What the FUCK is their problem?
Apropo, romanii sunt bineveniti pe serverul nostru discord: discord.gg
What the FUCK is their problem?
Apropo, romanii sunt bineveniti pe serverul nostru discord: discord.gg
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brfcclclclcppppp trag basinutza fac cacalutza in oltiza si-mi dau drumu brfffaaappcccc zllhphhsssh
Trebuie sa asiguram existenta rasei noastre si un viitor pentru copiii romani. Doamne Ajuta!
pls no bully
Link mai bun discord.gg
russia is more butthurt than hungary
Sterie sa-mi dau drumu-n gura lu ma-ta aia curva si tiganca
>smelly thread
>that flag
Wtf, Hungary is the most based country in Europe
The only developed parts of your country (Transylvania) were formerly under Hungarian control
sure, a region that was 20% hungarian in 1918 can be attributed 100% of their development to hungarians
you can make the argument that germans helped its economy with their cities, but hungarians are steppe dwelling rice niggers
ITT: romanian retards being jealous of mighty Hungary
btw you could keep the bicycles you stole from us in return for our lands
>mighty hungary
>highest male suicide rate in the world, higher than japan
with these neighbours it really is no surprise
>europeans wanna be
>virtually no sort of culture
>raped into existence by all their neighbours
>less than 10% of magyars still retain their ancient mongol genes, rest are half breeds
Bad thread.
Bunch of dirties slavs, I regret coming here.
Europe is for EUROPEANS
Hungarian mongols must go back to the steppes
Oh my, why dont you fix your own country instead, you fucking retards?
>its a romanian butthurt thread
Hmmm give me those sweet tears, you albanian rape babies
I don't see the yurts
Bumps for the bump god
not a country
not an argument
they are my favourite mongols, even better the finns
vedeti ca link-ul lui OP e eronat, server-ul ala e condus de un jidan. Daca vreti sa fiti rumuni bazati nationalisti, intrati aici-discord.gg
wew lad, spooky
e un server mort prietene
transilvanya is rightfully hungarian
t. bag rodditori ca sa ramana in viata server-ul
mi-e scarba de voi.
>sunt un furry si am invitat alt furry pe server
>el nu spune ca furry-ul a venit de pe Sup Forums singur.
>el nu spune ca furry-ul a fost banat.
mOama, dar cat de jidov poti sa fii?
Uite d-asta nu te place nimeni, brraperule
așa se întâmplă cu toți care intră pe serverul tău
Romanian drinking game: take a shot every time you betray someone
De fapt, asta se intampla. Dar tu jidovule, stii doar sa bagi informatii comuniste ca aia din tara ta natala, Rusia.
Nu m-as mira daca te-ar lua SRI pe sus ca esti un pericol pentru integritatea nationala, rusule.
we were never allies, horsenigger
you take our land, and expect us to be friends?
fuck you hungary top 3 european country, and stop robbing my elderly god damn it
swedistan refugees and cigans come to cry at hungary
what a meme lads