How should I respond to this?

How should I respond to this?


tell them Isreal and China did it and it worked

Nobody knows and can know if the border will work.

It is important to send a hard and tough message once and then just maintaining the idea it is not worth the risk to try.

Ender Wiggin: Knocking him down won the first fight. I wanted to win all the next ones, too. So they'd leave me alone.

The wall is just one aspect of larger policy

worked for the jews

Really breaks my heart that Jews won't be able to profit as much but at least we save Western Civilization

First off he doesn't address the point you made in your first comment regarding nationalist policies. He completely ignores that and focuses on cost. Bring it up again and again until he addresses it directly. The cost is irrelevant with regard to nationalism because the highest values in nationalism are immigrant control and homogeneity of the population. Cost is a secondary consideration.

Thanks, I think I'll do something like this, along with the wall working for Israel.

It saves money in the long run

Illegals suck a lot of money out of the country and lower wages.

25 billion isnt that much money compared to how much illegals cost the US

You were defeated the instant that you engaged. To paraphrase molymeme, the time for arguments is over; there are no more arguments.

Guve em this word for word:
Mexico doesnt have a choice, the US does. The US is Mexico's single biggest trading partner by a huge margin wheras US/Mexico trading is much less reliant because simply put, the US could always ask some other impoverished South American country to trade with them (including the extra wall tariff) and they would snap it up like hotcakes.
Make no mistake, Mexico would not dare bite the hand which feeds them.

>25 billion on the wall
>we spend 10 times that each year paying for illegals' healthcare, education, housing, food, etc.

Has he/she responded OP?
We need screenshots damnit.

It didnt
Its not

Mexico also benefits from being a trade partner as the trade deficit is over 50 billion dollars in Mexico's favor per year. America and American's can stop buying products from Mexico and buy products from other countries and it would be more harmful for Mexico compared to America.

Also, a wall does work, many countries have walls or fences that have limited and slowed down the flow of immigration.

How's the Golan Heights doing these days?

He's not really contesting the point you're making. The end -- control over the border -- is not in question, rather, only the mean of achieving said control.

In other words, there's not much to respond to because he himself isn't saying anything about your main point, which is that there is a double standard when it comes to the United-State regarding immigration and border integrity.

Update 1/2

2/2. I guess he's done

>democrats hate spending money now

I hate this gay earth.

He's right. The wall is fucking retarded. Use patrol drones w/ infrared instead.

That makes a lot of sense.

We should also give Obama control and tell them the Mexicans are muslims..

But the issue of the effectiveness of the wall is secondary to the main point: does the US have a right to refuse immigrants on the basis of an exercise of its sovereignty alone, i.e. arbitrarily, or does it need to subordinates itself to some other criteria other than self determination?

If the only thing your friend is arguing about is that a wall will not fulfill such and such objective, there's not much issue. This is a pure question of fact and scientific analysis.

The morality of the situation is stupid simple. Ask anyone why we shouldn't be allowed to enforce our borders and all they can say is "It's wrong!" but can never explain why with any sort of concrete reason.

Sorry for being out of touch, but what does TrashDove mean on Normiebook? You don't appear to display any traits of a conventional Nazi (our interpretation of that little Puple Pigeon supremacist), but does it actually mean anthing else-or have they just derailed because you were about to pop their bubble and penetrate their safespace?
Anyway, you brought up legitimate points burgerbro, well done

It's just a stupid meme, I imagine that's his way of saying "I don't have anything else to say" without actually typing it.

It's objectively more stupid than using ad hom. It is literally the last thing one can use as a response on fagbook when they have nothing left to say out of fear of looking like a retard, so they post a goofy .gif instead. You'd honestly just be better off deleting the post.

It was his post fortunately, he linked an idiotic Huffington Post article and I finally commented and interrupted his friends-lost hugbox after like the 5th time he's done this. He can leave it up and look like an idiot all he wants. I should have been more crass in my responses, but he's an old friend of mine.

It's not entirely simple from the liberal point of view. Assuming for a moment that the United-State is a better society, and assuming that differences in outcome should be earned on merit rather than luck or privilege of birth, how do you then justify the fact that you have inherited a much better, much richer, much more powerful society simply due to a random act of faith? As liberals are won't to say, you didn't chose to be born here, and the Mexicans did not chose to be born over there. Presumably, the merit of two babies is equal at birth, yet one is overly disadvantaged. How can one stand for this kind of unfairness?

This is a genuine problem.

(You're not talking to some open border cuck. We just have to be able to contend with the underlying moral content of the liberal mind.)

I'm afraid I will never understand conventional social media, some used to be good in their beta phases but alas they all seem to pander to a non-target-demographic hyperliberal/SJW minority (much alike the gaming industry sadly).
Maybe I'm just getting too old for this...

But don't forget, once you enter Sup Forums

Because it's the objective best 'social' media platform

The hard truth of the world is that life isn't fair, obviously. How would you contend against an argument like the one you just mentioned?

If it's not going to work then why do all the illegals care?

That's what I'm saying - he should have just deleted the post, but after realizing he had no more good input on the matter, he resorted to posting a retard-tier meme in hopes of evoking a chuckle from whatever normie friends happen to read the comments, in effort to make it seem like his viewpoint is above yours, so that .gif automatically cancels out anything you said prior because "he couldn't think of a better response." That's how normies think.

you're right
wall is retarded
we should just exterminate all mexicans

You did well OP.
Came off very reasonable. The other person looks like a douche.

>"hold up, I've got to ask my Internet friends what to say"

>But this isn't about crime or criminals. It's about criminals and crime.

>The hard truth of the world is that life isn't fair

And yet is not fairness desirable? Should we not make the world fairer to the extent that we can?

(I'm playing devil's advocate.)

My argumentation takes the line of necessity rather than justice or fairness, and shift the point of view from that of the child to that of the parent.

While my person being born in a certain country is arbitrary and divorced from any notion of merit from my point of view, it is not arbitrary from the point of view of my parent, who chose to bring me (or someone) into this world under these conditions. They are the one who chose to transfer this physical and social capital to me, in a way that is much more personal and direct than when it involves the decision of a "social agent", like in the context of an immigration policy.

As to the necessity argument, it run generically as follow. Identify an objective which you know most people would consider desirable (for instance: social cohesion) and demonstrate how mass immigration, especially from certain places, may make the achievement of this objective less likely. This latter line of argumentation, in my opinion, can be rather rich.

Tell him that 25 billion is less than 1% of the US budget while illegals annually cost the country 100 billion and the wall will pay for itself in less than a year due to reduced remittances and the reduced illegal labor in the country while also rising wages and reducing unemployment.

>not about crime or criminals
>it's about illegal immigrants and drug trafficking

wait wut


We are nations of people separated by our creed, our ways. If one nations way is by nature better, surely that have the right to the profits of their path, their superior ways. By allowing immigration you dilute that original creed in one way or another. That is why many people are pro-immigration when it is from 'Western' societies, because their ways are both desirable, hopefully compatible and they have ways that evidently work-See Canadian/USA migration-However even then this topic is contentious due to our tribalistic nature. 'If we let one in, how can we not let another in?' many would ask.

Let the child be the change he wants to see-surely if the child is born to be great, the child should take steps to ensure the next generation is in a climate to not worry about such things that the previous had to (And not to make new problems, such our previous generation have)

The 'creed' of the US is one predominantly of a strong capitalist society, with a Romanesque tactical army to prevent its people from facing hardships. Meanwhile Mexico, though capitalist by nature, is also selfdestructively corrupt; with both cartels and politicians actively working against public interest. By allowing Mexicans into the US, they will unwillingly take their culture, their creed with them. {See the increasing amount of Latino crime and gang/cartel activity in states next to the Mexican border}

Tl;Dr Be the change you want to see, and do not abandon your fellows who lack the luxury of movement

And you don't have to keep saying 'Devils Advocate'-you have established that leafbro