For argument's sake: What is the problem with white people becoming a minority in their own countries?
For argument's sake: What is the problem with white people becoming a minority in their own countries?
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Whats the problem with africans being a minority in africa?
Because the minorities now will not believe in protecting minorities when they are the majority. History and present world conditions prove this to be true.
Because without a white majority, western civilisation will die.
What's the problem with Native Americans being a minority in America?
They had a good run, and now they get drunk and operate casinos.
Do you really want to live under african rule? Protip:look at zimbabwe to see what happens. Or hell south Africa even
Nothing LOL
So... whites should kill themselvess so as to give up their resources to the superior IQ gooks?
To deny White citizens of White nations the right to preserve themselves - biologically, ethnically, and culturally - is the true example of racism and hatred. Genocide is never acceptable. What can be more racist than the systematic eradication of an entire race?
White people losing control of their country worked so great in South Africa that it will surely work in Europe too.
There is no problem. White nationalists are cucks.
If any non-white country was run properly and formed a good society, people would be moving to non-white countries.
Whites are already a global minority, when they become a national minority the existence of an enjoyable life goes with them.
Integration doesn't seem to be working for the majority of immigrants, and we've actually seen evidence of second generation Muzzies becoming far more radicalized than their first gen predecessors. Most attacks are second gen Muzzies. I'm pro-Palestine all the way, and I find the Arabs to be lovely people (I'll catch some shit for that one), but the integration is clearly failing. Pretty much every country right now has a two party system, imagine how easy that will be to maintain when you have a 50/50 divide among the people on almost every issue.
I know this is a shill thread, probably for mining data, but whatever.
Genocide implies actual murder, not shifting demographic ratios. If somehow 1 billion brown people came to the United States and whites were reduced to 10-20% of the populace, that would not in any sense of the word be an example of genocide.
Because empathy is an inherently White feature
If you are only using IQ as the metric to determine the worth of a race, then yes.
But even with a higher iq than whites, most asian countries are still brutal hellholes, unlike most of the western world. Really makes you think.
>comparing most natural resource rich nation in world history to dusty bucket of sand
I think color supremacy is overrated and completely stupid. It will only lead to the alienation of people with the same viewed but born with a different skin color.
What's important is culture and values since that is what makes up society. "White" culture means standing up for democracy, freedom of expression, freedom of speech, celebration of individuality etc.
>White nations
What is the point of a body without a brain
disgusting post
first post, best post with which to activate your almonds
Nothing, as long as they stay in power.
>South Africa
Look up the definition of genocide, and research how international law defines genocide.
I for one will fully embrace becoming a Minority. You better believe I will apply for every single GIMMEDAT I can, ya know, being the minority and all.
Population replace is genocide according to the UN definition
Which part?
No you retard, the UN even defines it as the other user put it
White culture is the primary carrier of Western Protestant Culture. Western Protestant Culture is so superior to all other cultures (but admittedly only slightly better than Western Catholic Culture), that its loss in the United States would degrade the culture of the world significantly.
Why are people clamoring to get into white countries in the first place? there is your answer.
Whites are already a minority
For argument's sake: What is the problem with you dying, and another man moving in to your house and taking your wife?
If you like white people, you wouldn't want white countries cease to exist. I'm white, I like white people, I want more white people around me.
Depends on what you value.
If it happens to be art, science, philosophy, infrastructure, civility/empathy etc then it is a problem.
If you prefer degeneracy, barbarism, violence and pestilence then its a good thing.
>>Mental Harm
Are you triggered that there's other people in the world?
Leftists say they love diversity and that cultures should be preserved while simultaneously advocating for the deconstruction of the most inclusive and progressive race.
White Christian people didn't do everything perfectly, but holy fuck their overall approach to the building of society is by far the best and most balanced.
>More native americans than asians
>equal number of asians and blacks
>more than 4 times more natives than white people in the world
i love u lol
>Taking your wife.
You racist slobs really are paranoid! Good stuff, man, this shit's fucking hilarious.
(((They))) will not stop until the very last White is diversified
Is it genocide when Chinese displace the Tibetans?
westerners are liberal degenerates that are destroying this land
its neccessary
To answer that question you have to be willing to ask, "what's the practical effect of a society having a majority non-white population?"
Decolonozation in the developing world, and integration in the United states, provide answers to that question and those answers aren't good. In each case communities which transitioned from majority white to majority non-white saw significant declines in social stability and well-being. Crime dramatically increased, economic growth slowed or reversed, individual rights became politically constrained, and ethnic violence became increasingly common.
We've spent over 50 years experimenting with de-whitening societies and the results have been almost universally negative.
>le whites are the majority meme
Yes in one fucking part of the world but globally whites are already the fucking minority. Why does no one ever mention this?
(((Their))) plan is on schedule
Because white people keep the world from imploding.
Because it's against the narrative
That or maybe they consider Asians white in their mental gymnastics
The red ones might represent actual indians, and or muslims.
Why is it that the Maoris are considered to be indigenous to New Zealand and are treated as a protected class of people, when it is well recorded that they only arrived there by canoe as late as 1250?
Conversely why is England considered to be a nation of immigrants and Englishmen being persecuted and genocided when the Anglo saxons were present here for at least 10000 years?
Basically, my point is to apply the same argument to any other race and see whether it seems moral and just or not.
It's a parable, you dimwit baitposter.
Nothing Goy, embrace diversity! Remember the 6 billion pay reparations
Stop the genocide of ethnic Europeans
Sweet Jontron opposition post OP, and nice Facebook meme steal. Fucking Kike.
You are on the verge, just embrace it already.
>in their own countries?
This is your answer right here.
Have you seen minority white countries?
If you are belonging to a group, you need as much power as possible to preserve your values and freedom. This is guaranteed in a nation state with a single ethnicity. Your self determination is only threatened from outside, and practically not at all due to the constant threat of a global nuclear holocaust. Because of immigration, these old conflicts are emerging again, this time within your borders and with no protection at all. The reasons remain same: ressources and cultural domination.
Because it's their country and culture.
Because they will be a minority and therefore killed/persecuted, being the only ones dumb enough to not protect themselves.
Because humanity is dead without them.
Because only whites have the creative + high IQ traits.
Ash jews and asians are incapable of creating art, ideas, concepts worth anything.
I don't feel like having the options of 1) Becoming Christian and live forever oppressed while paying the Jizya 2) Convert to shitslam but be oppressed anyway because they'll all see through me 3) Get beheaded
>For argument's sake: What is the problem with white people becoming a minority in their own countries?
reverse this shit:
imagine shithole mexico suddenly mass-migrated by a million extremely conservative whites that enforces their own ideas than mexico's
Germans aren't actually butthurt about Dresden right?
You lads bombed 10x as many cities just as bad including London
Yup. Racism and bigotry are wastes of energy. I feel like my brain hurts just from interacting with these 14 year old brick walls. I hope you all get better at being decent human beings than this. I mean, there is a fitness board on Sup Forums, you don't have to be talking about your white genocide, or whatever made-up bullshit you think is holding you back.
> Be Shill
> Post For arguments sake
> Sits back and watches (You) argue
> ????
> Profit
Not looking good
Welcome to Europe
actually Eastern Europe will be the only white countries on earth, they aren't taking in any third worlders
Fuck off Kike
It's made-up bullshit. All the good white culture in America is the result of interactions with other cultures, by the way. That's what a culture is. White people learned survival from the Natives, and how to make cooler music from black people. Only became wealthy from trade with the Chinese when they had hard dicks for silver. There never was an isolated white paradise. And if you cite an example of what you think one is, I bet there's way cooler places.
What is South Africa
Objectively, nothing. If the people coming to Europe were high IQ Japs and Koreans who respected the law, intergrated well, and worked hard, Europe would still be a good place to live, albeit very different.
That said, we humans are not objective. Replacing the Human race with superintelligent AI would objectively be an improvement, but I can say for sure that nobody wants that to happen. They would probably argue that Robots don't have the same attributes that make us human, such as love or empathy. Nations are not very different. To simply drown an ethnicity out by replacing the demographic robs the countries they inhabited of their identity, and systematically destroys the legacy of every Roman Emperor, every French King, and every Russian Tsar. Every drop of blood spilled during every single war to ever take place on European soil. Every single philosopher and scientist and inventor. After all, practically every country that didn't begin as a colony is based on ethnicity and not ideals.
Of course I was only talking about the "good" immigrants. Blacks and Muslims will watch the world burn as we're already beginning to witness.
Aside from asians, civilization will die.
Look at the product of white and asian civilization, look at their contributions to life, science, technology, how they created and fought or defended freedoms.
Look at any non white or asian majority country, look at the crime, the poverty, the IQ, the quality of life.
You can't escape your genes you are what you are made of, and we have many prime examples of how for example blacks don't maintain the things nevermind building ontop of what they're given, over and over again.
Look at the history of races and nations
Here's a funny little video parody
"White Man's Burden to lead other races to succeed"
Found the Jew
Well become crime ridden shitholes like California and Brazil, Minorities will treat us like shit for enslaving them 500 something years ago.
Why do you think minorities always voted democrat? California will never vote republican again unless trump goes full fascist and deports every last Mexican there. Legal or not.