Where were you when the Colonization of Europe began?
Erdogan urges Turks in Europe to have 5 children
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why did you type colonization with a capital letter?
Cos beaners no 'espeak Eengleesh
Why did you spell colonisation wrong?
5 x 0 = still 0.
They got the intellect of a chimp.
Please wage war against Europe so reintroduce national socialism.
Go live in better neighborhoods. Drive the best cars. Live in the best houses. Make not three, but five children. Because you are the future of Europe. That will be the best response to the injustices against you.”
Because you are capital fucked
If we cut welfare this would all end. They're claiming "victory" off our mercy, and it's working.
When these foolish whites die off civilization goes with them.
He's playing so hard on Turks' inferiority complex, it's becoming more and more pathetic by the day.
only the absolute bottom of the barrel , çomar scum follows him
t. Turkish exchange student
how could any country get worse than Mehico?
Why cant they just assassinate this insect?
In 100 years when the shitskins have out bred us, do you think they'll let us have gated white communities kinda like USA allows the native americans to have?
sen avrupalilarin kolesi, kendini onlara sevdirmeye calisan zavalli bir maskot, acinacak ezik bir kaybedensin.
Did I trigger the Erdocuck fanboy?
I already know the answer :^)
Keep licking his balls, just to forget youre a failure
Sicharim agazina
You need to go back, Roach.
but white people won't cut off welfare
we are letting ourselves get taken over out of fear of being called a racist
we have to deal with the self hating traitors first
go lick some westerner's asshole maybe they love you, loser.
We don't want any of you dunecoons, no.
you dont know Turkey, so stop pretending you do
no, your vacation to Antalya doesnt count
Have you ever been to Europe?
Why should I care?
And how fucking arrogant do you have to be in order to believe I'd ever set foot in your roach hive?
You still need to go back.
haha european slave BTFO
it's totally ok to me since I see all of you as enemies.
>when you run out of arguments
Listen pal, realize Europe and Turkey would gain a lot if they started to work together instead of against eachother.
Turkey is no real match for Europe, but doesnt mean anyone gains from extended conflict
Good lord, this is some serious inbreeding. I think you're trying to argue with the wrong chap.
I've literally just told you to fuck off back to Roachistan.
Because you need to fuck off back to Roachistan.
Lol no we're going to be fucking extinct. That's their whole plan.
Hopefully this will not happen to mecixo.
Chill you mongolitos.
Don Fillon Sama will protect Europe.
Ok let me try once more, maybe youll get it this time, otherwise youre just fuckng yourself over.
There are 2 kinds of turks, secular people, who are mostly westernized minus a lot of degeneracy and he çomar scum like Mr
if Europe funds allies the secular people, Erdogan would be done for shortly, otherwise you'd help keep that fuckhead in power ad perpetuum. now , I understand you dont care about Turkey at all, but deradicalising the Turk immigrants in Europe would also benefit you
waste of digits.
Not a Jap here. I can't wait to retake Constantinople
This fucking guy just declare war on us. Wake up Europe.
...You need to fuck off, Mehmet.
No more, no less.
Say what you want, but the man definitely knows how to shitpost.
Excellent idea. Turn the people of Europe against you.
You don't get it. Those 'secular' Turks shit out spawn in droves who in turn radicalize regardless of how others treat them. Your people are shit and your culture is shit.
No one likes you. No one wants you. Everywhere you go people despise you. Not a single country on Earth is happy when Turks show up.
Notice he makes these comments now after Gert losses.
does anyone outside of Turkey actually like Turkey?
Based Turks
Oh hey, the Roaches finally found an ally. The Mexicans.
Of course.
sorry i had a turkish embassy in my backyard.
Turkey is a beautiful country. Now the people living there....
He's playing to the fantasies of smelly sexually frustrated shitskins. That's why his ideas seem so impressive to pol.
You have to go back! :^)
Based Erdogan
Literally doing our work for us
Dude why you even bother?
Just let Erdgoan fuck up Europe it's her destiny.
And stop being raycisss you are not white and the Comar is your brother.
>Hey, Recep, you gonna help me pay to raise my 5 children?
> no more no less
you are country of 5 million faggots, no more, no less.
About to be 1 million by 2030, no more, no less.
Go cuck somewhere else """""Viking""""" your precious Europe is about to get a reckoning.
Germany is a shit country, now the white wymins living there
That pic is not from Tyskland
Don't you people have some cognitive dissonance due to being in other's people country yet pretending to be superior?
Like, shouldn't Turkey be the greatest fucking place to be if this were true? What the fuck is your problem? Nobody likes you.
> doesn't understand that Turks use their beaches to lure germon wymins years after year
> Nobody likes you
I hear that a lot and yet you fail to understand how much fun we have playing with you little faggots :^)
>Turkey be the greatest fucking place
It is and every year I visit and live like a Sultan with easy white pussy, comar slavbois and corek.
this plan takes awhile thank god i will be dead by then. Its not worth to rescue the whiteys. They JUST want it
Based Nippon knows what's up
> based
> nippon
The dude probably has a third nipple by now from all the radiation he's sucked in.
She's Dutch, that's the "New Year's Dive". Google "Unox meisje" if you like what you see.
>tell a Turk
>this is fine
>tell a Dutchman
>this is racist xenophobic islamophobic and sexist how dare you
6 children for mie tenk joe verrie mutsj.
>the year of 2057
>visiting Constantinople with my grandchildren, the new capital of Greece
>touring all the churches and chapels of the city
>they are all decorated with Turk bones
Nice bantz
The downfall of whites is that we're too empathetic. No other race is as plagued with remorse and guilt as we are. They will exterminate us without blinking
LOL the faggot is basically saying go on gibs and have white people pay for your children. Nukes need to be dropped already on muslims and beaners.
where do I find turkish qt?
If you guys didn't know, the Turkish birth rate is very low. Kurds,Africans and Arabs are having more kids than Turks.
>tfw we will bomb Turkey into dust soon
Traitor scums like you should be put in a meat grinder. Fucking infidel asslicker
t. Muslim who supports Erdogan.
>capital of Greece
>Not demilitarized international free city-state
Can't trust anybody in that region.
In a mass grave, coming soon near you!
tfw you go to the village cemetery of your ancestors and realize you probably are inbred.
I hope he calls out a Jihad like good old times. He wants to roleplay the Ottoman empire all the time so atleast do it properly Erdoboi.
shut up you mongol. go back to drinking and then killing yourself like the rest of your country
I'm gonna spread my seed to qt's all over the world.
If you convert to Islam, you can live peacefully as you wish. Also the other choice would be, you can pay extra taxes, and we can take care of you my brother. Islam is the true religion of peace and equality.
you dumb fuck have no an ounce of dignity. Turkey has been trying to join EU in last 50 years, and they don't let him in, simply because of the mere fact that Turkey is a Muslim country. They let poverty ridden countries like Romania, but not Turkey, and you still kissing your enemies ass. Traitors are literally worse than the actual enemy. I'm not even a Turkish, but I'd glad smash your empty skull, you cunt.
Just a reminder that Turks are going to be a minority in their own lands within 20 years.
>go have 5 children
o-okay erdogan efendi, I w-will find a girlfriend and procreate as you command
Ga weg gvd
No, they are not letting him in because of him threatening holocaust 2.0
I am going to spread my seed on top of the qt in that mass grave though.
It's an important Matter.
>Can't trust anybody
>Can't trust Greeks
Beware of Greeks claiming Clay.
This isn't very nice.
>if Europe funds allies the secular people
They actually fund islamists because its easier to bribe/control them. Thats the sad truth, secular roaches might never get power again.
I don't know what 3rd world shithole you came from but I like your logic.
because it's a pivotal chapter in European History, you just don't know it yet
What will you name them?
Mexico bringing the bantz
>r-selecteds gotta fight using r-selected strategies.
I see nothing wrong with this. It's Europe's fault for not breaking out the DDT before this roach infestation got out of hand.
mehmed the conqueror
enver pasha
koksal baba
mesut ozil