These people need to be stopped
These people need to be stopped
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hahaha christcucks btfo
Deviants seeking to normalize their own degeneracy are never a good source of information.
>giving vice clicks
when will plebbit leave?
>has a symbol of Christ on his flag
No, but Vice are known to be racist and transphobic.
thank you
As a muslim I find this deeply disturbing
no that's a plus sign, it shows that finns are good at math
What the fuck, man
Yep. He was a bugchaser too.
He wanted to catch AIDS so he fucked a man on top of a mountain and got crabs. You think it was a literal burning bush?
Is this why Muslims hate Christians ?
then that's a shitty looking plus
JOHN 16:33
Well he sure as hell wasn't straight
Not like there are many other possibilities
The Islamic account of Jesus is basically Christianity sans Roman sorcery.
How do we fix the faggot problem?
All historical people, inventors, anyone who achieved anything really, were gay. Didn't you know that?
Seriously, I cdont fucking care about the gays, but dont start twisting history more than it already is. The white dude in the pic was gay, but he was just the model. Jesus itself I bet fucked women all the time,just that the modern church cant into it because "muh purity".
As a straight Jew, the homophobia amongst Jesus's followers has always struck me as a bit of a surprise: Worshipping at the feet of a ripped, hung man, seems at least a little homoerotic.
Obviously not because the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all the same God and Moses wrote Leviticus 20:13.
And God the Holy Spirit through Paul wrote the epistle to the Romans, explaining how a reprobate Is given over to all vile affection because they reject God.
>26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
>27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Romans 1
>As a straight Jew
I have some news for you
They need to be ignored. Hipster clickbait sites survive on outrage. Gook moot should make archive mandatory on Sup Forums.
I thought the libs were trying to say he was fucking a prostitute
ye, i always thought finns kinda look like asians. I guess now it's conclusive.
the filth of the Jewish mind knows no bounds
>Otter-like guy
Are all homosexuals furfags or just the majority?
This is hardly new a idea. It's been debated for several decades now in theological circles.
They're gonna make Jesus the new gay propaganda
>Was Jesus gay?
it's possible, very possible
There's too types of guys in the World since antiquity: those who chase skirt from the moment they first spit out white stuff fro mtheir cocks; and those fags who take it in the ass. Jesus wasn't chasing after totty so therefore he was a fag.
There are also pedos but they are a differnt species of monster
Because you're snowgooks
>"As a straight Jew, the homophobia amongst Jesus's followers has always struck me as a bit of a surprise: Worshipping at the feet of a ripped, hung man, seems at least a little homoerotic. But it's Jesus himself who lights up my gaydar like a Christmas tree."
I fucking hate kikes so much
So if I don't shave my body, I'm a furry? Go fuck yourself bigot!
Stop following christianity
Click bait anything survives on overemotional reactions to positive or negative stimuli.
Christ of the bible is pretty cucked, he's an unrelatable character who acts like a weirdo.
This is something that I could actually radicalize for. I was born into a Roman Catholic family, and all though I've turned away from the Church somewhat as I've aged, seeing these people attempt to subvert Christianity is sickening. Christianity as a whole does more good than evil in the world and is a moral institution that typically opposes the kind of degeneracy these faggots are already normalizing in our society. Fuck this.
"As a straight Jew, the homophobia amongst Jesus's followers has always struck me as a bit of a surprise: Worshipping at the feet of a ripped, hung man, seems at least a little homoerotic."
Say whaaat??
you did and look at the state of your nation. really gets those neurons firing.
have you ever read the bible? or do you just go off of what you heard bloggers say?
>Was Jesus gay?
Why would it even matter?
What is with these fags and their fascination with turning everything gay?
Of course it's a fucking KIKE taking the opportunity to defame Christ. There places in Hell are already prepared.
>Was Jesus gay?
lol,no. he never existed
You're confusing Jesus and Moses.
They're libtards, what do you expect?
He was probably poly-amorous. Clearly, Mary Madeline was his soulmate. Fags just want him to be gay because 12 brosephs is every gay guys wet dream.
Adds up.
Who gives a shit
Paul is a drunk cuck who never met Jesus.
Does Jesus is gay?
I agree with you on this, bugerbro
>be Jesus
>literal son of God
>preform massive miracles
>gain a cult following
>people base time of of you
>fast forward to 2017
>libtards brainstorming on how to make everyone gay
>"what if we said Jesus was gay?"
>quickly write the most retarded article of all time
>gets media attention from liberal media
>"Christians worship a gay prophet so hating gays is hypocritical"
>media ruins the church
>America ruled by Satanists and Athiests
>Was Jesus gay?
Does it matter?
YHVH is literally fucking everything omnidirectionally, and that thing is more straight than all homosexuals combined.
Are (((they))) behind this theory?
On what grounds did they claim he was possibly gay?
>Worshipping at the feet of a ripped, hung man, seems at least a little homoerotic.
????? How would we know he was hung? why are you even thinking about a man's dick as a straight jew?
lol Christianity is KEKED
Hinduism is the most multicultural, multiracial, and has multiple gods. Hell, you can even create your own God who is gay, LGBTQABCDEF... etc
Join hinduism.
You forgot the deal about people writing, rewriting and re-editing (and flat out cutting out material) from the books in the bible over the centuries to fit the church's agenda.
Speak nothing about how the gospels are largely just rewritten reinterpretations of alleged events, written decades or more after the fact, based on one or two master sources and being mostly rewritten in the process due to either political reasons or plain misinterpretations of the text due to inaccurate translations from original greek text
I'm at school, I don't got time for the details of the fucking bible
why hello there mr. almost flag
>"Jesus wore a dress"
>Therefore he's gay
Gays need to be purged from this earth.
Vice is full of clickbait like this
They have headlines defending cannibalism, necrophilia, pedophilia and all sorts of degenerate shit but it's just a ploy to get views
I think much so
You think they'd write an article about this on Muhammad? You damn know why they wouldn't too.
You know what? While I disagree with many of their beliefs and so on I'm beginning to think that Muslims are on the right track with their violent radicalism.
You can't fix everything by throwing people down from stuff.
Have you ever gotten to throw fags off Mount Everest?
This is blasphemy. Being associated with some retarded jew crazy cult leader just reinforce the stereotype we gays are mentally ill. No, Jesus wasn't gay, and I'm glad he wasn't.
>Worshipping at the feet of a ripped, hung man
Clever. I'll give you a solid 8 just for creativity.
When the race wars happen we also need to kill atheists.
No need to throw them, fags go to mt. Everest to die. Only alpha straight men can climb it successfully without dying.
>As a straight jew
ya played yourself
>My Everest
"No beta fags allowed"
>Inb4 Satan was trans gay demi angel who was kicked from heaven due to racism after he told Eve about feminism
Can somone just raid them already?
We are only going to do it if the digits repeat
He was a black gay transsexual Muslim woman with autism and blue hair
>Satan was trans gay demi angel who was kicked from heav
Well that part is mostly true
>Was Jesus gay?
Praise kek my duuude
No, he is the Son of God.
Considering he fucked Mary Magdalene, nope.