What reforms to the EU's specific membership and governance policies would you need in order to not have it be dissolved? I'm thinking looser requirements and no expectations for joining the Eurozone
European Union Reforms
The plane is about to hit the ground, no point trying to get it back up
without the British the EU is just Germany handing out aid money
it's not going to last and there is nothing that can stop it
Voted EU president, not the one selected by parliament.
EU army
Mandatory eurozone membership to all member
Honestly, we wouldn't have lost the Brits if we had built the wall.
We need to have policies to encourage our common European history. None of this German and Swede shit that our culture is just a meme.
Then on top of that, we need to create a proper senate like structure, so small countries have the same power on decisions as Germany. We need to collectivise the current debt in the Eurozone, and progress from there, a year zero.
If the EU falls apart, it will be the last chance to save Europe. Do you think the hordes will stop coming? Do you think any of us are big enough on our own?
We are a shared people. With a shared glory. We've been betrayed by the financial elite, and their exporting of our industries to our enemies. The same people who ruin our nations, so they can have cheaper labour.
> Disband unelected and undemocratic bureaucracies ( I.e. Commission )
> Disband (partly) unelected and undemocratic European Council of Ministers
> Reform European Parliament to be unweighted (i.e. straighten out the imbalance of 1 belgian voter equaling the weight of 16 german voters)
> Make Leaving the EU easier
> Devolve Responsibilities held by Commission down to Members States
> Evolve Parliament to have Financial Independence and gouvern properly
> Have all EU Countries carry out a plebiscite for staying or leaving
- remove commissionar or elect them by the people
-direct election of the president
- create Senate (1-2 senator by country elected by the people) and efficient balance of power between Parliament, Senate and whatever play the role of excutive
- enforce UE border
- stop adding country like idiot
> Shoot Cultural Marxist unelected Intelligenzija
only a thousand non europeans allowed a year in the whole EU
This....100% this. If you guys hadn't of gone full retard and followed turkmany and turkden into the abyss I'm positive the UK wouldve stayed in the EU
>Honestly, we wouldn't have lost the Brits if we had built the wall.
Accepting Brit in the EU was a mistake in the first place
Shutting down borders.
the borders are already shut down
you need to tell greek and italian ships to stop ferrying niggers to the mainland
>- remove commissionar or elect them by the people
How about renaming then ministers?
>-direct election of the president
>- create Senate (1-2 senator by country elected by the people) and efficient balance of power between Parliament, Senate and whatever play the role of excutive
>- enforce UE border
>- stop adding country like idiot
frenchbro,this is essentially what I would also love to have.
Disband EU as it is,
reform Europa as a single Nationstate,
start off with core states ( Germany + France + Benelux and Netherlands ) and have voluntary joinup offered to all former EU Nations.
DeGaulle, come on They are a critical part of our history and a balance to the eternal Kraut.
Most of the complaints the Brits had since the 80s were regarding immigration. That's certainly come home to roost. They also had complaints about the management of the Euro - correct again.
I used to hate the eternal Anglo's complaints, but they all came fucking true.
Additionally, none of us has a serious military like the UK.
I understand the French position is that without the UK, we would not have let in Eastern Europe, and thus we'd be much more integrated. That could be true, but I personally, welcome the East. However, we would have been smarter being slower in our allowing immigration.
It hasn't helped the East that their top talent has gone to the West. And it hasn't helped the West that our capital, and lower skilled jobs now are based in the East.
But do you really think the Franco-German integrated state wouldn't be handing out brochures in Syria now? If it wasn't for the East and the Brits, I'm not even sure it would have made the tv.
Looking at the replies in this thread I'm even more glad I voted to leave.
The EU won't reform you dummies. It's a pointless discussion. Even with the threat of losing the only world power in the union and second biggest contributor the EU STILL refused to reform.
Remember who set up the EU and why. It will never benefit native Europeans because that is the opposite of what it was designed to do.
We need MORE Europe not less Europe.
Lets start by coordinating fiscal policy.
This is sound thinking.
How the fuck did Juncker become Eu Commis Pres.
The most corrupt of them all. Not one fucking tax dodge happened in Luxembourg in the last 30 years he didn't sign off on as joint PM/FM.
And this is breddy good for a kraut.
Revert it to the EEC. Make it economic.
Get rid of the Free Movement pillar and lower the Four Freedoms to Three.
Get rid of the ECJ's jurisdiction over non-economic affairs.
Stop people being able to claim welfare in other European countries, or at the very least change it to food stamp equivalents.
Weaken the Commission.
Make the Parliament more than just a rubber stamp joke with real teeth behind it.
And we have a winner, thank you Fernando.
>without the British
while their retreat is bad, don't overestimante the anglo-saxons. they are just one of many countries and pretty much nothing else to offer than jewish banking industry.
of the 500mil europeans 60mil brits are not that important tbf.though they are politically close to germanys ideas, like free market and such.
That another thing. It seems like only a couple countries (germany) make all the decisions. Super corrupt
Drop the Euro and let each country manage their own monetary headaches.
Send the refugees back to Libya and destroy all boats on the African coast.
HAHAHAHAHAAA holy shit muhammud simmer down buds.... you know damn well the Brits are the 2nd biggest and a case could be made for the major country of the EU and had they chose to fully integrate they would be the country running shit instead of your turk country. Thats why you guys are so butt blasted because they are leaving
The main reason the UK people want to back out is the EU end goal is a super state controlled by a central power.
Whereas in the UK we have been cutting back central government in favor of regional for 20 years.
Our national infrastructure is so out dated and decayed central policy does not work because outside the city it cannot be effectively implemented.
3 year mandate periods for the parliament.
>Germany's ideas
>Free market
Implying free markets are a Germanic idea and not Anglo
Many, but it WON'T happen. Ever.
Everyone thinks that the fiscal Europe is at hand, but it really isn't, because nobody wants to pay for the other member's debt. Everyone is still thinking about it's own nation first, and then the union.
This union cannot live, because it was never a political union, but it was a monetary one first. They made a bet, thinking that things would "work out" if they were obliged to stand under the same coin, but then Germany started playing down with the Hartz reforms, and all the others had to join this dumb run to suicide land.
Not that you could ever speak against the EU, otherwise you will be branded as "Euroskeptic", and dismissed. Just like a fundamentalist religion.
The United States of Europe don't exist, didn't exist, and will never exist, because they are an antihistorical event, meant to keep Russia in its place right after the WW2. The purpose it had then is not the purpose it has now.
USSR, not Russia, sry
We didn't just leave because of immigration.
Anglos have always fought for liberty and freedom. When we aren't fighting Europeans for it we're fighting among ourselves for it. We don't want to be dictated to by unelected Europeans. That was the crux of it.
It swung the vote, mate.
It was fucking close, and you know the tv showing hordes and hordes of musso men did it.
You can talk nobly about liberty and all, but its bullshit. You care so much about liberty you allow your country to build the biggest internal security apparatus? That you now have thought police? Come on.
Most Brit Bongs never understood what even happened in Brussels. If you want to trade in Europe at all, your companies will need more red tape, not less. Ask the Norwegians and Swiss.
True but immigration was a huge part of it. Say 50/50 between immigration policy and being dictated to by the EU with retarded laws
You're pretty happy removing freedom too
the eu is cancer, get rid of it and revert to free nation states
>they are just one of many countries and pretty much nothing else to offer than jewish banking industry.
You do realise we are one of the biggest net contributors (ie we give you more than we get back)
Without us 2 of the top 5 largest contributors are spain and italy.
think about that you're reliant on money from a country with 20% unemployment, and one whos banking sector wobbles along on the edge of crashing the euro again.
>>Without us 2 of the top 5 largest contributors are spain and italy.
>think about that you're reliant on money from a country with 20% unemployment
no bully pls.
All of that surveillance shit happened under one person, Blair. Don't underestimate how much he changed things in this country. It's unrecognisable from the early 90s.
I'm not denying immigration was important but trust me, your average Joe in the pub and whatever was like "why the hell are we following orders from foreigners we didn't vote for".
WW2 is still in the back of a lot of people's minds here. We didn't send people to die against Germany only to be ruled by them.
If in the postwar was imperative that the european nations pursued a process of pacification, it is probable that if it wasn't for the unexpected fall of the Berlin wall and the rushed german unification, things would've gone differently.
The process under the vigilant eye of the America was exemplar: CECA and Common Market satisfied the desires, even if the project for the common defense didn't pass the test.
In 1971 the declaration of Nixon of freeing the dollar from the gold ended Bretton Woods and the regimen of fixed changes that aided the economic recovery. The european currencies started to exchange reciprocal merits. The strong german mark confirmed the weight of the renewed german economy, not without some problems. The idea of the common currency emerged, and was frowned upon by economists and bankers alike.
For a while the political and monetarian unification was put aside.
The Berlin wall fall in the '89, though, and the unification of Germany changed the game.
The common currency, used by Mitterand as trade good and containment element of the fearsome german hegemony, tipped over the parameters: the "containment" became the unconfessed mission.
Mitterand not only understood that the Euro wouldn't have weakened Germany and that it would've damaged the weak and benefited the strong, but he didn't understand that the new currency needed a "king" of some sort, to whom the national states must surrender sovranity, thing that he had no intention to do.
Years prior, de Gaulle answered to Kissinger's question "how can we face Germany's superior economy?" with "avec la guerre". With war.
The iron law of currency imposed a divide between an "analogic" armonization and a "digital" homogeanisation: economies too different between them made numbers explode in size, imposing restrictive politics. On the other hand, the absence of a true sovereign nation, the solidarity of which is its prerogative, wasn't planned. Nor wanted.
EU reforms will fail.
every country speaks english and only english immediately
Good analysis so far Italibro. Keep posting.