>Brazil is third worl-
Brazil is third worl-
that's Switzerland
Heres a (you) betting this is the south part of Brazil where the upstanding people live
This is Bern, Switzerland. U jelly?
Wow! One area that was preserved by whites is not a shithole! Really makes me think.
Europeans built this
That's Brisbane
kek one look and i know thats not brazil
fuck off monkey
why are you posting a picture of south africa ?
Thats Aarhus
is this geographical appropriation?
I am, that's a beautiful looking city
Detroit has never looked so good.
Hey, at least Miguel shares same power socket as we do. Too bad they have different networks with different power though... (i.e. Miguel is cargo-cult tier stupid).
You are fake news monkey
That's Toronto you dumb spjc
At least post Brasilia you proxy nigger.
That's Jellington
Excuse me, but this is Bernen, The Netherlands
Congratulations OP. You went full retard.
You just make me even sadder, OP.
I hope the PCC kill your family.
That's New Delhi, you dumb spic.
We have more of those, btw.. : ^)
thats brno, southern poland
Yea, but how diverse is it?
I wouldn't live anywhere that whites are a majority
Damn, Switzerland looks cosy as fuck. Too bad you let in so many Balkan and Albanian sub-humans.
Nice try amigo
Ohhhh that's gotta bern
Say no more my friend
Why do they have a giant fucking radio tower in the middle of the city?
>Hue-hue denies favelas
Please continue, my friend.
fuck this I'm outta here
>>The Congo is third worl-
>American suburbs are disgu............
Because the politicians had already spent all the tax money the wanted in personal gifts when they noticed there were a few million in leftovers.
Now you know.
sugoi congo-chan
Why do you make me feel it?
Checked. You're right, that's a picture of Detroit before the white man stole it and destroyed everything proud black people worked so hard for.
>Romania is a third world shithole
Southern Brazil will become a first world country only when they split from the north.
that's not Brazil, ya cucked up boy
Mogadishu is a shitho-
sounds like an asian trying to say white in spanish
>Brazil takes an image of Switzerland and claims it's Brazil
Alright Trump, drone strike Brazil next.
>yfw a free southern brazil would become a fucking leaf in terms of cuckery
We're fucked up too, man. Don't expect much of us, I'd trade 10,000 citizens of eastern Rio Grande do Sul/Porto Alegre with 20,000 natives anytime.
Yes that is pretty fucking beautiful, and im from Toledo
Sounds like the name of a Mexican maid t b h
I meant western Rio Grande do Sul.
The folk known as "gaúcho" is a cancer and should be exterminated, along with the metropolitan region people.
choose one
Mumbai is a pooho--
What the fuck?
>Brazil isn't a German co-
Sweden isn't-
did he died?
Oh my someone ia about to get enriched
Branca in spanish is blanca, japanese people can't pronounce the "l" correctly and replace it with a "r", so they would say it as "buranca"
>Black people
>Work hard
Pick one
looks familiar...
>Cherry Picking - The Thread
Canada isn't firs-
Man, judging superficially by the pics I've seen to this day, Sweden in ugly as fuck. Just a bunch of modernist boxes full of glass and concrete, autistic brutalism in its prime. It's funny how even a slum in Rio de Janeiro (ugly hellhole) can be more aesthetic than Sweden as a whole.
kek brazili is anexing switzeland or what?
--white anymore.
>New Zealand is a bucketofsh-
>Uruguay is third wo-
Ooh got it
Brazil is a wondrous place
brasilia gommie buildings doenst go well with the vibrant brazilian people
from the national museum..
It's bad enough when they tried to change developed eastern whites culture into this identity-less international marxist bullshit, but for some reason it feels more cruel to drop this nightmare on some poor innocent monkeys.
Kinda makes me sad living in America. We will literally never ever have something like this. The only thing even sorta close is in new england
that chick has a giant penis
That is really pretty.
Is seeing this worth going to Switzerland though?
>Africa is a shithol-
The Filename makes it better
depends where you are in sweden mufasa, its hell of a lot better then living in a mud hut out on a field.
This is really brazil
>Chicago is a total shithol-
>all blonde
>all ugly
South is a joke.
This picture is faked
d shithole.
wtf i love brazil now.
yeah, kangships used 8 exhausts at start, everyone knows that
But it's better to live in a mud hut than to be sued/jailed for having a considerable amount of muscle mass. Or for saying hi to a girl. Or for beating someone who tries to break into your house. Or for being raped by a somalian 6" 11-years-old.
Your banter is shit, stop posting.
Your country is shit, stop posting.