we przidant nao
Miller the Nigger Killer
>I want to die
no one is stopping you
I get the impression that this never happened.
This guy just admitted he was spying on someone to see what they were looking at on their phone?
Nosey trash.
Please be real
Spicer lurks /m/.
I have two SS friends that are redchannit regulars
What is "Chick fil A"? Is that a retarded way of saying "Chicken filet"? Why is this guy talking about chicken filets?
Trump. He's literally /ourguy/. He's the only true oldfag that moved lulz to another level. He's also a regular poster on Sup Forums
It's a fast food restaurant
wow ahmed
How the fuck would he know it's a white house staffer
Gr8 digits
Gotta get my tendie fix somehow
Nice quads
it's also "Chik-fil-a" not chick-fil-a, it's obv a brand name.
ofc muhammed would have never heard of Chik Fil A, Germanistan
It was me guys, sorry. I try to lay off the fast food but come on its chik fil a
chick fil a is a fast food restaurant, known for their CEO making christian conservative statements against gays and stuff.
I am told they also have good chicken sandwiches, but im not in the south so i dont have access
>Didn't specify Sup Forums
Kellyanne browsing /hc/
It was called Chic Fil A in my timeline. But now I´m here and everything is better.
Calm down, he was probably browsing /mlp/
the Pepe pins give them away
I wonder how he'd react if he saw an interracial dating/cuckold site on his screen. Would he still want to die?
Vanilla Spice on \a\
>MFW White house chefs get their meal plans from Ja/ck/ webms on /ck/
Probably not real but YES LAD
If it were true (highly doubtful), so what? Sup Forums is a board of peace. There's nothing wrong with enriching yourself with the musings of a Lesotho garment-weaving-tip sharing forum.
Dude, there's a Chick-Fil-A here in Nashua NH. If that's "South" to you, then I'm sorry you live up past Franconia Notch or worse yet, in Maine.
quads = truth
Considering the guy who runs Trump's twitter copied a few posts from here, it's safe to say everyone at the WH is aware.
user... you might want to google the name...
it's spelled Chick, retard
No he'd say "there's hope for this country even with Trump in office!"
Actually I have full confidence in this
Trump campaign workers and other assorted GOP staffers have been known to browse Sup Forums, especially during the campaign season
This place is much more popular and well-known in Washington than you think.
it's chick
you changed timelines
Hey faggot what's wrong with living in Maine
Chick-fil-a is what all fast food should be: food made to spec by well-adjusted happy white teenagers who are polite and not stupid.
Hahahahahaha God damn redchannit!
We have Chick-Fil-A in Maine and you can go fuck yourself nigger.
Maybe what happened a couple days ago is for the best.
If you get a chance to visit, try one. I don't know other areas, but in Oklahoma at least:
>staff is all clean young white people
>looks like a Christian youth group
>exceptionally fast, courteous service
>food is made fresh to order every time
There's something magical in its simplicity.
I recognize this faggot. Creeping over my shoulder while I'm on break.
What a loser.
It was a young staffer who had his id sticking ot of his pocket. Most likely an intern.
I'll stick to Harold's Chicken Shack!
Its like visiting the 1950's
is every single line of yours a sarcasm? Cause based on what I see in my local chick-fil-a, I think it is.
Don't worry guys he was probably browsing
>I want to die
Kill yourself then, faggot.
Is that vomit or old period blood poured on top of the fries? That's the most horrible looking abortion of fried chicken I ever clapped eyes to.
nah you're just confused because their commercials have the cows that said "eat more chikin" or something like that
I got what the Wall Street guy was doing. I don't get what these people are doing.
it's confirmed, Sup Forums is plagued by normies.
I can confirm this. The people are almost always white, or close to. They are always well dressed, groomed and polite. Very fast service for food that blows other fast food out of the water. I love their fries the most.
That's mild sauce.
Hi NH, NH here.
>Retard trying to sound smart
All those people who can't hide their damn powerlevel. And now we're getting military grade shilled non stop for weeks.
Aren't there a lot indians (feather not dot) in Oklahoma due to reservations?
lol that was me
/ourguy/, obviously
Spicer prolly posts on Sup Forums
That was most likely me he saw.
You all will likely ignore this post but kek will bless me with digits to confirm it's authenticity
Sup Forums is essentially reddit now. It's almost completely unrecognizable compared to 3-5 years ago.
Oklahoman here, they keep to their Rez and casinos and rarely venture out of them. Oklahoma is a white mans paradise honestly
Yeah I too knew it as Chik Fil A until I realized we are now in the Chick Fil A timeline
Shits weird
I know for a fact it was Chik
Remember asking my mom why it was spelled Chik when I was a kid and she said it's their brand
>doesn't know about the "Chik-fil-A" timeline
yikes buddy
No it's not.
Burnt as fuck M8 gross
>live in somewhat ghetto area
>chic fil a opens up the street
>go in to try it out, see some black people working
>*concern intensifies*
>get my food and sit down to eat
>a couple of the black workers are on break, sitting at the table next to me eating lunch
>listen to their conversation, they are discussing school sports, homework, and church
>mfw they even found good god fearing black people to staff
I'm not actually sure how Chick-fil-A finds their workers, but they are legit some of the friendliest nicest employees I've ever had to deal with at a restaurant.
Ask about the other things user. The world map changes, the northpole changes, the Star Wars, Mirror Mirror on the wall, the Berenstein bears etc.
Maybe in your timeline..
Good thing no one knows I work for the Supreme Court and browse Sup Forums.
>unironically believes in the mandella effect
ok buddy
>bongs have toast sandwich
>murikans have toast burger
Lmao stop stuffing carbs down your throat and hit the gym fatboy.
Location of my stomach changed apparently
Holy shit.
I remember seeing it as a kid and always thinking it was weird they spelled it with a c.
>Sup Forums is 115th most popular site in the US
>One of 2000 white house employees browses it
Trump runs his own Twitter.
Dumb Satania poster.
It's the paid trump shill who maintains trump generals.
Don't act like it isn't a shill doing it.
The one near me is just like that anons says. White, clean, quick, friendly. Every time. Even the one in the poor black parts of town hires only the lightest skinned blacks they can find.