Look at you guys did to yourselves. Other nations are laughing at you for leaking nudes from your own troops, having to pay for a wall that YOUR OWN PRESIDENT said that another country was going to pay for it, glorifying a fucking underage girl who didn't pass middle school and can barely speak, and now you people keep saying he's gonna make America great? No, he isn't. Good luck with your country burning.
You fucked up America
if we can pay for your gender swapping
you can pay for our wall
If we can pay for aid to the 3rd world, we can pay for a wall
OP is a nigger.
First the taxpayers pay for it and through trade/border control the Burito's are forced to pay that amount of money.
The wall is still mostly paid for by tarriffs on Mexican corporations. Also, the reduction in crime and remittances will make the wall pay for itself in the end.
>Other nations are laughing at you
I don't give a single shit.
>Good luck with your country burning.
I'm literally going to get richer and more prosperous. Your melodrama is idiotic and meaningless.
I like to think that America is like The Learning Channel
Sure, honey boo boo on TLC seems like an incredibly ironic, even a hypocritical program to air on TLC, however allows for us all to reflect on, and learn about how we should exactly respond to the issue of morally questionable values and culture that's passed off as ordinary. I would hope people are rather learning, and critically thinking about that.
Worth every penny.
Finally our taxes are going to something good for our country
The only one in this thread that has enough chromosome to be able to see through Trump's Bullshit. OP and this user should get a reward since this thread is worse than Sup Forums
>Huffington Post
Top Fucking Kek
$4 Billion for a wall to keep out the invaders > 1 cent spent on spic welfare
>implying he will build a wall and not a shit tier fence
Yeeees, good jew, schekels is the answer to power. Fuck me i want to rip your throat out.
I think the wall should be paid by the border states, just like a highway. They're the ones ultimately benefiting. No aliens in my town, why should I pay for it.
>other nations are laughing
I hear a lot more shrill, autistic screeching than I hear laughter, and I don't listen to either because I'm not a liberal.
Also, remember how it was "the wall won't be built" six weeks ago? Your side has been backpedaling since October. We'll get what we want and you'll get nothing, and that's what matters.
>cost of wall
>20 billion
>cost of illegal
>100 billion a year
Really make you think
Trump could pay for that with his own money and he would still be a multi-millionaire, funny
>Reddit: the post
on Sup Forums shitposting huffington post articles.
kys faggot shill
This has never been an issue for people who voted for Trump. We would gladly pay for the wall out of our own pockets.
>Fuck me
How very expected of you, Sven.
oh yes I'm sure the wall won't go over budget and completely alleviate all the costs associated with illegal immigrants
>Your losing money! Hahaha, drumpfed again
>Actually, I'm gonna be making more money, and it will be better for the people as a whole
>You only care about money! I'm literally shaking right now
It could literally cost twice the projected amount and we could pay for all of it, it would still be worth it. Illegal immigrants present a huge burden on several types of infrastructure and they contribute to the devaluation of labor.
I don't care who pays for the wall, as long as it gets built. It probably won't stop much immigration, but it will trigger leftist faggots, making it worth every penny
I'd much rather pay for that than the yearly $113 billion of illegal's welfare
I knew trump was a liar. No wonder he won't release his tax returns.
>asked to cough up
do liberals really not see through these jewish tricks?
on one hand, what they want is a "right" and 'it's only a small tiny fraction of the budget goy' and then on the other, THEY ARE COMING TO KICK IN YOUR DOOR AND TAKE YOUR SHIT WITH GUNS BE AFRAID
>your country
At least try to not let people know you are posting on a proxy? It is bannable
>$4.1 Billion
That's like the CIA's coffee mess fund.
>other nations are laughing
Who is actually swayed by this imbecilic argument, is this for hitting at unresolved high school popularity issues among their basic braindead readership?
I can laugh back at these "other nations" for having no toilets, murdering eachother for believing the wrong religious bullshit and never inventing the wheel.
Hmmm how much per capita is that for taxpayers?
>171.3 Million pay taxes
>4.1 Billion for wall
>each person pays roughly $24 dollars for the wall
I'd pay even more to be honest
this would work in poland actually
>each person pays roughly $24 dollars for the wall
And it's spread over several years.
They still think these are not going to get taxed/confiscated/shut down.
hey, look at that, my tax money going to something useful for once.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hiIarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousnessException in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.String.(Unknown Source)
at java.io.BufferedReader.readLine(Unknown Source)
at java.io.BufferedReader.readLine(Unknown Source)
at org.ctr.TopicParser.dump(TopicParser.java:23)
at org.ctr.TopicParser.main(TopicParser.java:59)
That's like $10 per person. You know how much we pay in taxes already? Illegals explicitly cost about $1,100 in taxes from each household annually through social services and free education. It comes out to over a $100,000,000,000 per year, compared to the fraction of that for a wall and deportations.
By the numbers this will massively reduce government spending and potentially low taxes overall.
don't they use venmo now?
Either way, the executive branch has vast authority in cracking down on money flowing into and out of the country. Even without cooperation from congress, he can put an end to it.
>the left suddenly cares about what shit costs and where the money will come from
Keeping those Mexican monsters out is worth more than gold.
>Spend $4.1 billion of taxpayer money
>Save them up over $100 billion a year after mass deportations are over
Nice math, dumbshit. We'll be just fine.
But I thought the shills said it was 10 billion???
Hmm..made me think desu
All you people that think that a tariff on Mexican goods is an idea that will benefit American taxpayers are 14-17 years old and don't know shit about anything.
We can pay for the wall several times over if we just stop giving shitskins free money. We'd probably manage a wall between us and Canada too if we stopped giving Mexishits an incentive to come here.
'Hey I need money to pay for something and the remittance taxes will pay it back'
I don't see the problem here
I'm fine paying for the wall. Just ban the import of sombreros and we'll break even in a few years.
What are IDs???