>tfw if I was white I wouldn't be a failure
>nu/pol/ will disagree with me but tru/pol/ will agree
Genetic determinism is the only reason I am not successful in life
Tfw if I was white I wouldn't be a failure
OP is right wtf I love determinism now
FPBP praise kek
Don't blame me for my shortcomings, they're not my fault, its my genetics :^)
>tfw white and unsuccessful
Sup Forums told me* that every white has the propensity within their genetics to be successful demi-gods who are wealthy, wise, attractive, fit, and entrepreneurial.
You're just being an anti-white cuck who denies his hyperborean demigod genetics.
Too bad I'm a lazy white. I racemixed with 3 chinese women and now there are 3 more halfbloods
nice that you found something to blame your failure on.
You were able to racemix, though.
I'm not able to even look in a woman's direction because I'm not white (not black). Being nonwhite precludes my ability to do anything other than be a shut-in.
I'm just using the same logic that's posted on this board/MPC/TRS daily.
I'm genetically inferior, so why wouldn't I be a failure?
QED, you cannot disagree with me and I win the argument.
>tfw if I was white, i'd have more musical prowess
if blaming your lack of success on your genes is in your genes then yeah, I agree with you OP
According to the science posted regularly by Sup Forums*, The Right Stuff.biz, and MyPostingCareer, it is.
Behaviour is entirely genetic, so I was born to be this way because I'm not white :^)
>Behaviour is entirely genetic
nice strawman
do you actually believe that there is a significant number of people browsing pol who believe this?
if so then you're stupider than them
Except that's not a strawman? It's a reference to actual scientific data, collected by (white) credentialed scientists.
Fuck off nigger, stop invading my board with your inferior subhuman genetics nufag.
>my board
>tfw if I wasn't white I wouldn't be a virgin right now
>nu/pol/ will disagree with me but tru/pol/ will agree and admit that white women want non-white men
Genetic determinism is the only reason I am not successful with women
Alright you want to do this?
>that's not a straw man, here's another strawman
Give sauce or fuck off. Make sure you archive it first chang. Most people who actually study human behavior will agree it's a mix of genetics and environment.
Yes you're genetics are inferior and you don't have the higher ceiling of potential, but you can also not live up to even your shitty inferior genetics which it sounds like your doing. Perhaps your true potential is lower than ours, but you should try to reach it anyway shitskin. You're like a drug addict saying, "It's okay I'm addicted to drugs, because I'm a drug addict."
Unless you're literally so retarded you can't understand the circuitous nature of your own argument?
I'm not asian.
Also your entire argument can be disproven with one word. ready? watch: niggers
You sort of get it, but you're being an anti-white cuck right now.
You're white, you have the peak intelligence/physiology genes. Go out there and lift some weights and code a fuckin' mobile app/game or something. You'll be /fit/ and wealthy in no time.
Your entire argument can be debased in one word: autism.
If you're not willing to actually debate this have fun circle jerking yourself in this stupid b8 thread, fuck head. You didn't post sauce, and instead simply said "niggers."
That's actual nigger logic; you should be ashamed.
>alluding to scientific studies used all the time on Sup Forums is all of a sudden "nigger logic"
>taking the "nature" side in "nature vs. nurture"* is all of a sudden "nigger logic"
>* = the very position that elucidates upon why "you cant take the savage out of the shitskin"
If I was white, I could get away with using logical fallacies.
OP is confirmed destiny fag
>announcing your reports
hello nu/pol/
jesus chrsit how dense are you
I'm talking about you claiming is it so according to Sup Forums
that a straw-man
>imb4 merely pretending to be retarded
You literally said behavior is entirely genetic. I asked for source. You said niggers. Yes that is nigger logic m8.
>scientific data
>give me source
>source: niggers
Black men are more successful with all women and Asians are more intelligent than whites. White people are going extinct and are hated today. How is being born white an advantage now?
Are you implying I'm wrong? If you are, then you're an anti-white cuckold who thinks that whites aren't the genetic apex of human existence.
see above
>tfw I have to post sources for things that are commonly accepted as truth on Sup Forums
>but (You) can just spew anti-white shit like this and cucks like these (, ) will take it at face value
Why are there so many anti-white nu/pol/ cucks ITT? The basic premise of my OP post is that "whites are the genetic apex of human existence".
How can you disagree with that (unless you're an anti-white cuck shill)?
>see above
Oh that's right, I don't have to because I linked all of your replies. Are you going to actually stand ground and debate me, or are you going to keep running away from me like a faggot? Provide me a source for your claims of scientific facts.
Obviously Jews are superior if they count as "non-whites", having other IQ's on average as well as occupying a disproportionate amount of positions of power in culture and finance.
looks like you didn't even bother read my post past the third line
here is what I said
Because whites ARE NOT perfect and are dying out today. The entire world hates white people, even white people hate themselves. Popular Western culture is all black ghetto rap shit, sex is all about the BBC and single motherhood and having fun. White men are the most hated group in the world and are getting cucked. The meme is white men are all losers with small dicks.
Only non-white faggots worship white men because they want to fit in with Hitler.
Fuck of SJW infiltrating my board to get material for your latest zine, I think we all see what you're doing here. You think we can't detect intonations of sarcasm in your obvious b8ing?
Whites are superior.
You have to go back ----->
No I meant see this:
>Are you implying I'm wrong? If you are, then you're an anti-white cuckold who thinks that whites aren't the genetic apex of human existence.
You're virtue-signaling your anti-white qualities again, Patchouli.
I'm the one who's asserted, from post #1 ITT, that whites are genetically/inherently superior. If you disagree with that premise, then you're an anti-white cuck shill.
Nice try, but no. Whites are the apex because they're intelligent while still being physiologically capable.
Jews are hyper-intelligent, but have you seen "jewish athletes"? Not to mention all the genetically heritable "jewish diseases", like Tay Sach's and Canavan's.
Ok but did (You) read my post(s)? My entire premise is that whites are genetically/physiologically superior.
You can't disagree with me without being an anti-white cuck.
I don't have to "worship white men" to be pragmatic about the information presented to me regarding their genetics.
Also, your entire post is based on the premise that memes > facts
You're lashing out emotionally because you know I'm right, you anti-white self-hating cuck.
All I'm positing is that whites are genetically + physiologically at the apex of human existence. The only reason you'd have difficulty reconciling this is...you're an anti-white cuck!
It's true. I'm white and I'm a rich Adonis that makes 400k per year. I love being white.
Not an argument. Keep projecting your anti-white sentiments onto me, I can literally sit here for the next 10 hours and hone my autism in on every single one of your posts.
You've already started contradicting yourself by disagreeing with me, kek.
This thread doesn't really belong on Sup Forums this is literl Sup Forums tier trolling.
>whites are superior
I was actually going to feed you troll but you're incapable of having any kind of meaningful discourse with me. Please use my screencap in your zine where I said "Whites are superior. /Thread."
>whites are superior!
>getting bred out, their own women don't want them, they're checking out of society and being virgins well into adulthood
>all cucks and hated by women and non-whites
Just accept it man. Stop being a white worshiping loser and see the truth that whites are not the best and are getting bred out of existence for being cucks
>My entire premise is that whites are genetically/physiologically superior
let me remind you that in the op you said
>Genetic determinism is the only reason I am not successful in life
and in post later you said
>Behaviour is entirely genetic
the first one doesn't imply the second two
Post sauce for behavior is entirely genetic please. Still waiting for you to get your head out of your ass.
Typical low energy anti-white shill.
I also like how you're projecting your mental illness onto me, in addition to the whole "do as I say not as I do" thing with the strawman about "zines" (seriously how fuckin old are you).
>h-he pointed out logical inconsistencies in my post
Your self-hatred anti-white complex runs really deep.
Whites are superior and you're arguing with a guy that agrees that whites are superior. Top kek no wonder the whites are destroying themselves, such a self destructive society unable to admire their own strengths. Multiculturalism has destroyed your country because your white leaders are extremely inept, not listening to the warnings of your forefathers. All the good men died during the world wars, quite a shame.
t. Israeli visiting US
>bred out
Whites breed fine, niggers breed like rabbits because they have to jave 8 kids hoping 1 survives.
>White women dont want white men
this is retarded. 2% of relationships are interracial
Yes it does.
If I was born with a certain genome, then that determines/determined my behavior for the rest of my life. If whites were born with a certain genome, then that determines their behavior for the rest of their lives.
It's pretty simple.
Why are there so many self hating whites ITT? Goddamn this is unnerving.
>Whites are superior and you're arguing with a guy that agrees that whites are superior.
You get it.
and you're pretty retarded
>and you're pretty retarded
Well yeah, I did specify that I'm not white
>comes to Sup Forums to complain about his made up straw-man boogeyman of what's Sup Forums like
really made me think
nice strawman faggot
>admitting that whites are the superior human race
>complaining about a strawman
Choose one (1), anti-white shill.
>nice strawman faggot
Nice anti-white shillpost, faggot
He's being satirical dude, you think a non-white is shilling so hard for white power? He's making fun of you. As far as arguing, I asked for a source to back up his claim behavior is entirely genetic, then he launched this "YOU ANTI WHITE SELF HATING KEK" nonsense; this thread is horse shit and baiting. He's satirizing us, whether he's actually white or not doesn't matter.
>He's being satirical dude
It's sad how much you've internalized all the anti-white propaganda directed at you.
This guy ACTUALLY gets it.
I worked at a lottery stand for 2 years in college
There are more shitty white people out there than you can ever imagine
You say that because you identify with his own self-doubting brand of anti-white didactic.
Kinda sad how you have to embellish these grandiose conspiracy theory strawman arguments just because it's so hard for you to reconcile the fact that there are nonwhites in existence who are capable of being pragmatic about white genetics.
Do they really have those "VLT" slot machine terminals in gas stations and bars like in Trailer Park Boys, or is that just in certain territories?
>Continues to ignore all logic
>Continues to circumvent dialogue
>More Strawmen
...Yet you guys still don't see what he's doing huh... Just me and the one other guy see him satirizing his perception of Sup Forums? I'm out, have fun with this stupid nigger.
>can't read IDs
Wow, you really are mentally ill...you've internalized so much millennial anti-white propaganda that you can't even avoid sperging out when someone who ISNT white relays the (objective) facts about your race that you uphold as gospel on a regular basis.
You're so mired in anti-white mentality that you actually need someone/me to provide you a "source" for your genetic+physiological superiority when it's brought up...how sad.
If you're white and a Sup Forumsack, you should already know which studies and publications I'm referring to (e.g.: The Bell Curve [w/r/t race and IQ], Don't Make the Black Kids Angry [w/r/t race and violence]).
what did you just say?
>what did you just say?
I didn't say it, I typed it
OP has obviously never heard of terms like "predisposition", "statistical outlier" or "anecdotal fallacy" .
>OP has obviously never heard of terms like "predisposition", "statistical outlier" or "anecdotal fallacy" .
Ive heard of them, but none of these terms have ever disproven the facts that I'm "predisposed" to behave a certain way because of my shitskin genetics
You maybe right user but Im sure as hell still gonna try to be successful
The point is you are only predisposed, its not the same as a compulsion.
Just because you don't fit the average doesn't mean the average isn't the average.
>Just because you don't fit the average doesn't mean the average isn't the average.
"Just because you aren't as violent as the average shitskin doesnt mean the average shitskin isnt violent"
Glad you understand. To suggest otherwise would be an annecdotal fallacy (that can't be true because I know this one person...)
Nature is massively more important than nurture, but they both play their part.
>Nature is massively more important than nurture, but they both play their part.
So then you agree with my original premise that I would be successful if I was white (e.g.: if my "nature" were different).
No I would say you have a higher chance of being successful as a white person in the right environment, than a black person in the right environment.
Here is an example for you OP, these graphs show how violent tendencies have a greater correlation to race than they do to affluence, employment and education.
That makes almost no sense, though.
>if you're born nonwhite: you're more likely to be violent
>but if you're born nonwhite, you have the same opportunity to be successful/employed/educated :^)
I've no idea how you got that from what I said at all.
I'm not saying you have the same opportunity, I'm saying that race is a better indicator for behaviour than environment. Your comprehension skills are weak.
>violent tendencies have a greater correlation to race than they do to affluence, employment and education.
You're asserting that race has an impact on propensity for violence...but no impact on propensity for employment/intelligence/success.
>Your comprehension skills are weak.
Yes well I am a dumb 'ol shitskin after all. If I was white, I'd probably have better comprehension skills.
No I'm saying it does.
What those graphs show is that irrelevant of (for example) the fact that a black man is rich, he is more likely to be violent than an a white man.
They don't say anything about the propensity for success. If they did they would show that it is a weaker correlation with their race compared to the white race.