> I would gladly accept immigration from 50 Million immigrants that share American values and deport 50 million liberals
Do you agree with Bens statement alt right fags ?/
> I would gladly accept immigration from 50 Million immigrants that share American values and deport 50 million liberals
Do you agree with Bens statement alt right fags ?/
His nose just grew .5 inches
Can we strike a deal to send all the Euro rightwingers to the US and all your liberals to Europe?
>After they all get slaughtered by the muzzies we can invade and take back Europe without all the fucking cucks cucking things up.
As long as it includes the ~6 million jews in the US it would work.
>50 million Americans
>not part of 'American values'
that's like 1/6 of the population lol i think they get a say in what 'American values' ought to be
Sure would, only euros share our values.
I'll except all WHITE Germans if that means Germany takes the entirety of Tel-Aviv!
>not accept 50 million immigrants
>still deport 50 million liberals
>Do you agree with Bens statement
Only if those 50 million immigrants are Christians and not black.
marxist globalist stooges share 0% values with americans
As long as the immigrants are non-jewish whites. Sure.
Sure, as long as they were European.
>implying mudslime hordes can have fiscally conservative values
Sure would. Minorities typically do not hold American values.
Yes, unfortunately we get 100 million that hate America
What's wrong with Tel-Aviv, bro? Is that your version of Canada? Just send all degenerates there and give Palestinians free travel passes to go there.
>50 million lying immigrants later country is Sharia.
Depends. Are these immigrants white and European?
Americanism is more than just citizenship.
he just wants less white people because his globalists buddies realized how easy brown people are to control
>ought to be
no...no they shouldn't. every time they do, a nation(s) gets destroyed.
>American Values
>Determined by "there is no America"
And white people are more than half, therefore white values are not only dominant but correct.
Please refrain from using the term '6 million'. It's not yours to use and is offensive if you use it in your manner. Thank you.
Gay capital of the world.
fuck no, jew
no more immigrants
I don't believe your lies.
>Just send all degenerates there and give Palestinians free travel passes to go there
we don't "send" them there.
But you almost had it.
(((civic nationalism))
Traitors should be killed but they don't need to be replaced by johnny foreigners.
wtf i love civic nationalism now t b h f a m s m h ben
I don't think Ben is actually in with the global Zionists. Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel as though he is a genuine good guy who is conflicted by his Jewish heritage when confronted with the truth.
Its funny watching all this e-celebs who are on the borderline of being redpilled, but who refuse to accept the kikery that is so obviously going on. They see the symptoms but refuse to diagnose the disease, it leads them to some stupid fucking conclusions.
No, I'd gladly accept 50 Million Whites (the only people who share our values) and deport the Jews.
Deport the liberals out of a moving helicopter and we might have a deal.
How about deporting the liberals and refusing any immigrants ?
Do jews have a fucking death wish? Do they think Donald Trump and a bunch of trolls posting frogs is as bad as it can get?
Fucking morons.
After the election i agree on like 99% of points hes making. One of the likes truly on our side. Plus he has a sense of humour and takes edgy banter pretty lightly. He makes for an amazing soundboard too.
>long nose, sweaty ugly... Stereotypical jew
I would just deport the liberals, period.
Preferably to the afterlife.
How did it grew when saying:
>sharing America value
Is another way of saying WHITE.
Just like Bannon is saying
>People with years of democracy and Judeo-Christian values
who knows
but i think the jews like to control both sides for their own ends
so ben's brand of conservatism is nice and prepackaged and ready to go, so when whites rile againts jew controlled liberalism , jew controlled conservatism will be right there waiting.
he may not be a part of the globalists but he is being used for jews to remain in control
and we all know ben has more loyality to isreal than america.. that alone is why I wouldnt listen to him.
> I would gladly accept immigration from 50 Million immigrants that share American values
If that also mean working diligently and not killing/raping/robbing others, then of course.
I mean I agree with him but immigrants that share american values are like unicorns
>American values
these don't exist any longer. America's toast.
I am eating toast atm
I doubt there are even 50 million people outside the U.S. that share "American values".
kek, without liberals the economy would tank in weeks.
Some of the worst saboteurs of western civilization are white .
I would gladly accept 50 million muslims. I need advance notice though because we would need 100,000 ovens to process them into fertalizer.
Are they white? Also of the 50 million liberals can we start with the Jews?
This is a much better alternative. The tears from the libs after they realize they can't have the freedom we have here elsewhere would sustain me for weeks.
I fucking hate kikes
Yes but what are you saying
I'm a black conservative. Can I stay? I have American values and adhere to the three legs of conservatism.
Yeah, let's turn America into a right-wing sausage fest and let the muslims have ~70% of all white women.
Commie get out
So you wouldn't deport 50 million open border faggots?
He's right, you know.
Liberalism's strength is inverse to restrictive immigration laws.
in the early 1920's the US massively restricted immigration, a decade later the country had FDR and the New Deal. Big Government steadily advanced for the next 30 years, until it peaked in the 1960s, which coincidentally was the same decade that immigration restrictions were loosened with the Immigration and Nationality Act. Since then, the US has become more and more politically right-wing while the immigrant share of population has massively increased.
Now the Republicans are the most dominant they've been since the 1920s, the immigrant population is near historical highs as % of population, and Donald Trump and his supporters talk about wanting to restrict immigration, while Bernie Sanders is the most admired politician in the country according to Fox News and there's a good possibility the 2018 midterms will go very badly for Republicans due to them fucking up health care and spending, combined with a reinvigorated Democratic party and hated Republican president...
I'd ask him if he'd want the same thing for Israel
Because niggers and mudslimes don't have American values.
>jews decide who's american and who's not
>want to bring 50 million useless immigrants
>you're not american if you don't support israel
>give shekels and stfu you fucking goy otherwise you're racist
such typical kike psychopath
Faggots can't even properly define "American values" without resorting to buzzwords.
Ben is a full blown Zionist lad
he equates any criticism of Israel with anti-semitism