go to Mexico in your MAGA hat?
Why would you
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I like germans a lot.... In germany
I'd report and hide another Twittershit spam thread.
Why is the wall so hard to understand? We aren't banning Mexicans, just preventing illegal immigrants.
I like Mexico, I just dislike the Mexicans
Mexico has a border crossing simulator at an amusement park. It seems fun as fuck. Any mexicans on here ever been to this park?
Media controls the retarded. Pro tip: it's most people
>go visit a country
>you're no longer allowed to be against an invasion of your country
Real life smugposting.
I wouldn't got to Mexico period. That place sucks donkey dick and Pedro knows it.
How ironic...
Really makes you think.
>If you don't want people from a country to illegally live in yours, you don't have the right to legally visit their country as a tourist!
What is it about leftists and their underdevelopped brains, completely unable to form any coherent and sensible argument?
should literally be the other way around amigo
Because keeping track on 120 genders is all their brain can handle.
Por que jose?
Diaspora is fucking cancer and always worse than their respective natives.
Though going to Mexico in full MAGA attire does seem a bit weird, but then again, it's Twitter so that likely never happened.
When your ideology is completely detahced from reality, the only thing that works against your enemy is hyperbole to deatch their argument from reality, too.
Having spent a good amount of time over the last few years in Mexico, most Mexicans don't give two shits about Trump. They think he's a clown, but laugh him off rather than get all angry about it. You have to realize that to them American racism is nothing new. Mexicans tend to stick to themselves, and would either ignore or not even notice a MAGA hat.
>hurr durr if you ever visit another country how could you believe in borders?
there is nothing wrong with vacationing in a country but there is something very wrong with illegally migrating to one
Mexico is a beautiful country, filled with lazyass brown fags and narcos.
Crossborder shitposting.
Guy has balls.
they're going to barricaded tropical resorts full of Americans and Canadians, only beaners they saw were probably janitors
>to them American racism is nothing new
Trump phrases things poorly. He's not the best at appealing to muh emotions. When people get emotional logic shuts down.
This is what I was wearing when I got beheaded in Mexico.
Stop blaming the victim.
Mexico is not a beautiful country. MOst of the people live in some of the shittiest ugliest places on earth. Mexico is a country that like many countries has beautiful vacation resorts. However, go to Mexico city and you see an urban shithole where 1/5th of the country lives.
This would be like wanting to get invaded by Russia cause you like vodka
Leftism is really a mental illness.
>accept millions of subhuman mexican vermin
>otherwise you can't go to vacation in mexico
>conflating overpopulated urban environments with a country's natural beauty