Really sizzled my synapses

Really sizzled my synapses

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When the crime rate for white illegals is so low, they really just blend in quite nicely.

But regardless, they need to back.

Why are you subscribed to CNN updates?

Ok I'm coming

Fuck you Canada

Mind your pronouns shitlord.

its hard to tell somebody is illegal when they speak english

kys irrelevant country


Good info, thanks

Are they really going after the history of Irish immigrants on saint paddies day?

Didn't they suffer legitement persecution?

At least they're white.



Yeah. Since they were not property like the slaves were, they were used to do the dangerous jobs because they were expendable and easily replaced. Everyone always makes it look like slaves had it horrible and had to do life threatening jobs all the time. That would be the Irish who did those jobs. Hell, even in the civil war they were almost always used as the first wave because they were so expendable

When did Irish people become white?
Is this like the Mexican thing again?

There was a RTE report on here the other night trying to (((highlight))) the 'plight' Irish illegals are going through. Mostly the stress and mental health effects, supposedly churches in Boston are stretched to the limit councelling and offering moral support to those in despair.

Ive known several folk who moved legally but none illegaly. Ive no sympathy for them whatsoever.

You guys need to stop picking on CNN!!!

CNN is just a small Jewish propaganda network trying to destroy Western society with their cancerous Liberal politics.

It is not like have of their host are Jewish or married to Jews.... you bunch of anti-Semities!!!

Why would you guys come here illegally? Is it visa overstay stuff? It would be hard to "sneak" in like Mexicans do

White illegals don't hang out in groups in front of the hardware store.

ice are (or were in the past, at least) extremely vigilant in addressing Mick illegals because many of them were literal terrorists. this article is probably full of heart strings and implications that they don't have to deal with racism like beaners do


There was quite an exodus of younger people from here in the wake of the late 00's economic downturn. Yeah a lot of intended visa overstays. Many with shit college qualifications. They fucked off as soon as they realised making good money wasnt going to be quite as easy as their boomer parents told them.

Oh hey, so that's what he was referring to. I know someone who works for CNN.

because whites commit less crime and they are only deporting people who are criminals?


exactly what I said when I saw that this morning

>implying I don't want ALL kinds of illegals deported

Here Milton Friedman comes to save the day!!!!!!!

>Comparing immigration of yesteryear to immigration in the modern day

Can anyone be more retarded?

Does CNN mean the indentured servants brought over here? The ones that paid for their fare to the "New World" by being literal slaves? Where some who, despite having a contract to only work as an indentured for a certain amount of time, never really got their freedom and died slaves because the contract keeps getting reneged (most likely by Jews)? Oh wow. The Irish may be the niggers of Western Europe, but they didn't deserve that (kinda).

You forget, they were also the ones who had no free education, no free medical care, no free fucking anything.

They had three options work, fuck off back home, starve to death.

Whens the last time you heard of a Mexicunt starving to death in the USA?

Is it time to send the Irish back! Fuck send them to Mexico whatever!