> busy being degenerate
There's no way hot chicks hang out here...right?
>when she looks thicc but u need more pics to be sure
op pls deliver
>encouraging the decline of the western female by egging her on her crusade for attention by defiling herself for a 3 minute fap session for a bunch of nerds and rejects
Like it matters if you're a hot chick anyway. Unless we're going to have e-sex.
Thicc confirmed. Unfortunately my Nexus is dead. I have a library of her on that phone
Shes fat hiding behind camera angles
why would any decent looking girl waste her time on a fucking right wing political board??
>being a faggot and ruining the part of western civilization that is able to admire and fantasize about women without wanting to stone them to death
(You) have to go back. (You) have to self deport.
What's our female population like? 10-20% of visitors?
I'm sure 10-20% of them are pretty attractive, so there might be a few thousand qts browsing.
If so
she looks half nigger
Those are all post-op dudes, faggot.
That's funny because she would probably say the same thing about you.
She's certainly not half.
Sup Forums is too effeminate to accept what you just said. They'd rather jerk off like fag boys and worship women on the internet.
at best there's probably 3 types of girls here
>ugly girls with low self-esteem
>hot girls with low self-esteem
>LARPers (transgenders/technically males)
ugly girls with low-esteem are the most common. they usually won't talk about how they're female and will act like any other poster. i think they're the ones starting the female hate threads because they're angry at other, more attractive, females success (but idk). also, when i say ugly, i mean realllllyyyyy ugly. usually they'll be black but so are a lot of people on Sup Forums so...
there might be the occasional gem who posts here who is pretty, trad, and normal. but, it would be autistic of us to imagine that.
what the fuck is wrong with her face
did someone hit her with a baseball bat?
how do you know how many people frequent Sup Forums?
I doubt it's more than 5%.
Ive seen a poster from Czechia, Chile and a few Americans that said they're women for one reason or the other. It's kind of hard to make an estimate because everyone is anonymous but just making an educated guess and going with the fact that most women are not really interesting in politics, especially in a politically incorrect board that revolves around nazi frog worshippers and agents of a god of primaldarkness, I'd say there are very little women here.
Most of the women that come here are late 30s to mid 40s. Who gives a shit.
> nazi frog worshippers and agents of a god of primaldarkness
I've always been under the impression that most of us don't *reallly* believe and hardcore raciat. Just a way to keep normies away
One of the Argentinian posters is an attractive woman in her early 30's. I used to have pictures of her from a few years back but I had to wipe my drive because of corruption, so they were lost.
>fapping to static jpegs on Sup Forums and covering it with high road speeches about civilization
Pls gas yourself
>no tits
>no timestamp
>I'm a girl
Sure gtfo
I saw a girl I knew in highschool positing on Sup Forums once. I haven't talked to her in years but I do know she's a conservative, kind of mean though.
So put her in her place and dominate her, faggot.
Are you expecting her to suck your dick for free?
Yeah I made a lot of mistakes three years ago. I've wised up and I'm less of a beta now, sucks that it's pretty much too late, her armpit hair grew in red.
You're okay I guess.
Also that ID
>b nu 2 year
>Be a nu male for 2 years
Fuck no.
Never claimed to be fag
That woman looks like the archetypal American woman.
nigga that's kawaii
You know the rules. Show penis or GTFO.
Pretty sure she has German heritage. And fucks like a demon
Indeed, she here was two days ago
was here*
fucking weebs
Boy hot is a relative term huh?
Did she finally succumb to her whore side?
No shit. Body of a 12 year girl, face of a 19 year old dude
This is what real women look like senpai. They don't all have perfect beach bodies.
Are those cutting scars on her right hip?
and no penis at all.
>ywn cuddle with that cutie
I'm a hot grill who lifts, reads Evola and gets mind blown by Jordan Peterson talking about Pareto principle and the rise of communism. I have friends, money and a husband and I'm not autistic. The only thing I don't like on here is threads with nigger torture pics of necklacing or how much you guys put down women. The real red pill is accepting that women hold the cards yet offer nothing in return and if you can't get a gf it's because you're lacking in some areas. Lookism is real.
Woman here and i am nazi too
whoaaa cool :o
oh hi~
woman here, i only fuck black guys, sorry white bois but your dicks are too small
gib snapchat plox
H-Hello, I-I am also a f-female~
C-Can you also add Romania on t-that list?
qt's tbqchwyf
You know nothing
The only girl I know of that goes here is my buddies former gas station coworker.
My bud and her brother both went here and she ended up going here. She was pretty cute desu. Kinda like a Piper Perri looks wise.
>nazi too xD
I-I'm sorry, but 14 years old girls don't count as w-women
y-you too
Tits or gtfo
tate sau iesi acas
This is a slide thread barely worthy of /soc/
saged, reported, hidden.
Fuck off faggot
i'm a girl and people say i'm attractive. i'm pretty autistic though.
You know the drill
I'm a girl
Who needs girls when you can have girls (male) ?
>you'll never cum inside your Sup Forums gf
why live
tfw posted noods and other pics on Sup Forums that some reverse search back to Sup Forums and [spoiler]/vp/
This is my very first post I made on my brand new phone
>old weird skin around the neck
>cute but sagging tits
Lol. That's exactly what happened. Received OP image this morning. First thing I did was post here
life is suffering
gotta stop making crops of this baka
Timestamped pics, this could be anyone.
show tits darling
What he meant to say is ==== )~~
how do I get a flat chested gf?
Of course not they're too busy riding Chads cock. Not to say that there aren't females here. We're probably just not what you're expecting.
>INB4 that's a man baby
this thread is against the rules :(
y-you to m-monkey
Go to a local school and find one.
Glad to see that hormone therapy is working out for you Styx!
youre cute fuck off
swiggity swooty
Would you prefer my SJW look?
Your choice.
>Abdul dick is not an option
I want a +18 gf
be my monkey gf