Destiny shills himself (or has paid shills) on Sup Forums

...And mods probably know.

Other urls found in this thread:


Get in here faggots, mods are suppressing this

Im glad that other autistes are working hard at BTFOing this fucking pleb, because I hate him but don't consider him worth the effort.

I look forward to a lulzy youtube video 2 months from now cataloguing his demise.

Screencap this. Sargon "The Alt-Lite Assaulter" of Akkad BTFOing him right now on livestream is the beginning of the end for this fuccboi.


Open and shut case. He must burn.

Yep. Way too many threads about this in the last few days to be organic.

Growth hacking the 4chans boys

he doesn't need to pay shills; his autistic fans will do it for free

Or he does it himself through proxies due to his ego. "UK guy" here was literally saying the exact same things he said in the debate few minutes later.

Most of the threads are probably made by the same Swedecuck.


It's more likely his autistic fans

At least he got pretty much raped by that other e-celeb a few minutes ago.

they're just cucks, he has a legion of beta manlet neckbeard followers that come here to shill for free

I'm sorry, but did Destiny already lose? Oh, that's right. The debate isn't even over yet. In fact, it barely started. Does not having the lead by the first few arguments count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the debate is still on? Destiny is still debating right now and he has been the best debater of the left for how many years now? He's debating one of the worst debaters of the alt-right who just happens to have a lead because they're feeding off the energy of talking to a major debater and streamer. But you know what? He still fucking sucks. Destiny is one of the best fucking talkers of the left. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Destiny wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, your alt-right debater just stepped out of bounds short of the argument when they needed to get one. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Destiny topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the guy because he's good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking guys on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.


doing Gods work Hans. It has been a shill festival here from destiny fans past months. It's getting pretty annoying

how can one person be so cucked?


is he legitimately autistic?

the fact that he has a kid and i'm a virgin makes me feel bad. i'm just going to assume he's only fucked whales and psychos.

I dont think you know what "shill" means

It seems he also uses view bots on Twitch. Either that or he has surprising number of Russians/Russian proxies that watch him every single day.

Remember to sage and report all Desticuck astroturfing threads. This smallbrain manlet is NOT /ourguy/.

It's LITERALLY ogre for destinyfags
>REEEEEEEEE's internally

What studies show that married women are happier? Not against the point, but I want to add it to my arsenal. This is a point I'm pretty ignorant on.

Also, I feel if I came out as a legitimate racist and debated Destiny I'd fucking destroy him.

You wouldn't want his baby's mother to even suck your dick. Look her up, lmao.

Someone tweet him this. He comes to pol anyway.


is destiny heading for a molymeme moment?


when did he do this? LOL

of course he does. This reeks of Anita and Zoe Quinn levels of shillery.

I hate this traitorous cuck


Surely this is taken out of context.

wtf i noticed that guy from the UK shilling his videos too

Problem is just that destiny is a collectivist. Fuck statist facist and communist alike

Who is this cuck and why should I care?

I read the material presented in this thread and he is cuck. So what?
What does he want from us?

He said during the debate it's his gf's kid. He's legitimately cucked.

Can you imagine being so repulsed by what someone says, so that you have such a strong physical reaction you start moving like an autistic child?


Destiny eternally BTFO

Figured the threads were an attempt to generate interest in this fags debate vids now that his SC streaming career is almost dead. Just don't give him views and he'll go under.

Nothing fills me with more joy than to see this Neanderthal looking cuck get destroyed on stream. He literally had an autistic meltdown at the end.

Its known that he and his fans shill here. You can always tell when he has been raped in a debate because they go silent here for a few days out of embarrassment.. Same thing happened with NakedApe.

Watch as Destiny will now resort to attacking low hanging fruit to restore his ego.

mods are leftypol faggots desu


>Destiny never gets brought up on pol except maybe once a month
>Destiny sees the political climate and wants to start debating people because he knows it's a cash cow right now
>Destiny shills the fuck out of himself on Sup Forums
>Sup Forums takes the bait of giving him publicity because any publicity is good publicity
>Destiny wins because he's going to make cash off these

nah he has a small following of autists who do it on his behalf without him actually asking for it

He cares more about his ego than the money. He "needs" to win every debate.

why is his body so fucking weird? look at how small his shoulders are! they are closer to his head than a fucking women's body!

he's got the body of a fucking 12 year old with an adult head


"I've Always Wanted To Rape Someone In Real Life" - Destiny actually said this

Make this into a webm or mp4 and i'll tweet it at Destiny.


From my point of view Destiny was less liberal than Sargon and in some aspects he was using ideas from the worst of bluepilled republitards and hardcore marxists alike, plus identity politics.
How did the modern left become such an absolute joke?

I like how he tells Sargon to "go see some world" where he's pretty much being an angry teenager and debating through temper tantrums and fast rambling without making a coherent point. This was ridiculous.




starts at 1152

This image got me thinking...what exactly is "feminization" of media like comics and games? Is it just any woman put into the center of a story at all, or is it just women doing shit that's clearly impossible, like women without superpowers or magic or anything like that walking into a room and beating up 100 dudes without a scratch or, even worse, beating up people with superpowers/magic/etc?

Because all I'm saying is one of the above scenarios is clearly retarded, but I do still like Aliens and will watch it whenever it's on to this day.

I report his stream for racism every single time. He's already been banned twice and the third Twitch ban is permanent.

Testing. I have the audio version as well.

>it's his gf's kid
yep, it's true
and also, biologically his offspring

>Watch as Destiny will now resort to attacking low hanging fruit to restore his ego.

That's wrong though. It fluctuates. It's a mix of big guys from YT/Twitter, random people on Twitter/Twitch and people from his chat
The population of random people is higher vs "high value" people.
And of course, it's harder to convince big guys from YT/Twitter to come on stream

Jim debated him, what? when?
link pls

hes a shill and is supported by shills
destiny feels entirely contrived and robotic in arguments

Steven "infestor master" "cuck" Bonnell the 2nd is my hero desu.

I used to troll his stream while he microed 3 control groups of infestors at 600 APM.

So don't talk shit about him, or else.

Why does he have a face of a retard? His face is strange in some way.

it's like he's trying to flush the words out of his ears

Not gonna, former Destiny fan here. Watching him crash and burn is hilarious. But in all seriousness, we can't let him become a political figure

he's a fucking disabled little turd. check out his stupid crooked jaw when he speaks.

Who the FUCK is this dumb fucking faggot anyway? I never heard about this retard before and now that I have, and from what I have seen, he is just a little mentally ill fart.

Remember to sage and report all Desticuck astroturfing threads. This manlet smallbrain is not relevant or interesting. sage all fields

>Im glad that other autistes are working hard at BTFOing this fucking pleb
there are 100 other youtube shills , what does Sup Forums think about, why does Sup Forums hate.

ban youtube and Sup Forums owuld improve massively

Id love to never see another e celeb thread. It was clearly forced. Even the supposedly redpilled faggots.


I sometimes wish I could kick the shit out of people posting here. All these losers watching those two hour 'debates' with this ugly little shit twerp and caring about him getting 'defeated' by other nobodies. They need to get their heads kicked in.

Yes it's annoying. He is a literally who and they're are suddenly a ton of threads. It's more likely to be Sargon doing this tho because he's a faggot.

Can you stop posting that blurry shit?

shut up destiny

he doesn't need to pay shills when /leftypol/ shills for him for free.

red flag

>Remember to sage and report all Desticuck astroturfing threads. This manlet smallbrain is not relevant or interesting. sage all fields

>poorest white households have lower homicide rates than the richest black ones

Can't make this shit up

your link is about victimization you fucking retard

Read dumb cunt.

Table six too

Of course this little faggot shills himself here. The threads about this Destiny stripper are even more forced than whenever that RooshV sandnigger shills his shit here.

Who gives about some fag who debates Alt Kike fags and supposedly BTFO? If his arguments actually were that damn gud then I'd actually be hearing about him outside of Sup Forums. I don't hear about this fucker anywhere but here.

>constructs and builders are idiots who don't like their jobs
>i know what construction is all about, i passed the vacum cleaner on carpets before
>asking questions and showing statistics is for childs, are you retarded ?

This guy never did any pushups or /fit/ in his life

>2 collage dropouts argue macroeconomics and social policies
>REE you're uninformed
>REE no, you're uneducated
>REE link sources

He is an elitist who shits on trades because he is weak. I think he should interact with some real men.

I genuinely think so.
I mean there was that thing with him planning to kill some kid for trolling him or something but backed out at the last minute.
But like, actually telling people that story in a somewhat proud way show a serious lack of being able to into "what is socially acceptable"
And how he sperged out with the DMCA things, not even just sending them but the shit he was saying too

And dont forget
>picking vidya over your own kid

Is that Ned from Ned's Declassified?