>Jews are 0.1% of the world population but hold 22% of all Nobel prizes
just let this sink in
>Jews are 0.1% of the world population but hold 22% of all Nobel prizes
just let this sink in
Other urls found in this thread:
>Jews are 0.1% of the world population
>but hold 22% of all Nobel prizes
makes sense since they organize it
also pls delete pic i hate seeing sex
The Jews as a group are a disgrace, the stain on humanity. In the name of world Jewry their lobbies have set fire to the Middle East and the world. The Jews owned the North Atlantic Black slave trade, owned the ships, insured the ships and had nearly twice as many slaves proportionally per household compared to any other group in North America at the time. The Jews occupied 95% of the positions of power during the Soviet era and are responsible for orchestrating the slaughter of many tens of millions of Christian Russians. The Jews are responsible directly and by their lobbying for over 95% of conflicts around the world today. If every Jew dropped dead tomorrow, the world would instantly become a better more peaceful place. I suggest exiling all confessed Zionist Jews to the South Pole and that they should pay reparations to the Russians, Greeks, Germans and basically everyone around the world that the Jews have fucked over the last 100 years alone. The Jews must pay for the Christian Holocaust and their destruction of the Middle East and their manipulation of the West!
>Obama has one
>Nobel prize
>Jews giving prices to themselves
Who woulda thunk it?
>Jews smarter than all other races as IQ tests routinely show
>Jews have more academic prizes
wow really made me think!
>Obama holds a nobel piece prize
>Got it for doing literally nothing
Uh huh, keep telling me about nobel prizes.
In other news, Jews are 0.1% of the world population but start 100% of the wars.
it's amazing what money can buy these days
ares jews secretly the master race
>nobel prizes
>not one person on nobel committee is a phd
>prior to jews becoming wealthy they never won many nobels at all
>race of parasitic rats that constantly lobby for political purposes marketed the most
>gave Obongo a nobel peace prize even though he warmongered
Really fires up the old neurocortex
Jew privilege is highly problematic.
How is he making the sex if she still has undies on. Any more experienced anons want to give me the scoop?
"Some people like Jews and some do not; but no thoughtful man can doubt the fact that they are beyond all question the most formidable and the most remarkable race, which has ever appeared in the world. " Winston Churchill
As it stands right now, I don't like them. But their contributions to humanity and civilization are big, most being positive, some being really despicable.
Daily reminder that the Nobel awards are notoriously political in nature (yes, even for the harder sciences, such as medicine and chemistry, for example) -- Each year sees very heavy lobbying in various professional journals about which people should receive the awards. Guess who lobbies the hardest for their fellow tribesmen? Guess who owns or otherwise controls the content of those various journals? Naturally Jews are, in general, intelligent and capable, but they are highly overrepresented among Nobel Prize recipients mostly due to their extreme ethnic nepotism and racial awareness.
in like literature and other meaningless categories.
is there a source for your statistics on this? it's really weird if true
Swedes arent jews cunt
Jeez, can you guys stop chimping out.
It's the Norwegians
f u bro
How do you know she has underwear on? All I can see is the garter belt.
>makes sense since they organize it
The same thing happens with university's rankings
yes thats because jews dont have to do normal labour work, instead are economicly more free than the average white person
which is the result of their plan and tactics they follow for the last hundreds of years
>including 41% of economics
>world's economy is crumbling and already suffered several financial turmoils
Regarding the infographic? Pretty sure Unz cites sources in this article, but I haven't checked them out:
Jews care about their gene pool and only bred with the best goyim.
White people should do the same except jews ironically branded that as unethical. They kill competition in a sense.
>Jews care about their gene pool and only bred with the best goyim.
Let's only look at Chemistry then, as you can see they count everyone outside of Israel as "theirs", as long as it's an Ashkenazi Jew.
giving prizes to themselves... oh goy.. never question
Oh I had no idea what a garden belt was. I just assumed it was panties.
White people are less than 10%, yet they hold 100% of all Nobel prizes.
I'm going to need the source... you know, for science.
It is a separate piece that goes over the panties and holds the stockings up.
I could live with Germany having a few nobel prizes less and instead being not a diverse country.
So fuck Jews.
Virgin detected.
She's wearing a garter belt, no evidence of panties. Additionally, even if she is wearing panties just pull them aside and slide right in.
>huuur da jooooos
maybe it has to do with intelligence?
obama has a nobel peace prize
let that sink in
Swedes are the best in every category per capita.
Yes yes obama is white
also if jews are so smart then how come the US has to give them billions of dollars and military support?
Peace Nobel does not count. Especially after you dronestruck so many shitskin children.
Nobel was a Jew. All this proves is that the prize is self-congratulory. Humans are not objective creatures.
>also if jews are so smart then how come the US has to give them billions of dollars and military support?
If americans were so smart, then how come they give Israel billions of dollars and military support?
Why don't they bred Jews?
They're a very successful people - probably because of their good priorities. So?
Especially getting raped.
if jews are so smart how come they arent richer than US? how come they cant protect their country on their own?
/thread now fuck off you fake-serb
Fuckin hell
The average of all those European nations are dragged down by shitskins too
>Jews are 0.1% of the world population but hold 99.99% of all the shekels
Just let this sink in.
It's not we are at 60% or something like that. Shitskins are way less than 10% and most of them would count as white in your country.
No, he was a Swede.
daily reminder that sinks are like vampires and they can't hurt you in your own house unless you invite them in
It's all a lie like the holocaust. Nobel prizes are given by((( them)))
I'm fairly certain that if you only look at askhenazi jews they are.
Jews are horrible soldiers, when they created the state of Israel they bred a bunch of female jews with white warriors to get some decent soldiers.
It was shitskin children
Why bother
It's cultural, just like it is when you compare blacks with many whites. I work as a researcher and know a few Jews with PhD's. Their family would consider them dropouts and failures if they only had what I have, which is a masters degree. That sort of family and social pressure is what advances them. There are white and black people that go far with the same sort of family pressure.
The Asians are another successful group due to high status quos within family circles. If your family considers getting a B to be a D or F, you get A's... It's that simple.
den evige svensken slår til igjen
>reverse search fail
>file name
jel slika oc?
he was a mason
It is also genetic, please be realistic.
Who runs the committee to award prizes? Didn't they give Obama and Yassar Arafat Nobel peace prizes?
Norwegians does, by the order of ethnic Swede Alfred Nobel.
The test says I have an IQ of 131. I find that rather hard to believe.
They are heads of the universities and sponsor companies, its to difficult to see the pattern?
Jews also make up a majority of those in the mass media and messaging to the general public.
It would hard to imagine networks like CNN being so far left is the top host, management, and regular guess were not all Jews... Jeff Zucker, Wolf Blitzer, Jack Tapper, Dana Bash, Gloria Borger, Sally Kohn, David Gregory, and on and on. The rest at CNN are either niggers or faggots.
Yeah they aint Black either ,but that didn't stop them from giving Obama a participation award for being Leftist and ethnic.
she has good guard retention
>noice jits, probably blue belt
Nobel prizes are circle jerks. If you are not "right person" you will not get a prize. This happens when
A) People oppose to character of a named person
B) Sponsor (government) doesn't like the named person
C) Electorals don't like the named person
Total circle jerk. I mean Some assholes even got it with repost.
Now I got it, this "certificate" is just bait, they want you to log in with Jewbook. See, not the brightest candle on the cake.
>be christian kid
>tell parents you want to study
>"lol go work in the fields, little shit"
>be jewish kid
>"sure honey, here's a pile of gold for you, you don't have to earn a penny till you're 99 years old"
>imblygn goyim getting fucked
Thanks OP.
Hopefully one day, we will rid the world of those wretches.
why would you post this without giving sauce? well here's your (you) now give us the sauce.
I thought only Jewish women could continue the Jewish bloodclot...I mean bloodline. despite biology.
>no body postded sauce on the image yet
source please.
And what proportion of the nobel prize committee are they?
Lol you fucking cuck faggot
Nobody ever said they weren't intelligent. It's the endless scheming and manipulation that people dont like
>Jews are responsible for killing Slavs, moors and niggers
How is this a bad thing?
>85% nigger
>10% pic related
>5% bro-tier
Sup Forums for all of it's critisisim on non-whites simply cannot accept the fact that Jews are superior to them. The list of inventions and innovations that Jews have contributed to humanity are disproportionately larger than any other group of people buy a long shot.
I can't cum until I get the sauce, someone please help I'm dying here.
You're thinking of your own country.
You must be 18 to post here
Source that pic
jesus fucking christ you can't even have a nice and comfy jew thread without someone wanting to rub one out
here you go, spergs
if you're not rubbing it while browsing Sup Forums you are doing it wrong
Wow this really activated my almonds
Glory to you, f.a.m
Yes, that is true in some regards, however, I am free to shoot a mudslime rapist in the face, and will probably be able to shoot niggers for breathing pretty soon, hence; your argument entirely invalid.
>inb4 le 60% plus the 17% of megos who wish they were white
>[spoiler] le 60% whites have the military industrial complex as well as the vast majority of well trained soldiers, high-brass minds, highly trained pilots, etc. minorities in the military sit around base and clean up shit out of hospitals[/spoiler]
>Jews are .1% of the world population but are 40% of all porn producers and actors and actresses
Really makes you think