What does Sup Forums think of gold and silver?
Real money, or meme metals?
What does Sup Forums think of gold and silver?
What a dumb fucking question.
Anything can be real money as long as other people consider it valuable.
god i wish i could just die and be buried in a solid gold coffin
keep collecting the paper jew, meanwhile i will be on nibiru trading with the annunaki.
The value of something is dictated by the need of said property.
Gold is nothing more but a meme metal, along paper money.
real talk.
It's only real money if that's what the powerful make it.
Gold has had retained value as a precious metal longer than any of our nations have existed.
Let's be real
It's meme metals
There is literally no point for a logical person to own gold, wow so shiny!! fuck dat it's just a piece of junk.
Water and food are the true value
stronk post
In money terms, you would hold small amounts either physical or paper as part of your long term strategy
Expected to hear retarded shit like but not from a Dane
>still collecting metals after the elder gods have left us
but it's only value is as a precious metal
just a shiny thing
a place holder to be traded for something with actual value later
you can't eat it and you can't burn it to stay warm
unless you know how to manufacture electronic components it's useless and even then the gold is not going to be the hard mineral to get a hold of
gold has unique properties like being dense, malleable, and resistant to rust
just like US dollars have the ability to bomb countries who don't trade oil in them
they're the only real money, educate yourself
All this thread has told me so far is the Sup Forums is poor and doesnt hold shit
I am sure gold worth so much because of all the needs of the electronic industry.
It's almost like we moved past a barter economy you fucking retard.
You've got the power to know you're indestructible.
You grade A dumbass, it's a commodity with a market price.
Real money, Has value. I am waiting for it to tank again and buy a few OZ of silver.
because whenever I'm hungry I pop out a nice crisp dollar bill and chomp down
>not realizing non-edibility makes it a better form of money
Why do you guys trust precious metals so much in the event of an economic collapse when there are so many historical precedents for governments confiscating gold and silver when things get tough?
United States Gold Confiscation—1933
>Labeled Executive Order 6102, President Franklin Roosevelt signed on a law on April 5, 1933 “forbidding the hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States.”
Australia Gold Confiscation—1959
>The law, part of the Banking Act in 1959, allowed gold seizures of private citizens if the Governor determined it was “expedient so to do, for the protection of the currency or of the public credit of the Commonwealth.” In other words, they made it legal to seize gold from private citizens and exchange it for paper currency.
Great Britain’s Gold Ban—1966
>To stem the decline in the Pound Sterling, in 1966 the government banned private citizens from owning more than four precious metals coins. It also blocked imports of gold coins (a common move to keep currency from being exported, similar to modern day tariffs on gold imports in places like India).
Italy’s Gold “Donation”
>Benito Mussolini—Italy’s prime minister turned dictator—tried to fight a nasty recession by introducing the “Gold for the Fatherland” initiative in 1935. He “encouraged” the public to “voluntarily donate” their gold rings, necklaces, and other forms of gold to the government.
tl;dr they will just take your gold and have done so many times before.
not with an asset which has to be bartered to benefit you
if were comparing objects paper money is more valuable
you still can't eat it but you can burn it to keep warm
Metal is a worthless currency. Only real currency is bullets, drugs, pussy, and food.
I took the goldpill.
Once, I was completely broke, and between jobs, with not much savings left. I had been applying for jobs for months with no luck. I wanted to make the most of the savings I had left, so I phoned up a friend of mine.
Now he's really knowledgeable about life. He has a big house, good car, all that sort of stuff. And he tells me to buy myself with the rest of my savings an item of jewellery. A watch or a ring or something, whatever takes my fancy, as long as it was 24 carrot gold.
So after this phone call I do just that. I buy a ring that cost me nearly £500. Now I'm not the type to buy jewellery, but looking at this thing as I left the store, I felt pretty good. And the more I wore it, the better I felt.
5 mins later, no joke, I got a phone call back from a job I'd applied for. Best gig I've ever had. Set me up for years. Most money I'd ever earned.
So yeah, gold is powerful.
if gold is so worthless, then why did france bomb ghadafi after he proposed a gold backed currency
lmfao they can try. We are not all cowardly Frenchmen
That's not true. Do not confuse currency with money.
Gold isn't real
It already happened once in the US.
There was no revolt.
money is meme. technically it's just some paper/metal coin/record in a server. The reason it gets value because people keep memeing it. It's basically meme magic
Jews are making a killing
Not even remotely the same society, youre just projecting because you have no gold.
and energy
fuel oil for heat being an example
also your own energy has value hence trading your work for something you want
You're going to store 100000$ worth of twinkies and mountain dew in your house faggot?
It's going to hold value.
Not going to hurt having a small stockpile of it, say 5-10% of your savings.
they dont really interact with anything, especially gold. also there isnt too much gold running around, and with our current techniques to alchemize gold using modern tech we can only make paltry amounts, something on the order of a couple grams over many, many years. until we can create gold at ease or a huge gold troves are found somehow, possibly in the ocean, then gold is a strong candidate for wealth.
and I'm sure every american complied like good little goyim
unfortunately I lost all my gold in a boating accident
no my money is in land
and not a piece of dirt with a shitty house on it either
I own several large pieces of yet untouched land filled with all the bounty of nature
I can eat the deer and fish
I can build a house or campfire from the timber
that's value
Its relatively slow growing supply and history of being used as a currency means it will probably still hold value into the future
Good for big geopolitical shifts, not necesarily the best investment
Avoid platinum, palladium, iridium, ruthenium, etc. as asteroid exploitation might tank their value in your descendents' lifetimes
1933 US seems like it would have been more resistant. They didn't have beta male sjws.
Paper money is also easier to transport.
>you can only have one or the other
Until it's taken from you by the government with "compensation".
Then you dont know anything about how propaganda was used back then or how much more faith the citizenry had in the government. If the government tried a gold confiscation now, it would be chaos.
um, basically. I mean, cowrie shells were often considered currency and on this one island they used these gigantic stone wheels for money.
much has been in the family since pre-civil war
I figure they would have done it by now
can only build one thing at a time
Don't be an idiot, they're almost always synonymous terms.
But if you want to go into the semantics, gold is still money, specifically - "commodity money".
I hold about $20k in gold as a hedge
I go gold dredging, that's about it.
>they're almost always synonymous terms.
Yeah, when you're talking with your grandma or with friends.
Both terms have a deeply different conception. One have value since millennia (money), and the other one should be a "representation" of that wealth (currency).
>tl;dr they will just take your gold and have done so many times before.
they will take my lead and copper first