bastion of sanity. Pre-election
"trump supporters do not believe in compromise. They want full control, or they want to burn the system down instead"
Reading this actually makes me feel uncomfortable
Just imagine the certainty these people had in terms of how the future looked, all the media was telling them the same, their friends and co workers all reinforcing the same incorrect belief
And then just to have it shattered like that, how does one reconcile that they have no idea what the fuck is going on when they once had complete certainty?
How does one recover from having their ability to predict btfo so throughly?
I know, some of them are rather painful. The media mislead them hard into thinking this wasn't just "whether she wins or not, but how big" -Maddow
in two weeks:
Trump supporters on March 17th, they had to go back to reliving their election night because every day of the preisdency has been a joke
>tfw youre paying for the wall
>tfw war with NK
>tfw when no qtpi manufacturing job
>tfw still mexicans all over country
>tfw literally no restrictions on incoming people from muslim countries
>tfw constant dismissals of staff involved with russia
>tfw plauged with scandals
>mfw i only read breitbart and everyday is a victory for trump and everyone else is wrong/stupid/losing/failing
trump is the penultimate president of the US
what an amazing day that was.
I lived in Austin Tx at the time and everyone was circle jerking to Hillary. The day after so many people looked broken like they had been crying all night long. While the few people who had probably voted Trump walked taller, straighter, and had the most smug grin that they just couldn't wipe from their face.
Politics aside it was truly glorious to watch the libshits get assblasted as hard as they did.
>Sanders voters are racist and sexist
This is why you lost. All Hillary had to do was offer Bernie voters an olive branch, but instead they got a shit sandwich. Hillary couldn't even give the VP position to a Bernie-style Democrat. Then, they insulted Bernie voters to try to push them in line.
>accusing Trump supporters of believing in conspiracy theories
>believing that voter ID is a conspiracy to undermine minority voters
>believing that voting machines were hacked
>believing that Russia hacked the DNC and supported Trump
They turn to insane conspiracy theories, like Russia hacking Podesta's emails, or the FBI being infiltrated by Soviet spies.
I'm disappointed by Trump. At the same time, I can imagine walking into the Oval Office with no political experience, only to learn that the government is in civil war between the intelligence agencies, military-industrial complex, wall street, and entrenched bureaucrats, and then be told to pick a side. He chose the military-industrial complex.
Democrats are the sane ones. Wtf I hate russia now.
Walking doggo, be back in 15minutes
For him to not already know that the US government is (and was designed to be) adversarial is a huge embarrassment.
They literally teach this in middle school civil studies classes. who the fuck doesnt know how the US government works, its 1/10th as complicated as those fucks in europe with their weird ass parliaments and shit.
I honestly thought he was trying to look naive to lower expectations (negotiation tactic, lower their defenses by acting like you cna be taken advantage of), but it seems like he actually had no fucking clue what a shitstorm he was walking into
>Hillary murdered people
People do seem to have a habit of dying around her. Plus her husband was president, so it's likely that he has friends in the intelligence community.
>Hillary has a secret illness
She's obviously not in the best health, even in her late 60's. Her 9/11 collapse proved that
>Hillary was fed answers to questions in the debates
She was fed the questions. Wikileaks proved that.
>Hillary is in control of the MSM
The mainstream media is 90% Democrat and left-leaning, by voter registration and donations. Almost every major media outlet is left leaning, according to language analysis.
>Hillary is paying people to post to Reddit via CTR
She really is. It's indisputable.
>The polls are rigged
There's no definitive evidence, but considering the largely liberal biases of the pollsters, it's believable.
>Russia and Trump are working together
At best, this has circumstantial evidence. Even Democratic leaders are warning their followers not to expect any evidence of this.
It's uncomfortable because we live in a web of propaganda. If you look around unbiased, you will hurl. I've been through the collapse of the world view, and it's not pretty. I'm just surprised so many Americans are so indoctrinated. The kids that are brainwashed now will live through the collapse of their world view. We will just observe gradual slide, because many still believe the exceptional BS and "special" role. We will have breadlines when they elect some gommunist after Trump.
t. the person who lived under communism
I wish I could relive this night over and over again
"As a confused young republican, I got the chance to hear Hillary speak. It was so good I gave her a standing ovation! It changed my views forever"
>We will have breadlines when they elect some gommunist after Trump
This is unfortunately true. Eventually they will be back, in 8 years or 12, and will force their agenda on the US. Bezmenov was right and demoralization has set in - it will take generations to reverse it, all the while the media and nu-Soros pumping out propaganda aimed at indoctrination.
Some pretty good quotes.
Scott Adams is a creepy weirdo but he has some good blog posts about this.
Give your pupper a nice long walk friendo, he will appreciate it
Literally doing everything they said republicans do
When they accuse you of anything or claim something about anyone they are projecting their own internal frustrations at you.
They think they are racist becuae thy are racist, they think rich take advantage of the poor because they do or would do if they could
"intellegence agencies getting involved is treason! My friend is going off the deep end by rooting for them"
What do you think the narrative is right now when its trump vs the IC?
"Does anybody else think that the attention given to the fact that Hillary is the first female major party nominee in US history doesn't get enough attention?"
My god. Liberals are absolutely crazy. They are saying she didn't use her girl card enough and the media didn't recognize she was a female enough. Someone needs to get stabbed.
They are not gommunist, though. They are fascists. They rank members on deformities and determine gibs on that scale. Gommunists were different. I would take gommunism over this shit, because with gommunists you could avoid them entirely. These fucks are very intrusive.
You reek of newfaggotry.
DR3 for days with this one.
most of the people i know are just as certain of their understanding of the world now as they were off Hillary's inevitable victory, in fact lots are even doubling down and get themselves excited every week and a half that impeachment proceedings are about to start
lmao was there some sort of coordinated strategy to pretend to be converts to the shillary cause? they're so transparent it's hysterical
The butthurt was funny, what they will do next is not.
>she is a common figure in literature
>that top comment
They blame 'Russian hackers'.
Have you read the Reddit post bu the "former alt right Neo Nazi" that has seen the light and is now a super liberal and admits that even the "leaders of the alt right" know that liberals are right and believe in liberal ideology?
Meant for
Guy at bottom seems pretty chill
why reddit is made of america hating faggots in one pic.
"She needs to ignore all the consultants who tell her she sounds "shrill" or "bitchy". Its called being a female candidate."
source or gtfo
Yup, when I added him in the last thread I noted that he was quite literally the best poster and the most reasonable in all that i've encountered. Literally dug through 10k++ posts.
Hes the only added I added that wasn't to poke fun at.
But these progressives are fascists. Not nazis. They cater to the people are nothing in merit based society. It's a problem with fascism. At some point the morons take over everything and it collapses. Why? Because you still need some merit based selection. The fact that nazis may like progressives is not surprising. Maybe a former nazi is a defect rewarded by these idiots. It all comes down to gibs based on some scale.
We had an old deluded hippy at my work who was rabid pro hillary.
He took sadistic pleasure in rubbing the "hillary is a garunteed win" thing in our faces and laughed at my response to never count chickens before they hatch.
So I took sadistic pleasure in watching the dawning horror spread across his face as swing state after swing state voted trump on the TV in the lobby of our buisiness.
He was a bit more quiet and respectful after that, I think hes had to reconcile that the people he worships lie to him on a daily basis.
CTR needs to step up their game. This is cringeworthy
You know I thought I wanted that same sadistic pleasure. Nothing was more annoying then a liberal, facebook was spammed with all of this "we don't tolerate intolerance" bullshit.
Hopped on facebook after the election and got really sad, expected some salt from liberal friends but it was just a giant defeat for them and they didn't even plan for a loss. Couldn't feel anything but bad. I try not to speak politics infront of my friends because they are very liberal. You aren't going to change the mind of someone who thinks DT is everything wrong with this world.
yep. my biggest fear is who they're going to push in after trump with how butthurt they are. i just know they're gonna advertise another revolution and the lefty masses will fall for it. gonna start saving up on canned food.
>leftists supporting paper ballots
l m a o.
God these posts are so sad. How are these people so retarded?
None of them even pretending to be smart mention voter turn out...
>she sounds "shrill" or "bitchy". It's called being a female candidate.
The gender bender debate at NYU disproved this. People liked female Trump a lot more than male Hillary. Leftists were blinded by Hillary's vagina and their dislike of Trump.
I felt bad for my friends and family. I didn't feel bad for anonymous internet people who wanted to genocide white people and kill all men. The anti-white attitude of leftists is becoming more blatant everyday.
>harry potter comparisons
I gotta specify, I wasnt vocal about it, internally I was giggling like a schoolgirl and dancing a jig.
Externally I was polite. Ive been explaining to him that the liberal party, and liberalism in general quit being the populist underdogs in the 80's and like any other institution that becomes too powerful it ditches its values in favor of enriching its individual members.
I actually got him to acknowledge yesterday that improving the economic prospects of minorities is more effective than just handing them piles of free stuff.
He'll never be a conservative, but atleast hes quit spouting all that totalitarian "TRUMP IS LITERALLY HITLER GUIZE" bullshit.
Yup, exact same user. I don't see how they don't see how we can perceive their actions as anything but white genocide. Americas leaders announcing "the future is POC". Sweden/Germany announcing that their heritage means nothing and that their land is for the refugees.
What the fuck, as it stands I consider Russia one of our biggest allies in that we see eye to eye on who the enemy is. The enemy of my enemy is my ally sort of deal.
Satisfying thread.
>that top comment
Its like a beautiful prediction of exactly what is happening to trump, RIGHT NOW
LoL checked.
This is what their echo chamber looks like. They did it to themselves. And, like all typical leftists, they want to blame everybody else for their problems.
>Harry Potter
Make it stop
>"trump supporters do not believe in compromise. They want full control, or they want to burn the system down instead"
True, I would rather burn it all down than continue the ratcheting 'compromise' to communism.
Good catch user, I noticed exactly this as well and was amazed at how close it matched how trumps being treated by liberals. Right down to "illegitimate president" and "into the IC hurting mrs 45"
Im from montana, rural area, lots of poverty, lots of drug abuse. Its a rural ghetto.
There were TWO comments that ensured everyone here voted trump.
1: obama stating rural americans are fearful and insecure and that they cling to guns and religion
2: basket of deplorables.
The first pretty much painted a target on thier backs, the second was equivalent to marie antionettes "let them eat cake" comment. (She never said that, but the story everyone used to justify beheading her was that upon hearing of impending faminr at a banquet she cut herself a generous slice of cake and did the 1700's equivalent of "lol poor people.")
When she said that it was on the TV in a saloon. You could just see these rednecks, loggers, mill workers, and truckers jaws clench. You could practically hear teeth grinding.
Hillary dropped her drawers and took a big ol' greasy elitist shit all over america's blue collar foundations in front of a camera on national telavision.
In the bar somebody from the back slurred in a drunken woodsmans drawl "Fuck that bitch, fuckin deplorables? Lets see her try to run a house by shovelin sawdust!"
Then she tried to save face by surrounding herself with celebrities and pretty much ensured that she couldnt win.
You think road construction workers, miners, and salt of the earth types give half a shit about lady gaga and cher mugging for a camera in dresses they will only wear once that cost more than the average american's annual salary?
The only way she could have alienated herself worse would be if she entered her species' bi-millinial molting season and shed her skin during the debate.
Arguing with them is impossible. If you give them statistics that blacks commit more crime, or that Muslims are much more likely to be terrorists, they'll either point to white crime/terrorism or just deny the statistics.
Some don't even understand why Muslims (who compose 1% of the US population) committing 5-10% of terrorist acts is worse than white people (who compose 60-70% of the population) committing 60-70% of terrorist acts. Things like rates and disproportionate crime make no sense to them.
These are smart people too. They've taken statistics classes, but they're just willfully blind. They're willing to accept that blacks and hispanics are more likely to vote Democrat, but won't accept that they're more likely to commit crime, or that they're less likely to succeed in universities.
>And then just to have it shattered like that, how does one reconcile that they have no idea what the fuck is going on when they once had complete certainty?
By immersing yourself in the dark corners internet and becoming enlightened.
Taking the redpill.
Have you ever tried NOT turning every arguement into a race debate? Nobody wins those, it just turns into to monkeys flinging emotional turds at eachother.
I prefer to take the soft approach and start out discussing pureley objective policies that dont turn the debate into an emotional series of thought terminating cliches.
>They want full control, or they want to burn the system down instead"
It's only when it's too late that they realize who they're dealing with.
>suburbs of Memphis very red
I don't know what gated community she's living it, but it must be pretty well defended in Darkest Memphrica
Up to the point when Trump raped the election in a landslide, I was so hyped up to welter in leftists tears of butthurt and get a salt poisoning. I wanted to descend on them like a hungry wolf and tear them apart, but the moment Trump won I was totally indifferent to their suffering, I just didn't care anymore. I've noticed that it happens a lot lately, half way there with trolling, and I just give up because I don't care. Maybe I'm getting to old for trolling?
>last bastion of sanity
>How does one recover from having their ability to predict btfo so throughly?
By throwing a massive, months long tantrum, and claiming that Russia cheated them.
Here's is the thing. If minorities votes republican. Democrats would turn on them instantly.
Minorities know it too.
I still enjoy the salt despite all those months. It's very unhealthy, but too addictive to stop.
My favorite part was all the look on the faces of all the hipsters and basic bitches when they realized the giant glass ceiling they built was going to be intact.
You underestimate people's ability to rationalise. They've just tweaked their delusions slightly, they'll never properly face reality.
When you destroy the chamber, all there is to echo is silence
>I love 45
>C word
>russian troll
As a Bernie to Trump voter, what you said is absolutely correct. And before the inevitable hurr durr vote party lines. I'd rather vote for the outsider that I disagreed with than voting for literal corruption.
"Hrc is planning fireworks at her event on Tuesday night. And it has a glass ceiling. Makes me think they have a good feeling about this"
>build the wall pep rallies
theres a place like that?
I swear to god I think that was me. Right before the election I called a twitterhandle called @saltysweetcake or something along those lines a dried up cunt who feels the need to mother the world because she couldn't even find a nonwhite to grant her a mongrel mulatto. She got pretty pissed.
>I still enjoy the salt despite all those months.
where's the salt? almost all of the texts itt are pre-election arrogant rage-inducing bullshit. we need post-election tears. this here is some weird psy-op to make us worry about and magnify out of proportion the possibility that we were wrong.
Leaf, you're not making Canada look any better here, read the screenshot of the post he's replying to.
I wish. It seems they've taken their incessant screaming to the streets. It's the middle of March and they're still acting like it's election cycle.
Your right, all of it is pre election aside from this I can dig up some post election stuff or mid election stuff after this next post
>plauged with scandals
like his tax returns
Next poster brags about how easily Hillary could get stuff done. 65 uptokes. This is what most republicans feared, she could implement her agenda very easily.
>lose all three debates convincingly
I watched all 3 and I'd say she edged the first one at best. He literally destroyed her in the other two and I even saw libtards saying that he wrecked her in the second.
Trump is a retard. He should not be president. But Hillary supporters and HRC are insufferable and despite trump overall being a stupid fuck I still prefer him over HRC.
Ha. Moron who wrote that doesn't know Malcolm X woke up one morning and said, "Fuck this white hatred shit" and got gunned down.
It was literally non-stop virtue signaling. While I think trump has his problems I think HRC would have sealed the fate of all white nations.
If I have to hear that go low shit one more time.. Michelle absolutely shit on us when that caught on. Its ear rape.
This is a follow up on malcolm x
>VP position to a Bernie-style Democrat
I was shitting myself at the thought Hillary would make Bernie here VP pick. I knew it would pretty much guarantee her victory and solidifying the Democratic ticket and keeping a lot of the moderate base.
But alas she picked WhatsHisName?
Solid post.
Gah. Those tards are determined to quote his earlier work and skip when he started talking with MLK and became more rational. So stupid.
There were so many "the emperor has no clothes" moments during the debate.
The "say one thing do another" speech transcript of her giving a wink and a nudge to wallstreet executives essentially assuring them her publicly stated policy is bullshit voter fuel and that she still works for them gets brought up and she ignores it to rant about Russia.
Then she waffles about claiming she only was talking about POWER LINES when she said she wants open borders.
Seriously, anyone with internet can google up the verbatim speech transcripts. It was cringeworthy to watch, and even more cringe worthy to watch CNN interview shills who pretend to have been swayed from their indecisikn by the hillsay camp.
Followed 15 minutes later by a youtube video of the reporters coaching the interviewees prior to the film shoot to pretend to have been undecided then gush about how blown away they were by hillary.
It was so fuckin insane, the cognitive dissonance it must have taken dems to ignore such events is truly staggering.