Quebec thread

>you may never see your province separate and become an independant country with full control on it's land and laws
How do you guys feel about this? I feel bad, Even more when I think about how close the 1838 patriots were, and The 2nd referendum.

Will we ever secede? I feel like that even to those separatist parties we have, the idea of a referendum is only secondary.

Jean françois Lissée said that "Le pen supporters won't have their place in the PQ"

We know Legault is not really into it

And then there's those QS commies who'll probably have a second wind with Gabriel Nadeau Dubois. Are we doomed with having the PLQ lead us until death by shitskin?

Do we need to rework the Nationalism we practice here to include Ethnic minorities? Im divided on that honestly.

Anyway, Quebec Thread, federalists not welcome

Also, state who you think has the best shot next provincials.

Other urls found in this thread:

Lol last time Quebec try to do this independence meme, all the major companies HQs moved out of there and now quebec is shit tier, a shell of its former self.

We call that the "Trick of the National"
The day of the referendum, The Bank of montreal loaded trucks and sent them to Ottawa, The news report about that probably impacted the vote.

Fact is, when they arrived at Ottawa, The trucks were empty. There never was any money or gold in them.

I feel like we deserve to have our own country, Due to our firm differences with the rest of canada, And the not so cordial relations consequence of those.

What do you not like about Quebec being apart of Canada? Is it an identity issue? What are these firm differences you speak of?
Thread theme.

First of, Linguistic difference (The most obvious one)
We speak french, You speak english, We work our ass off to learn english because "It's necessary to get any job today", Meanwhile you guys chew bubblegum in french class for the entierty of your highschool.

Then there's the whole Culture thing, While Ontario and BC are very americanized (To the point of importing SJWs from America, and having "Black lives matter") Quebec, on it's side wants complete Laicisation, We don't care what your religion is, you're gonna remove that Hijab and that turban if you want service from the state or work in it. We are also pretty apart from the prairies culture, not having a "Oil" culture or a gun culture at all.

And finally, There's the fact we take up more Governemental subsidy through 'Efficient' bookmaking, Which of course brings hatred from the rest, who feels like they're sending this money over to a province who doesn't need it.

What would an independent Quebec look like demographically speaking?

Would you continue going down the same route as the Canadians and fuck your shit up entirely? Would you end up like your French cousins? Or would you aim for something like Brexit to protect your national heritage and identity?

Based quebec. My friend is in mcgill and he says the left is prominent within the academic institution. This seems to be conflict with your second paragraph. Care to explain?

Also how would Quebec function differently if it were its own state? What would be the most noticeable difference after quebexit?

We already have Law 101 which protects the french language pretty well.

We expect a rise in french immigration if the situation oversea keeps deteriorating. An independent quebec would probably be very white, compared to the other north american state, considering we have little to no Niggers here and that our Ethnies are so centered in Montreal that they don't stir shit up.

Less than 1% of the population speaks neither French nor English, and 5% speak english only, So we'd basically be New France, honestly.

Religion wise, we'd be pretty Atheist considering we have a bad taste in the mouth from decades of Religion and power meddling together. But Quebec's atheism isn't the "Spaghetti monster/Reddit tier" atheism, It's a "Look, Please try not to interfere with Public life" kind of atheism.
Also, Happy St-Patricks.


Left is proeminent, but it's not an "American" left, as I try to explain. Our left is mostly promoting "Vivre ensemble" as in, differences can live together in harmony as seen in the Mosaic of culture that are Montreal and Rawdon. We are used to being taxed heavily provincially, So our left is more one that wants better access to education and better subsidy to culture, rather than one that scream out loud "There isn't enough Diversity in X, Y and Z!", This bullshit doesn't pass here, since Quebec consider itself a Minority within Canada, the only "There isn't enough X" you might see, is when talking about French/Anglo in leadership positions.

The british should have wiped you out or sent you back when they defeated you ungrateful frogs.


>implying homosexuality didn't start with 3 british guys on LSD in a college.

If 1838 would have worked out, We'd probably be a state, The patriots pretty much made themself a copy of your constitution in preparation to a victory. It was written both in english and french, But the english version was lost.
>1. Fuck the Monarchy
>2. We're a republic
>3. Natives get to have vote rights
>4. Separation of church and state
>5. No more feodal system
>6 Erase debts of Patriots
>7. (Unsure)
>8. No more jailing for debts (Except if fraud)
>9. No more death penality (Except if Murder)
>10. Rework the Mortage system
>11. Freedom of press
>!2. Jury duty is extended to french speaking
>13. General education
>14. Vote by ballot
>15. Immediate elections once victory
>16. Vote rights for 21 Years old males
>17. We confiscate crown's lands and church possessions

They tried. Some of us were sent to Australia, then we came back.

So... Is Quebec based??

It actually is.

Go on any News article comment section over here, You'll see some Sup Forumslite comments here and there.

When the federal call us provincially Islamophobic, and that it isn't rare that mosques receive Bacon by the mail, I think we can qualify ourself based.

McGill is probably a bastion of Anglos in Montreal. It's an English language university.

Also this.
Thank you, I'll be going soon, Mind keeping the debate going?

Not sure, but I feel like #7 "douaire coutumier" might be a dowry

Can keep an eye open but I'm on and off Sup Forums right now. Also not a quebequois proud Ottawa Franco reporting in.

Used to think Quebec souverainism was retarded when I was in high school, but nowadays I tend to think "if that's what they want, then they can fucking do it I guess."

Sounds pretty good to be honest. I don't normally support independence movements but in the case of Quebec I really do. Just be careful if you do get it, that in the initial period of economic weakness that you don't sell your new nations soul for short term prosperity,

>Also, Happy St-Patricks.

Merci mon frere.

Are you among those that wants Northern Ireland to be Irish?
Ottawa is a good city. Much better to visit than Toronto.

>normally don't support independence movements

I find that surprising coming from an Irishman honestly. Part of why I'm in support is the same reason I'd support Irish or Scottish independence, or brexit for that matter


Then stop shit posting here and make it happen. And in the case when you fail to do it just blame the ANGLOS like you always do. You honestly believe you'll just keep the Saint Lawrence and walk away with many Canadian assets and companies sitting inside Quebec. I genuinely believe that you guys shouldn't be apart of this country you've been a poison to it.
I too support the right for Northern Ireland to exist.

I just checked... It's a wealth repartition thing.
>If the husband dies, The Dower is the fact that 50% of what the husband possesses is given to the widow.

So long story short, unless you got heirs, the money isn't staying in the family.

And what would happen to the St-Lawrence? You'd dry it up?

Nice, how did the average guy in Quebec react with the mosque shooting???

Presumably some sort of shared custody agreement would have to be reached. On the one hand, the geographic situation is favourable to Quebec, but on the other, Canada isn't just going to relinquish it. Similar problem to the fate of the maritimes

When will this die? You KEKS voted to stay in Canada over and over again....

Quebec is by far the most cucked province its given us the most cucked leaders possible

Since 1838 Quebec, le bitch province, has received about $500,000,000,000 in essentially welfare payments from the rest of Canada.

Sure, separate already. Good riddance to bad company...

The average guy felt 'bad' for them, But said "Well they didn't want to integrate. Being secluded isn't how you oughta act to bring tolerance."

But then Turbocucks at ottawa screamed "Fuck free speech, Special rights for the muslims."

No one in Quebec really cared. They had to bus in muslims from toronto for free to fill the funerals.

Its a fucking waterway, add a generous trade tariff to trend across the Quebec section, keep it low so Canadian traders can still make a profit and everybody stay happy. Hell make it free for export. The federal government of Canada are a bunch of spineless corrupt pussies, the moment the traders that finance nearly all the political parties start breathing down their neck they would back off immediately.

Most of these leaders as you call them were only accepted into the federal government because they were staunch federalist, many of them eagerly back stabbed Quebec once in power because once you're in office promises don't mean shit, well in Canada at least.

French user here. I would LOVE to see an independant Quebec, and it saddens me that this might never happen.
Independant Quebec would secure the French language on North America which is threatened by strong Anglo influence in the New World. Also your flag is fucking awesome and I want to see more of this.

Added benefit, I get to flee in some French speaking country once France eventualy become Francistan.

>Presumably some sort of shared custody agreement would have to be reached
You know how much money goes through that thing every year? Far more then Quebec has ever been worth. I can't think of any other reason that all that welfare money is sent there. Simply to placate the corrupt politicians who will threaten to raise the peasant mob with the threat of separation if they don't get what they want as they have done many times. We don't get anything else from Quebec but a constant barrage of how much better they are then everybody else. Why would Canada give it up or just let it be taken with no repercussions?
>bunch of spineless corrupt pussies
That's honestly hilarious coming from a qubeker.
>many of them eagerly back stabbed Quebec once in power
The average attitude of a quebeker would prompt any reasonable person to do this. You people would step on somebody else throat if it meant you got to stand an inch taller to say: we are the only ones here who are special and deserve special unique treatment.

Just read Wolfgang Streecks "buying time: the crisis of democratic capitalism" and this is essentially what the book was all about. Financial interests pull the strings on governments, and this is why Quebec will probably never separate

This is actually funny

They won't superstar because Canada won't honour federal pensions and other debts. It would put Quebec into economic slavery off the bat.

If they expect to leave and get any benefits from Ottawa they are as stupid as these Quebec cucks on this board.

They would rather sit back and leech off the rest of us while claiming that they aren't

>Québecois nationalists hate our cuck socialist """""""""nationalist""""""""""""


Really ? In Australia ?

>Do we need to rework the Nationalism we practice here to include Ethnic minorities? Im divided on that honestly.
Nation mean Race, there is no such thing as a nationalism that include foreigners.

And these foreigner aren't minorites but invaders, you should expel them before you become like us

Also a very good point. Can't say I oppose their separation, but there will be consequences they must be ready to confront

>nation = race

Holy fuck, where do this meme comes from jesus christ? A nation is the correlation of the peoples that live in it and will it to be so, it has absolutely nothing to do with race. Yeah, you could make a nation that is heavily inclined toward racially induced morals and belief, but that doesn't mean that all nation care about race.

Generalizing isn't a good thing, no matter the context because it tend to disregard less obvious aspects of the thing you're talking of while in fact their influence might be greater than first thought.

>It would put Quebec into economic slavery off the bat.

With efficient bookkeeping and disposing of the privately owned banks, it could easily be feasible. Just do like the nazi, make the currency base its value on the GDP itself, we could also argue that all the stuff that is already here and is worth something would still be worth the same as it was prior to the separation as to boost the value of our currency. Also pretty much sure that all the international companies and the likes that base their operation in Quebec wouldn't want to bother with the whole clusterfuck that getting their industry out the country would be so they would surely be willing to play ball, actually giving further credibility to the currency itself.

Lets call it the ''piastre''

Kek, I second this
>ca vas fair 10 piastre 95 cennes, chum"

You realize companies stay or go depending on the economic policies, not based on a 2 second uncertainty created by one event, much like Trump's election or Brexit. Besides, what if companies go away? That just creates an open space in the market for it to get filled by new entrepreneurs and investors, it's nothing inherently negative mid-long term. And no, the Saint Lawrence won't go away, when a country gets independent, it keeps its current borders, as per international law, and it would be difficult for Canada to get into a military conflict over a just and democratic referendum with all its policies being based on being the UN's good little child, and with also being the US's neighbor.

Going to Montreal for spring break this monday. I always try to visit the ghetto in any city I go to. So where are the worst neighborhoods in Montreal?

I really want to see how rough/ghetto french speaking people look.

whoops meant to reply to OP

Pointe-Saint-Charles and Hochelaga are pretty bad.

Montreal north is the worst imo, its like a mini detroit. The very few time I went pass there it looked like one giant crack house, all the houses and apartment had huge ass metal bars (a rarity here in Quebec, peoples are actually civil to one another, to the point that you can leave the front door open and everything will still be there later that day. ), addicts everywhere, pawnshop abound like crazy, nearly all the building in the industrial part looked either abandoned, sweatshop or so sketchy there probably a drug lab behind the garage door.

Honestly Montreal is a cancer upon Quebec, without them we would already be sovereign.